Message Russia allegedly defends the international order
Russian propagandists are spreading messages in the media, particularly in anonymous Telegram channels, claiming that the main goal of Russia's actions against Ukraine is allegedly to "restore respect for international law". They argue that the West has done everything to destroy its norms and principles. However, this is not true.
This message is an example of propagandistic distortion aimed at justifying Russia's aggressive policy and discrediting the West. It asserts that Russia's goal is to restore international law, but its own actions show the opposite. The anti-Ukrainian aggression initiated by Russia in 2014 violates the UN Charter, which prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity of other states. The annexation of Crimea is part of this systematic violation. Russia's attempt to position itself as a defender of international law seems contradictory, given its aggressive policy. The accusations against the West for destroying the international order through "double standards" are unfounded. Such arguments are exaggerated and used to justify Russia's actions, which systematically undermine international norms.
The claim that the Minsk agreements were a ‘fraud’ to lull Russia into complacency is also manipulative. These agreements were aimed at halting hostilities in Donbas, and their implementation depended on all parties, including Russia, which was a signatory. They gave Ukraine time to strengthen its defense capabilities. Moreover, it was Russia that systematically violated these agreements.
The rhetoric of this message is based on emotionally charged phrases and distorted facts. The use of terms like ‘great deception’ creates an emotional context that distracts from objective analysis. This is a typical tactic to shape public opinion in the desired direction.
The international order is indeed under threat, but the main reason for this is the violation of states' sovereignty and the disregard for international obligations. Russia's aggression against Ukraine, interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and its destabilization of regions are key factors undermining global stability. Statements about defending international law by a country that violates it are merely a way to divert attention from its own actions. Restoring the international order is only possible through the adherence to its norms by all states, including Russia, which currently remains one of the main threats to global security.