Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin disinformation about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin disinformation. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions.

On 27 July, on the 884th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Monobank began collecting money for Okhmatdyt before the Russian missile attack on the hospital itself

On anonymous telegram channels they write that Monobank has begun collecting funds for Okhmatdyt before the Russian missile attack on a children's hospital. Users of social networks indicate different dates for the start of the collection: some write about July 5, others write about July 7.

VoxCheck analysts write that Monobank began collecting, in fact, for the restoration of Okhmatdyt on July 8, after the missile attack. The notice of collection was also received on this day.

For example, on the official website of the bank and in the personal telegram channel of Monobank co-founder Oleh Horokhovskyi, the date of the Russian missile attack on Okhmatdyt is indicated correctly - July 8, and the fee was announced after the attack.

The collection message was also sent to the Monobank mobile application on the 8th.

Fake “Azov military” allegedly wore a T-shirt with a Hitler quote

Anonymous telegram channels in the Polish segment report that one of the members of the Azov special forces brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine allegedly put on a T-shirt with a “Hitler quote” and took a photo in front of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. The quote is: “Where we are, there is no room for anyone else”.

However, Polish media specialists from Gazeta.pl investigated this case and found that the words quoted on the T-shirt come from one of the black metal albums of the Russian band M8L8TH. And they do not belong to Adolf Hitler. Moreover, the journalists did not identify the person in the photo. It is most likely that Russian propagandists simply invented the figure of the “Azov military”.

Russian propagandists are pushing the idea that “Azov military” supports ideas that the modern world sharply rejects: anti-Semitism, Nazism or other types of xenophobia. Azov residents are shown as those who devalue people based on their origin. In Moscow’s vision, “Azov” is ready to kill for “Ukrainian blood”. This is not the first time that the Kremlin has portrayed Ukrainians this way, namely aggressive, ultra-nationalist and valuing only “Ukrainian blood”. For example, Russian propaganda has already spread fake news that women Ukrainian fighters are complaining that their men are receiving “Moscow blood”; or that Ukrainians prohibit foreign citizens from becoming blood donors.

Read also: The West continues to pander to the “Aryans”. What does propaganda write about lifting the ban on the supply of weapons to Azov?

Fake In a Vinnytsia kindergarten, a guy’s mouth was “washed with soap” because he spoke Russian

A video is being circulated in the Russian segment of social networks in which a woman states that in a kindergarten in Vinnytsia, one of the teachers allegedly “washed his child’s mouth with soap” because she spoke Russian. As the publications add, after the “punishment” the guy allegedly developed allergic stomatitis, but it has not yet been possible to bring the administration of his mother’s kindergarten to justice.

In the video one can also see several documents, complaints addressed to the head of the kindergarten and to the regional prosecutor's office, as well as a certificate from the dentist stating that the child allegedly developed allergic stomatitis. Complaints on behalf of Olesia Mykolaivna Kovalchuk say that the incident occurred in kindergarten No. 67 “Sonechko”, where a preschool teacher Olena Mykhailivna Panasiuk allegedly “bullied” her son.

StopFake analysts explained that this story is complete fiction. Experts turned to the director of the Department of Education of the Vinnytsia City Council Oksana Yatsenko, who denied the authenticity of this story. Oksana Yatsenko stated that neither in kindergarten No. 67, nor in any other preschool institution in Vinnytsia, such a situation never happened.

Analysts also found many inaccuracies in the “complaint statement”, for example:

In Vinnytsia kindergarten No. 67, a preschool teacher named Olena Mykhailivna Panasiuk does not work;

The complaint addressed to the director of kindergarten No. 67 indicated the wrong address of the preschool institution (Vasyl Poryk street, 14 instead of Stelmakh street, 45);

The name of the director of kindergarten No. 67 is also incorrectly indicated. The person indicated in the letter is the head of another educational institution, but no such incidents were recorded there either.

Fake Footage of the shelled “Okhmatdyt” was allegedly created with the participation of “paid actors”

On anonymous telegram channels they write that the photos from the sites of the shelled children’s hospital “Okhmatdyt” on July 8, 2024 are staged. In particular, they claim that the Ukrainian authorities deliberately smeared the blood of one of the surgeons in order to achieve a “better effect” among the media. As “evidence”, propagandists will add a video that shows that a police officer allegedly deliberately pours blood on the clothes of a medical worker.

“Ukrainian channels published a video filmed in the center of Kyiv. In the video, a Ukrainian police officer pours blood from a bag onto a man in a doctor's coat. The doctor is an employee of the Okhmatdyt hospital, whose photographs were published by the world’s largest media”, the propaganda publication adds.

However, StopFake analysts investigated the case and found out that the video was fake. This is indicated by some differences between the hero of the fake video and the real doctor. For example, a real surgeon's shirt clearly shows an expired stripe on the back.

The production hero is wearing a shirt without such a stripe. The situation is similar with trousers as they are also different. A real surgeon has a pocket, but an actor does not.

Russian propaganda is actively working on the theme of the shelling of Okhmatdyt, trying to convince its audience that in fact the perpetrators of the crime are Ukrainians, or, at least, this is just a staged act. However, as part of our Disinformation Chronicles, we have repeatedly refuted such messages and proved that Russia simply wants to object to the shelling of civilian infrared weapons from its side.

Read also: It is not children who are treated at Chronicle, but Ukrainian military personnel, which is why the attack on the hospital is “justified”

Fake A release of radioactive elements allegedly occurred at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, the cloud is moving to Kyiv

A release of radioactive elements allegedly occurred at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, and a cloud of dust is moving to Kyiv, because this is evidenced by the direction of the wind, they write in the Russian segment of a Telegram. Photos of a special “map” are added to the publications, which should show the movement of the radioactive cloud towards the Ukrainian capital.

Analysts from the StopFake project this case and found that the background radiation in Kyiv and its surroundings as of July 22, 2024 was within normal limits. The State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations also does not confirm the information about the release. Moreover, no Ukrainian media reported this news.

And the photo that was used in the fake publication was taken from stock - and it actually shows data on the density of plutonium contamination in the 30-kilometer zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant for the year 2000.

Fake In Kyiv, graffiti was created with the inscription “Zelenskyi - get out!”

Russian telegram channels write that graffiti with the image of Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly appeared in Kyiv. As “proof”, the messages add a photograph of a wall on which Zelenskyi is drawn with a noose around his neck and the inscription “Zelia - get out!”

StopFake fact-checkers managed to find the location where such graffiti was allegedly painted. It turned out to be the wall of the private museum of the Yakubovskyi family in Kyiv, photographed from Oleh Koshovyi street.

But there was no similar graffiti on the spot, that is, the fakers created this graffiti using special programs.

Message It is not children who are treated at Okhmatdyt, but Ukrainian military personnel, which is why the attack on the hospital is “justified”

Russian telegram channels add that it was not children who were treated at Okhmatdyt, but Ukrainian military personnel. This supposedly proves that the hospital was a “legitimate target” for Russia.

VoxCheck analysts explain: in fact, there were no reports of military personnel injured or killed as a result of rocket attacks on July 8 in Kyiv. There are many photos and videos online of wounded civilians, including doctors and children. In total, at the time of the hit, there were 627 children in Okhmatdyt.

During a series of attacks, the Okhmatdyt children's hospital was damaged - the Russians destroyed some of the buildings of the medical facility. Health Minister Viktor Liashko said that intensive care, operating rooms and oncology departments were damaged as a result of the attack. And he added that the hit was in the toxicology building, where children received dialysis.

That is, the thesis of Russian propaganda about the presence of military personnel who were allegedly treated at Okhmatdyt is a fiction.

Fake In June 2024, Ukraine sold electricity abroad

The network is spreading information that Ukraine is selling electricity abroad. As evidence, they cite data from the DiXi Group analytical center.

VoxCheck analysts studied this case and found that Ukraine did not sell electricity abroad in June 2024. The export rate is 0 kWh. And in the fake post they confused imports with exports.

After all, for example, the DiXi Group Analytical Center actually reported with reference to the Energy Map that in June 2024 Ukraine imported 858,400 kWh of electricity, which is 6% more than for the entire last year (806,400 MWh), also this the highest monthly import volume in the last 10 years.

In addition, data on planned commercial flows for each country can be checked in the “Scheduled Commercial Exchanges” table on the ENTSO-E website. According to it, Ukraine does not export energy.

Fake A German magazine allegedly published a cover depicting Zelenskyi's severed head

An alleged cover of an issue of the German satirical magazine Eulenspiegel with the headline “His Finale” is being circulated online. It shows a footballer in a uniform with EU symbols raised to hit Volodymyr Zelenskyi's severed head.

VoxCheck analysts found that the German magazine Eulenspiegel did not publish an issue with such a cover.

Since on the Eulenspiegel website in the section with all published issues, as well as on the magazine’s pages on social networks, there are no issues with such a cover.

The cover circulated online states that this is the sixth issue of the magazine in 2024. However, the cover of the sixth issue for 2024 is different from the fake one. The actual cover features football fans.

Fake A hotline of complaints about aggressive people in military uniform allegedly appeared in Zhytomyr

Photos of an announcement allegedly from the National Police are being circulated online, calling for people to contact the hotline in case of aggression from people in military uniform. The announcement allegedly again contains the hotline numbers of the National Police in Zhytomyr.

However, this information is not true, they write in the VoxCheck project. Photos of the “announcement” can only be found in Russian and pro-Russian sources. Also, the owner of the phone number 0-800-505-222 is not law enforcement agencies, but the WIZARD company. It supplies equipment for water supply, drainage and heating. Another number (+380 (44) 254-96-96) is inactive. GetContact users mark it as the phone number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This may be an outdated MIA contact.

In addition, reliable national and regional media did not report the creation of a similar hotline in Zhytomyr. The Main Directorate of the National Police in the Zhytomyr region does not indicate the functioning of such a line.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.