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Fake A “dirty bomb” is allegedly being created in Ukraine again

Propagandists have again begun to spread information about the “nuclear threat” from Ukraine. This time they are using a statement by Ihor Kyrylov, the head of the Russian radiation, chemical and biological defense forces. He stated that spent nuclear fuel is allegedly being imported into Ukraine, from which it is planned to later create a nuclear weapon (“dirty bomb”). They say that this process is being handled by the head of the Presidential Office, AndriI Yermak. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine wrote about this. They noted that such accusations against Ukraine are unfounded. “Dirty bomb” is more of a journalistic cliche. Such weapons have never been used and, in fact, they are not classified as nuclear. Ultimately, in 2022, as a result of Russian claims about the production of a “dirty bomb”, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) arranged inspections of Ukrainian facilities, denying the Russian claims.

To spread this fake news, the Russians are resorting to whataboutism tactics with the intention of distracting attention from the Russian nuclear threat. While Ukraine demands that Russia be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism, Russia is trying to accuse Ukraine of terrorism.

Spreading fake news about a “dirty bomb” to create distrust and fear of Ukraine. Thus, they are trying to convince the world that Ukraine is supposedly a threat to it and justify Russian aggression.

Disclosure How Russia is engaging the Lukashenko regime in nuclear blackmail

Defense Minister of the Lukashenko regime Viktor Khrienin announced the participation of Russian troops in the second stage of trainig using non-strategic nuclear weapons. He expressed concern about “aggressive actions” from the West and said that Belarus is ready, together with Russia, to respond to these “threats”“.

Specialists from the Center for Countering Disinformation drew attention to the message. They note that permission to use Western weapons on Russian territory showed that Moscow’s nuclear blackmail did not work. The continuation of hysteria on the part of the Kremlin indicates that Russia has no other plan.

For its part, Belarus plays along with Moscow’s desires in order to obtain preferences in response to efforts to destabilize the situation in Europe. This applies not only to nuclear threats, but also to the artificially created migration crisis and participation in the information war against Ukraine. Russia is trying to up the ante in intimidating Europe by enlisting Belarus for nuclear blackmail.

This statement is part of a Russian nuclear blackmail campaign aimed at causing panic among Ukraine's partners and influencing the decision to support our state.

Message The West is allegedly helping Ukraine create a worldwide nuclear disaster

Propaganda telegram channels write that the West, together with Kyiv, are allegedly trying to shift the blame for dangerous incidents at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to Russia. And that in this way they only confirm their involvement in these provocations.

In fact, this information is not true. This was reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security at the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. The Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Serhii Kyslytsia, at a meeting of the Security Council rejected accusations from Russia that Ukraine could cause a nuclear disaster: “Someone believes that a country that is still recovering from a major nuclear disaster would like a repeat of Chernobyl in 1986? This is an idea that could only have occurred to Kremlin propagandists, because only Kremlin propagandists openly dream of radioactive dust replacing Ukrainian cities”.

In addition, according to the chairman deputy of the Board of National Atomic Power Generating Company Energoatom Petro Kotin, due to the incompetence of the personnel recruited by the occupiers, the necessary repairs and inspections are not carried out in full at the Zaporizhzhia NPP. In particular, this is why equipment failures are recorded, which significantly worsens the safety situation.

Accusing the Russians of Ukraine’s alleged involvement in the shelling of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and promoting this disinformation at the level of the UN and the Russian Foreign Ministry is part of the Kremlin’s nuclear terrorism. At the same time, in this way propagandists discredit Ukraine and throw another “argument” into the information space to justify aggression, which sounds like “protection from terrorism on the part of Ukraine”. Read more about how Russia blurs reality by resorting to rhetoric about the “Ukrainian trace” in various troubles in Russia or even the world here.

Manipulation The HJS think tank allegedly admits that there is inadequate control of hazardous radioactive materials in Ukraine

Russian telegram channels are disseminating a report from the HJS analytical center, which allegedly indicates the fact that Kyiv has insufficient control over dangerous radioactive materials. However, this is manipulation.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found out that the report analyzes the nuclear security situation in Ukraine against Russian missile strikes. The authors do not indicate that Kyiv does not sufficiently control radioactive materials. In contrast, the report notes that the main threat to radiation safety comes from Russian attacks on nuclear facilities in Ukraine, which poses serious threats to NATO countries, including the UK.

The study makes recommendations to the UK and other NATO countries on the situation, such as using diplomatic and political means to reduce the nuclear threat, supporting the IAEA to create a “nuclear safety zone” around Ukrainian nuclear power plants and deploying radiation detection instruments. It is noted that the UK and NATO should initiate the development of an international legal instrument for the security of nuclear facilities during armed conflicts.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) did not reveal any violations during its inspections of nuclear facilities controlled by Ukraine. Moreover, the IAEA Board of Governors approved a resolution on the need to return the Zaporizhzhia NPP to full control of Ukraine.

Propagandists spread such manipulations in order to discredit Ukraine and divert attention from Russia's actions. Detector Media has already written about other Russian manipulations concerning the IAEA.

Fake Ukraine allegedly “conducted underground nuclear tests” in the Poltava region

Russian propagandists are spreading information in the media that Ukraine is conducting nuclear tests. They claim that the earthquake in the Poltava region, recorded in early March 2024, is allegedly evidence of an “underground nuclear explosion” from Ukraine. They say this may be an attempt by Ukraine to hint to the world that it has nuclear weapons and is ready to use them. However, this is not true.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to this. They emphasize that Ukraine is a nuclear-free country and does not intend to conduct nuclear tests. Earthquakes in this region are a natural phenomenon and are not associated with nuclear explosions.

Russian officials began spreading disinformation as early as 2022 claiming that Ukraine was planning to use a dirty bomb. However, these statements are not confirmed. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has never expressed any intention to acquire, or worse, create, nuclear weapons. In addition to the Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine has obligations under a number of other documents - both national and international. On October 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a statement on the country’s nuclear-free status. Three years later, Ukraine actually joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It is this document, and not the Budapest Memorandum, that obliges Ukraine not to own nuclear weapons.

Disclosure Russia once again intimidates the West with nuclear war

Russian political scientist Serhii Karhanov, who previously proposed a “pre-emptive retaliation strike” against one of the NATO countries, published an article in which he demands a change in Russian nuclear doctrine. According to Karhanov, if the downing of Russian planes and subsequent bombing of Russian cities continue, then, according to the new doctrine, powerful nuclear attacks should be carried out on EU countries. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council.

Karhanov also proposes to abandon the nonproliferation doctrine and “help” “friendly countries” obtain nuclear weapons, in particular, the Arab world and Latin America. This should supposedly help Russia achieve victory in the war, which he considers the complete occupation of the eastern, southern and central regions of Ukraine.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to use the US election period to force the EU to reduce military aid to Ukraine and agree to peace negotiations on Putin’s terms.

Karhanov himself is considered an influential scientist and is a member of the scientific council of the Russian Security Council, but does not directly participate in decision-making. Moscow uses statements by Karhanov, as well as ex-President Dmytro Medvediev, solely to frighten the world with a “nuclear cataclysm”.

Read also: The EU flouts its principles because it supports providing Ukraine with depleted uranium weapons, but wants to impose sanctions on Belarus for nuclear weapons

Fake Ukraine plans to purchase uranium for the manufacture of nuclear weapons

On anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, they write that Zelenskyi plans to purchase uranium from Niger for the manufacture of nuclear weapons. The authors of the fake explain that the purchase contract seemed to have been signed in November 2023 by the current Minister of Defense Rustem Umierov. At the same time, they cite the African publication Sene News, where journalists quoted one of their military personnel to support this thesis. It is not true.

The fact-checkers at the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council wrote that there were no official statements from Ukraine about the so-called “purchase of nuclear weapons”. And Rustem Umierov did not make any trips to Niger and did not sign such purchase contracts. That is, this is another stuffing of Russian propagandists who continue to replicate the Kremlin’s rhetoric about the use of “dirty weapons” against Russia including in order to justify unprovoked aggression and bloody war.

Read in our material why Moscow is implementing a disinformation campaign against Ukraine and why it lies about the use of nuclear weapons by Ukraine (and threatens nuclear bombing on its part).

Message The Daily Mail allegedly writes that Ukraine is working on a “dirty bomb”

Propagandists are disseminating information with reference to a publication in the British tabloid Daily Mail, allegedly Ukraine has the components to create a “dirty bomb”. They say that the UK began to view Ukraine as a potential threat to Europe due to the fact that Kyiv allegedly “sells weapons indiscriminately to whom and where” and as a result of which terrorists can illegally transport nuclear materials through Europe to the UK.

The story in question is a Daily Mail report titled “Radioactive substances could be smuggled out of Ukraine during invasion unrest and end up used in “dirty bombs” on UK streets unless border controls are tightened in NATO countries, warns nuclear energy expert” dated December 12, 2023. However, this is manipulation.

The StopFake specialists drew attention to it. They found that this time propagandists are manipulating Rachel Bunyan's Daily Mail article to once again portray Ukraine as a danger to the world. In fact, nowhere in the Daily Mail publication is it written that the Ukrainian authorities are somehow illegally selling components for “dirty bombs” to terrorists. On the contrary, the author points out that the danger is precisely the unlawful Russian attacks on Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

Dr. Ghiassi, a research fellow at the Henry Jackson Fellowship think tank, noted in a commentary for the Daily Mail that Russia's takeover of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, one of the largest nuclear power plants in the world, has resulted in regular shelling and power outages making it impossible to safely use the plant. According to the expert, the situation becomes even more dangerous due to the fact that more than 3,000 nuclear fuel cells containing highly radioactive substances and plutonium stored in metal containers at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant are vulnerable to air attacks.

Dr Ghiassi, in a commentary for the Daily Mail, noted that air attacks on the nuclear plant and the damage they caused could “facilitate terrorists or proxy groups acting on behalf of hostile states to illegally obtain radioactive substances to create nuclear dirty bombs”. The expert believes that the insecurity of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant poses “serious threats to the security of Ukraine and countries beyond its borders, including the UK”. He calls on countries to strengthen controls at land and sea borders, in particular, to increase the number of radiation detectors at checkpoints.

Moreover, the publication reminds its readers that initially the full-scale invasion, Russia, without providing evidence, accused Ukraine of Kyiv possibly planning to use a “dirty bomb” in the war. Citing experts interviewed, the Daily Mail writes that “dirty bombs” are relatively primitive and inaccurate weapons that terrorists use “more as a psychological weapon” to intimidate people.

Russia's false claims about a “Ukrainian dirty bomb” and a “Ukrainian nuclear provocation” were refuted not only by the Ukrainian government, but also by international organizations, including the UN. In addition, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), following the results of an unscheduled inspection conducted at the request of Ukraine in November 2022, did not identify any signs of illegal activities at nuclear facilities controlled by Ukraine. The Kremlin propaganda has more than once used the topic of “dirty bombs” to discredit Ukraine in front of its Western partners.

Manipulation Svitlana Tykhanovska allegedly promised to transfer Belarusian tactical nuclear weapons to Ukraine

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric on social networks claim that Svitlana Tykhanovska allegedly promised to transfer Belarusian tactical nuclear weapons to Ukraine during her speech at PACE. However, this news is fictitious.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to the case. The primary source of the news is the satirical telegram channel “The Empire is very evil”. The description of the channel clearly states that its materials are a creative invention, and all coincidences are random.

Svitlana Tykhanovska has never made such statements. There are no reliable sources confirming this information. Her last speech at PACE in June 2023 did not contain such promises, like all her other public statements. Reputable Ukrainian and international media also did not record any reports regarding such statements from Tykhanovska.

Propagandists use satirical materials to ridicule those who express support for Ukraine and confuse the information space. All this is so that people stop understanding what is truth and what is fiction.

Manipulation Kyrylo Budanov admitted that Ukraine is carrying out nuclear blackmail on Europe

Russian media write that the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Budanov, in an October interview with NV, said that “Ukraine is bombing the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant” and “wants to arrange a nuclear Armageddon” to blackmail the whole world. The material mentions attempts by the Ukrainian military to de-occupy territories and strategic objects illegally seized by the Russians, such as the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. In the NV media material, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and his work colleagues shared details of some special military intelligence operations. The Ukrainian armed forces landed three times on the left bank of the Dnipro near Enerhodar to create a springboard for the de-occupation of the city and the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Despite the fact that the operations were unsuccessful, that is, the desired result was not achieved, the Ukrainian military managed to at least thwart Russia’s plans to connect the Zaporizhzhia NPP to its energy system.

Representatives of Ukrainian intelligence did not make any “admissions” that Ukraine allegedly “bombed” the station. By trying to dislodge the occupiers, Ukraine is not committing a crime, but is using its legitimate right to self-defense in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter. Russia regularly creates crisis situations at Zaporizhzhia NPP, each of which carries the threat of a large-scale accident.

Previously, for example, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense denied Russian disinformation about Ukraine’s alleged plans to attack the Zaporizhzhia NPP with drones.

Manipulation The UN said that Ukraine poses a threat of a nuclear catastrophe

Russian media, broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, spread information that the head of the UN General Assembly, Csaba Kareshi, allegedly said that Ukraine threatens nuclear security in the world. Propaganda reports in its media that confirmation of the possible occurrence of a nuclear catastrophe is that Ukraine will be given F-16 fighter jets that can carry missiles with nuclear warheads. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. At the UN meeting dedicated to the International Day against Nuclear Tests, the head of the General Assembly Csaba Kareshii noted that Russia regularly threatens to use nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine. Russian propaganda did not translate some of the words about Russia, but added information about the “aggression of Ukraine” on its own behalf.

And the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, Ms. Bonnie Denise Jenkins, said they “are concerned, however, by the disturbing nuclear rhetoric from the Russian Federation over the past year and a half – in particular, President Putin’s statement in February about Russia’s willingness to resume nuclear explosive testing”. None of the countries has accused Ukraine of the threat of a nuclear catastrophe, and the F-16s do not carry a nuclear threat.

Russian propagandists use the tactic of reflection - they attribute their actions to opponents. Russian propaganda accuses Ukraine of a nuclear threat, although it is a non-nuclear state, and Russia itself systematically uses nuclear blackmail. Earlier, Detector Media said that the Russians were spreading information that Ukraine was allegedly creating a “dirty nuclear bomb”.

Disclosure Russians spread information that Ukraine allegedly creates a “dirty nuclear bomb”

Such a message is spread by anonymous telegrams, channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric; and disseminate information that the Office of the President is working on the creation of a nuclear bomb. And the Russian propaganda media, citing the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Serhii Naryshkin, write that Ukraine may have returned to creating a “dirty bomb”. It is not true.

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Maliar said on the air of the United News marathon that the occupiers “used the entire arsenal of weapons, both military and informational. That is why the enemy is returning to the only tool of blackmail - nuclear weapons”. As Hanna Maliar notes, the Russians are trying to spread panic among Ukrainians, so they use the topic of nuclear weapons as an instrument of blackmail, pressure and intimidation.

In October 2022, Russian propagandists were already spreading the word that Ukraine was building a “dirty bomb”. Then Dmytro Kuleba tweeted: “Russia’s lies about Ukraine’s alleged plans to use a “dirty bomb” are as absurd as they are dangerous. First, Ukraine is a committed party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: we do not have any “dirty bombs” and do not plan to have them. Secondly, Russians often blame others for what they themselves plan”.

On November 16, 1994, Ukraine acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This Treaty is sometimes interpreted as a system of three principles: non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, disarmament, and the right to the peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Fake Ukraine is preparing a nuclear strike on Russia

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Ukraine is preparing a nuclear strike. The authors add that this is the response of the Ukrainians to the alleged murder of Kyryl Budanov by the Russians. It is not true. 

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case, they found out that Ukraine is not preparing and cannot prepare a nuclear strike, since it does not carry out undeclared activities at nuclear facilities. This is also confirmed by the conclusions of the IAEA mission after visiting Ukraine. Checks of nuclear facilities are carried out systematically, the last of which was in May this year. According to the conclusions of the expert commission, no suspicious types of activity were recorded. As for the so-called “death” of the head of the GUR, Kyryl Budanov, we also recently refuted this fake. 

Thus, the propagandists seek to demoralize the Ukrainians and show them how supposedly “there is no one to protect them”. By spreading this fake, propagandists are trying to re-justify their actions and shift the responsibility for them to the victim. Allegedly, Russia is fighting against Ukraine, which wants to destroy Russia with “dirty bombs”.

Fake In Ternopil region, ammunition with uranium exploded

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that during an air raid on May 13 around 10:35 p.m., explosions were heard in a warehouse in Ternopil. The authors of the reports add that the Russians got into the train, where there is ammunition with uranium. That is, the fire was dangerous, because uranium can emit radiation. It is not true.

Espresso journalists spoke with the head of the Ternopil regional administration, Volodymyr Trush, who said that no ammunition was detonated during rocket attacks. In addition, there is no enriched or depleted uranium in Ternopil. Volodymyr Trush also confirmed that there is a stable ecological situation in Ternopil. He explained that in the conditions of war in the city, the level of radiation is measured twice a day. So, the indicators have not changed and do not exceed the norm. That is, the city is clean and there is no danger.

By spreading this fake, the authors seek to destabilize the mood of Ukrainians and once again intimidate them with “nuclear bombing” of Russia. Let us remind you that earlier analysts of Detector Media also analyzed the case related to “nuclear weapons” in Ukraine. We analyzed the message where the propagandists claimed that the Ukrainian military was using banned weapons with a high content of uranium.

Fake Russia is transporting nuclear weapons to the border with Finland

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. After Finland joined NATO, Russia is reportedly transporting nuclear weapons to the border town of Vyborg. As proof, the authors attach a video and add that Topol-M or Yars nuclear installations are being transported to the video. It is not true.

The case was noticed by the VoxCheck project specialists, they determined that the video was filmed in the Volodymyr region. Using a reverse search, the fact-checkers also found out that the video was filmed in the city of Kolchugino, located near Moscow. That is, this video could not be filmed near the border with Finland. Analysts just found a video of the transport of nuclear weapons through Kolchugino dated February 26, 2022. And propagandists could use this video to allegedly confirm the transport of nuclear weapons to the city of Vyborg.

Previously, analysts of Detector Media investigated how anonymous telegram channels reacted to Finland's entry into NATO.

Disclosure Verified Twitter accounts are spreading misinformation about an imminent nuclear strike on Kyiv

Verified Twitter accounts are spreading misinformation about an imminent nuclear strike on Kyiv. 

This was told by the journalists of the Vice edition. They explained that after the explosion over the Kremlin, the so-called official Twitter accounts began to spread misinformation about the nuclear attack on Kyiv.

For example, a pseudo-verified account called DEFCONWarningSystem posted a post explaining that “we are currently evaluating rumors of nuclear movements in Russia”. Although this account has nothing to do with the real official agency.

After that, Twitter did not remove the verified checkmark in the account. If one clicks on the checkmark, the following message will pop up: “The account is not associated with any government agency and does not represent the alarm status of any military unit. Users should draw their own conclusions and not rely on account information”.

At the same time, this account also spreads apocalyptic information about Christian movements. That is, this account invents conspiracy theories. It has been verified by Twitter.

Another twitter “verified” account said that the authors had heard about the movement of nuclear bombers, and assured that these reports were “grossly unconfirmed”.

Although these accounts are unofficial, someone could write on their behalf. There was no confirmed information about the so-called nuclear strike on Kyiv. The authors of the channels began to talk about the so-called rumors, which also did not exist.

Fake After Finland joined NATO, Russia began moving nuclear weapons to the Russian-Finnish border

On April 6, a video began to be distributed in the Georgian segment of Facebook, which recorded the movement of the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile system. According to the description, mobile nuclear installations appeared in the border town of Vyborg after Finland joined NATO. It's fake.

Myth Detector specialists drew attention to the case. The video went viral on Twitter, where several accounts were able to determine the location of the vehicle using geolocation. Comparing the location on the video with a Google map, it was determined that the video of the equipment was filmed in the city of Kolchugino, Volodymyr region, not far from Moscow, and not in the city of Vyborg near the border with Finland. The Myth Detector also turned to weapons specialist Gigi Inaishvili. According to him, the range of the RS-24 Yars missile system is up to 12,000 km, “the system is not intended for nearby countries, and the complexes shown in the video were probably preparing for the May 9 parade”.

The distribution of the video, which recorded the movement of equipment allegedly to the border with Finland, was for intimidation. Earlier, Dmytro Polianskyi, first deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN, noted that “If NATO units appear in these territories [Sweden and Finland], these territories will become a target or a possible target for a strike”.  Detector Media has already investigated what anonymous telegram channels wrote about Finland's accession to NATO and how Putin accused NATO of “breaking” the promise not to expand to the East.

Message Depleted uranium shells are a dirty nuclear bomb

This thesis appeared in the Russian propaganda media. Like, a projectile made of depleted uranium does not emit radiation, but is very toxic, because its dust can get into the human respiratory tract. This is what, according to Russian propaganda, is a “dirty” nuclear bomb, the use of which Russian propagandists wrote about in the spring of 2022.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case. Analysts say this message is part of a Kremlin disinformation campaign that is bringing fear of the use of nuclear weapons. Thus, Russia seeks to expose Ukraine as a threat. Allegedly, it is precisely because of Ukraine and the use of shells with depleted uranium that it will cause irreparable consequences. This is how propaganda transfers responsibility for what it does in Ukraine. They say that Ukraine itself is an aggressor.

However, depleted uranium projectiles are not considered nuclear weapons and even so-called dirty ones.

“They are not designed to poison people. They are used because of their ability to penetrate armor”, says Dr. Maryna Miron from King's College London.

Depleted uranium has a greater density than ordinary steel: about 2.5 times and about 1.5 times denser than lead. This is what allows the tank projectile to gain more momentum and more effectively penetrate armor.

Message Due to heavy weapons supply by the West, Russia began to discuss a nuclear strike on Ukraine

A network of telegram channels supervised by Russian intelligence began to spread the message that in response to the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine, Russia could use nuclear weapons. It seems that British intelligence warned Ukraine about this.

Threats of nuclear weapons have been one of the most widespread messages of Russian propaganda since the beginning of the war. Back in April, propaganda was spreading this message, but then the reason was the “use of nuclear weapons by Russia” due to the fact that Ukraine should recognize Crimea and Donbas as Russian. If it refuses, Russia “retains the right” to use weapons.

Another wave of discussions about the “use of nuclear weapons” occurred in September, when, against the backdrop of the defeat of the Russian army near Kharkiv and the liberation of the Kharkiv region by the Ukrainian army, Putin announced the start of mobilization. Then and later, he stated that he “does not bluff about the use of nuclear weapons” if hostilities begin on the “territories of the Russian Federation”. Following these statements, Russia annexed parts of the Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. And every day there is fighting on these territories. The Ukrainian army has since liberated a significant part of the Kherson region, along with Kherson, as well as settlements in other regions, but the Russians did not use nuclear weapons. Now the propaganda is back to the “use of nuclear weapons” thesis because of the actions of the West, which finally decided to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons.

Manipulation The head of the IAEA is “against” the demilitarization of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this with reference to Zaporizhzhia collaborator Volodymyr Rohov. Rohov in his telegram channel writes that allegedly the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi does not consider it necessary to demilitarize the Zaporizhzhia NPP. They say that we are talking exclusively about a ceasefire on both sides in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant, but not about the withdrawal of the Russian military contingent from the territory of the nuclear power plant. This is not true.

In fact, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, said that the withdrawal of Russian weapons from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant would be part of the Agency's agreement with Ukraine and Russia. According to him, the parties agreed not to shoot either at the object or from the object. But these agreements are preliminary, they will still be specified.

Message Ukraine calls for nuclear war

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Like, Ukraine cannot shoot down Russian missiles, therefore, “in plain text” calls on the world to use nuclear weapons.

The propagandists used the words taken out of context of the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yurii Ihnat to promote the message. Ihnat said that the Ukrainian air defense system is depleted. In particular, the means that are primarily supposed to protect against aviation have to shoot down not only missiles, but also kamikaze drones. According to the speaker, Ukraine should continue to ask for all possible funds from the international community. However, we are talking about replenishing the air defense system, and not about using nuclear weapons.

Message Ukraine plans to protect nuclear power plants from itself

Anonymous telegram channels write about this. Like, planning the construction of new NPP units, taking into account military threats, is ridiculous. Allegedly, only Ukrainians around the world dared to deliberately shell nuclear power plants. Like, there are no other “suicidal people” anymore.

The propagandists are manipulating the words of Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko. He spoke about the prospects for the development of nuclear energy in Ukraine and noted that the seizures and systematic shelling of ZNPP by the Russians drew attention to the need to improve the safety system at nuclear power plants. Russian propaganda uses ridicule tactics to discredit Ukrainian officials and cover up the crimes of the Russian army.

Fake IAEA resolution allows Ukraine to shell ZNPP

Such information is disseminated by Russian propaganda media. It is also being shared on social media, in particular, in anonymous telegram channels. Reports say that the Resolution adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency is allegedly "unprofessional", "politicized" and "inappropriate". Also, the Russian media called the Resolution, which refers to the problems at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP), which is still occupied by Russia, inadequate and allegedly “giving Kyiv the right to shell” the ZNPP. However, this is fake.

Manipulation Ukraine is building a modular nuclear reactor "for terrorism"

Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels write about this. They say that the “real” goal of the Ukrainian authorities is not to obtain electricity, but to terrorise and create a “dirty bomb”. Also, allegedly Ukraine will be used for the disposal of nuclear waste. It is not like that.

Ukraine, the US, Japan and South Korea will cooperate to build a small nuclear reactor. This became known on November 12. This will help Ukraine improve the country's energy security. It will take two years to complete the project.

According to StopFake, small nuclear reactors are used to generate electricity. They have nothing to do with nuclear weapons. Most of these small reactors are installed underground, which is also an advantage in the face of possible rocket attacks.

Fake A model of an Iskander was created in Ukraine which will be used as a dirty nuclear bomb

 Such information appeared in the pro-Kremlin media. Messages began to spread after Volodymyr Putin in his "Valdai speech" said that Ukraine was creating a "dirty bomb" and Russia even knew "roughly where this is being done". Propagandists claim that Kyiv, on the basis of the projectile of the Tochka-U missile system, made a dummy of the Iskander missile for a provocation with a dirty bomb over the exclusion zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. Like, the layout was made by Pivdenmash specialists, and the main cassette part of the dummy is pushed with radioactive material, and then shot down in the Chernobyl area in order to shock the world and accuse Russia of using nuclear weapons. However, this is not true. According to The Insider's fact-checkers, the so-called mock-up shown by the Russian media is fake. “Despite the similar outlines, Tochka-U and Iskander missiles have different sizes. The diameter of the Iskander is 920 mm, and the Tochka-U is 650 mm, almost one and a half times smaller. It is impossible to create a model of the Iskander based on Tochka-U, except perhaps a smaller copy, which is unlikely to convince international experts. And the scenario in which a rocket allegedly launched by Russian troops with a radioactive filling explodes over the Chornobyl exclusion zone, that is, a practically deserted territory where the harm done to Ukraine will be minimal, does not look very plausible,” the fact checkers write. This is not the first time Russia has claimed that Ukraine is going to use a dirty nuclear bomb to blame Russia for it. Read more about this in the text of Hala Skliarevska.