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Fake A “dirty bomb” is allegedly being created in Ukraine again

Propagandists have again begun to spread information about the “nuclear threat” from Ukraine. This time they are using a statement by Ihor Kyrylov, the head of the Russian radiation, chemical and biological defense forces. He stated that spent nuclear fuel is allegedly being imported into Ukraine, from which it is planned to later create a nuclear weapon (“dirty bomb”). They say that this process is being handled by the head of the Presidential Office, AndriI Yermak. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine wrote about this. They noted that such accusations against Ukraine are unfounded. “Dirty bomb” is more of a journalistic cliche. Such weapons have never been used and, in fact, they are not classified as nuclear. Ultimately, in 2022, as a result of Russian claims about the production of a “dirty bomb”, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) arranged inspections of Ukrainian facilities, denying the Russian claims.

To spread this fake news, the Russians are resorting to whataboutism tactics with the intention of distracting attention from the Russian nuclear threat. While Ukraine demands that Russia be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism, Russia is trying to accuse Ukraine of terrorism.

Spreading fake news about a “dirty bomb” to create distrust and fear of Ukraine. Thus, they are trying to convince the world that Ukraine is supposedly a threat to it and justify Russian aggression.

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