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Manipulation The UN said that Ukraine poses a threat of a nuclear catastrophe

Russian media, broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, spread information that the head of the UN General Assembly, Csaba Kareshi, allegedly said that Ukraine threatens nuclear security in the world. Propaganda reports in its media that confirmation of the possible occurrence of a nuclear catastrophe is that Ukraine will be given F-16 fighter jets that can carry missiles with nuclear warheads. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. At the UN meeting dedicated to the International Day against Nuclear Tests, the head of the General Assembly Csaba Kareshii noted that Russia regularly threatens to use nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine. Russian propaganda did not translate some of the words about Russia, but added information about the “aggression of Ukraine” on its own behalf.

And the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, Ms. Bonnie Denise Jenkins, said they “are concerned, however, by the disturbing nuclear rhetoric from the Russian Federation over the past year and a half – in particular, President Putin’s statement in February about Russia’s willingness to resume nuclear explosive testing”. None of the countries has accused Ukraine of the threat of a nuclear catastrophe, and the F-16s do not carry a nuclear threat.

Russian propagandists use the tactic of reflection - they attribute their actions to opponents. Russian propaganda accuses Ukraine of a nuclear threat, although it is a non-nuclear state, and Russia itself systematically uses nuclear blackmail. Earlier, Detector Media said that the Russians were spreading information that Ukraine was allegedly creating a “dirty nuclear bomb”.

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