Fake Fake that bloggers are “leading” negotiations on Ukraine's accession to NATO
Social media is spreading information that Ukraine's delegation at NATO membership talks consists of bloggers. As proof, the posts include photos of NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte interacting with Ukrainian influencers.
But the photo was taken during a one-time visit by Ukrainian influencers, dedicated to the thousand days since the start of the full-scale invasion. The negotiations with NATO are being conducted by government officials.
The alliance's official website states that the guests were invited to highlight NATO's continued support for Ukraine. In addition, the content creators presented a digital painting created in collaboration with artist Andrii Babenko. It reflected the importance of the partnership between Ukraine and NATO, as well as the courage and determination of the Ukrainian people.
Actually, on an ongoing basis, official negotiations between Ukraine and NATO are conducted by state officials, in particular the president, representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. Within the structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there is a permanent representation of Ukraine in the organization - the Mission of Ukraine to NATO.
In addition, in 2023, the Ukraine-NATO Council (UNC) was established - a body within the framework of which meetings are held to promote political dialogue and Ukraine's accession to NATO. The meetings are attended by heads of state and government of the alliance member states and Ukraine. Meetings are also held at the level of working committees: on innovation and countering hybrid threats, on strategic communications, on political issues, on security and defense sector issues, and the military committee. In addition, a number of working groups are subordinate to these committees. Thus, Ukraine's cooperation with NATO takes place within the framework of permanent and already established mechanisms, and it is not delegated to bloggers.