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Message Russia's new disinformation campaign about women's mobilization

Propagandists stepped up their efforts in December, launching a new disinformation campaign about women's mobilization. This came after the military registration rules were updated, which apply only to voluntary basic training. The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security wrote about the selection of messages as part of the campaign.

A total mobilization of women is supposedly starting on January 1st

This is a baseless statement. According to the legislation of Ukraine, women can register for military service only if they wish and only if their professions correspond to military specialties. There is no provision for mass mobilization of women. The spread of this message is intended to create panic among women and their families.

Women are allegedly being forcibly mobilized and thrown into the barracks

Hostile propagandists cite stories or videos that are usually staged. Such statements are designed to instill fear of the authorities and military structures, although in reality women in Ukraine can only join the Armed Forces voluntarily.

90% of women supposedly die in the first minutes of combat

This is a false statistic used to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There is no confirmation or official data indicating such losses among women. On the contrary, women who serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine usually have a high level of training.

Women are allegedly being mobilized through deception

This message is aimed at discrediting state institutions, undermining trust in military commissariats, and creating an atmosphere of fear.

The general goal of such fakes is to undermine public peace, create distrust in the authorities, demoralize society, and create information chaos that is beneficial to Russia.

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