Manipulation Manipulation that icons were removed from the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernihiv and a cinema was created
Pro-Russian Telegram channels are spreading a manipulative photo of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernihiv. It shows people standing in front of a large screen. The propagandists noted that the cathedral was allegedly turned into a cinema. They explained this by saying that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine “does not have enough parishioners” to fill the churches that have come “under its control”. That is why it allegedly resorts to such methods of attracting visitors to the cathedral.
“Ancient Orthodox churches are becoming victims of schismatics. Satanists came to power and that says it all”, the propagandists write.
But the information was manipulated, and this is reported in VoxCheck. The cathedral was on a long-term temporary lease to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate until November 2023. However, according to the conclusion of the Commission of the Ministry of Culture, the UOC-MP was deprived of the right to use the Transfiguration Cathedral and 17 other objects, which are also part of the National Architectural and Historical Reserve Ancient Chernihiv. They argued this by the unsatisfactory condition of the buildings and the need for restoration.
Currently, the Transfiguration Cathedral operates as a museum. And in fact, the photo shows the presentation of the first series of the project “Chernihiv Principality. 1000 Years”. The authors are a team from Public Chernihiv. They describe the project as a “three-part historical program in the format of an animated anti-lecture”.
Russian propaganda often speculates on the topic of the conflict between the OCU and the UOC-MP. Since the topic of religion is quite sensitive, and therefore convenient for the spread of disinformation and manipulative theses. The goal is to sow discord among believers of these two confessions and, thus, split Ukrainians into two camps. In addition, by controlling churches, representatives of the UOC-MP spread Russian propaganda narratives among Ukrainian parishioners and retain influence within the country.
Read more: How Russia blurs reality with the help of the newspeak: “sinners”.