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Message Ukrainian volunteers "cynically collect money" during Russian attacks

The message was widely distributed by pro-Russian Telegram channels as a reaction to the announcement of the joint meeting of Serhii Prytula and Serhii Sternenko, which was joined by other volunteer initiatives.

Propagandists claim that the volunteers are allegedly using the attack on Ukraine to get more money for themselves or for what the West is already giving Ukraine for free.

In fact, as reported by Serhii Prytula, Ukrainian volunteers prematurely announced the fundraising for RAM II kamikaze drones scheduled for October 12. In the post, Prytula also argued for the need to purchase such weapons for the Ukrainian army.

Ukrainians once again demonstrated their resistance to Russian propaganda and disinformation. When Russia was massively shelling almost all of Ukraine with missiles, despite the lack of electricity and interruptions to the Internet, Ukrainians actively sent donations for weapons for the Ukrainian army. As of the morning of October 11, the number of fees exceeded 276 million hryvnias, the final amount hasn`t been announced yet.

Russian propaganda systematically tries to discredit the work of volunteers who significantly help the army. Previously, propaganda massively spread fakes about the purchase by the Serhii Prytula Foundation of "People's Satellite" for 600 million hryvnias.

Disclosure Fraudsters are distributing a fake letter on behalf of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council regarding financial assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

It was reported by the Head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council, Violeta Labaziuk. Such messages come to business representatives, organizations, enterprises, and individuals.

Fraudsters promise tax benefits with the help of the Armed Forces. The actions were allegedly coordinated with the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada.

The Khmelnytskyi Regional Council doesn`t send such letters and doesn`t collect funds. The fraud was reported to law enforcement agencies. Violeta Labaziuk also asks to contact the law enforcement officers in case of receiving the letter. Previously, similar letters were sent to entrepreneurs in Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

Disclosure Fraudsters spread fake messages that Ukrainians can receive seven thousand hryvnias in compensation under the "YeHelp" program

Allegedly, payments will be made through the Unified Compensation Center for the return of unpaid funds and the “YeHelp” platform in partnership with the Ministry of Social Policy. There is no such assistance program. On the website of the "YeHelp" platform, there is no information about payments through the Unified Compensation Center for the return of unpaid funds. Moreover, in Ukraine there is no Unified compensation center for the return of unpaid funds. The Facebook page from which fake mail is being spread belongs to scammers. It has few readers, no publications. There are more than 12,000 readers on the official YeHelp page on Facebook. The Center's website asks for an email address, phone number, and contact details. Later, they name the amount of possible compensation and offer to pay a small amount for legal services to register the questionnaire. Fraudsters send a link where you need to enter all your card details: number, expiration date and CVV2 code. This way they get access to all the funds on the card. Previously, the scammers offered Ukrainians to receive seven thousand hryvnias from the confiscated assets of Russia, they also promised payments in the amount of 3,500 hryvnias due to Russian aggression. More details. 

Disclosure Fraudsters promise all Ukrainians social assistance from the National Bank of Ukraine

The fraudulent scheme was reported in the official telegram channel of the National Bank.

Messages appear on social networks in which scammers claim that the National Bank of Ukraine is allegedly holding a charity event together with the Your Support Foundation so that all Ukrainians are paid a "social-individual payment".

To fill out an application for the payment of such assistance, the attackers offer to switch to a fraudulent chatbot.

The NBU warns that attackers may offer to provide personal information and make an additional payment for assistance, as a result, payment card data may be compromised.

Under the pretext of making a payment, scammers may ask you to report:

• pin code to the card

• three-digit number on the back of the card

• card validity period, etc.

The National Bank notes that it does not make any social payments.

Currently, the NBU is holding a charity event to raise funds to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But it does not involve payments.

The scammers are ruthlessly taking advantage of Ukrainians' predicament during the war and continue to offer fake payouts. Ukrainian banks publish all official information on their websites or in their own social networks.

Disclosure In the Rivne region, scammers send out fake letters asking for money for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Fraudsters send letters to entrepreneurs ostensibly on behalf of the Varash regional military administration and ask them to make a charitable contribution to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But they promise tax breaks. The letter notes the bank details to send funds to. The scammers also call residents of the area asking for help.

The head of the Varash Regional State Administration Liudmyla Marynina on her Facebook page denied both sending letters from the RSA and phone calls, and noted that she did not know the recipients of the funds. She also informed law enforcement about the actions of the attackers. The fact-checkers of the Brekhunets (Lier) project told about the fake letter.

This is not the first time that scammers have exploited the sensitive topic of aiding the Armed Forces of Ukraine for profit. Previously, a fraudulent letter was sent to entrepreneurs allegedly from the Odesa Regional State Administration for participation in the humanitarian aid program of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The scammers also pretended to be relatives of servicemen who needed help.

Manipulation Ukrainians will be paid in a new way for work on weekends

The news is spreading across the network that, according to the amended law of Ukraine, a double salary is provided for working on weekends. They say that the Labor Code of Ukraine has been updated and at the same time the mechanism of labor relations has been optimized. It seems that the old norms of legislation that were not in force have been returned, and now every Ukrainian will receive double payment if they work on weekends or holidays. However, this is manipulation.

As the fact-checkers of the Brekhunets (Lier) project explain, no laws or regulations have been adopted in Ukraine recently regarding new conditions for remunerating workers. The point was that for the period of martial law, some norms of labor legislation were temporarily inactive, and now their action has been resumed. The norm on double pay for work on a weekend or a holiday has been established for a long time. According to the Labor Code of Ukraine, if an employee works on his day off, he has a choice: either take a day off or receive double pay. Payment for work on a day off is calculated as work on holidays and non-working days.

Fact-checkers claim that in this way the authors of the channels are trying to attract attention and increase the activity and number of comments under their posts.

Disclosure Fraudsters lure Ukrainians with payments from the UN

On social networks unknown persons spread information that all Ukrainians can receive assistance in the amount of 8,800 hryvnias per person from the UN. In particular, as the fact-checkers of the Brekhunets (Lier) project write, a screenshot of a message is being distributed by the network, which shows that the person allegedly received a transfer from the UN World Food Program. The person is allegedly informed that he received 8,800 hryvnias. Fraudsters convince: absolutely all Ukrainians will be able to get help. However, as the fact checker writes, the authors of the mailing lists mislead Ukrainians because not all residents of Ukraine can receive such help.

Yes, the WFP program from the UN, which helps Ukrainians in war, really exists. However, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine clearly defines who can receive such assistance. In particular, these are internally displaced persons. And the maximum amount of assistance that can be received from the UN per family is 6,660 hryvnias, not 8,880 at all.

Disclosure Fraudsters pretend to be relatives of military personnel who need help

To do this, they create messages on social networks in order to fake donations supposedly to help wounded soldiers.

The fact-checkers of the project “Beyond the News” checked the message in which the user signed as “Our Victory” calls on those who are not indifferent to help his “brother” Vadym Dobrovolskyi. He is allegedly wounded and in a coma after being hit by debris in the head. The fundraising message (€12,000) was published in early August and went viral with 59,000 shares, 3,500 likes and almost 6,000 comments. However, scammers are hiding under the user who posted the message. Fact-checkers also found another, very similar message about “help” to another “wounded” person.

The message uses two archival photographs from 2015, which have nothing to do with the text of the messages. There is also a discrepancy in other reported information. The phone number +380986704972 of the “brothers” of the wounded was previously used to register a personal Facebook account, which is now blocked due to “impersonating another person and using a fictitious name.”

The phone number +380986704972 was used in another help message. Here it is listed as a phone number “for contacting the parents of the wounded soldier Yurii Sternadchuk”. The message was allegedly made on behalf of the father, Volodymyr Sternadchuk, although it was published in April by a user signed as “Glory to Ukraine”. The photo of “Yuri Sternadchuk” is a screenshot from the video in Tik-Tok on the @muzhikam channel. This user creates a video about the everyday life of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The video from which the screenshot was taken was uploaded on April 17, and the Facebook post about the injury of the so-called Yurii Sternadchuk will appear two days later. On the phone in one of the social networks, they found the real name of the author of the channel, but they did not find any connections of this person with Yurii or Volodymyr Sternadchuk.

The reports about the “wounded” soldiers Vadym and Yurii are almost identical, only the date of the “wound”, the photo and the amount of “help” differ. In the first case, 9 thousand euros were collected “for the wounded”, in the second - 12. Fraudsters see what an emotional response the stories about wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine evoke and come up with stories that are similar to the truth for profit.

Manipulation In the Zaporizhzhia region the hryvnia is devalued and gradually withdrawn from circulation

Russian media write about this with reference to the so-called “head of administration” Yevhen Balytskyi. They reported that from September 05 in the occupied territories the hryvnia will allegedly “cheapen” and amount to 1.25 rubles. Allegedly, soon the “rate” of the hryvnia and the ruble will be 1:1, and then the hryvnia will completely “depreciate”. This is manipulation.

The occupiers are artificially withdrawing the hryvnia from circulation and forcibly making payments in rubles. It is impossible to talk about an economically justified ratio of the hryvnia and the ruble in the occupied territories. The Ukrainian banking system in the temporarily occupied territories does not work, so it is impossible to replenish the turnover of hryvnias.

Thus, due to the “depreciation” of hryvnias, the occupiers are trying to promote the idea of ​​depreciating everything Ukrainian and to emotionally influence the Ukrainians who remained in the occupation.

Earlier, the occupiers spread fakes that allegedly in the shops of Ternopil and Lviv regions prices are indicated in hryvnia and zloty.

The Poles demand that Ukraine return the property lost after the Second World War. Russian media are massively spreading a fake about “thousands of lawsuits” that descendants seem to have filed

Poles who lived in Lviv until 1939, demanding that their apartments be returned to them.

In fact, there are no such claims. In their materials, the Russian media refer to the article of the publication “Strana” (“State”), which for many years promotes pro-Russian theses. This time the publication took a comment from the chairman of the Polish organization “Restitution of Kresov” Konrad Renkas, who stated that such claims are prepared. But during the war they decided not to sue.

At the same time, the Russian media wrote that the Ukrainian courts were already “overwhelmed” with these lawsuits.

Message Fraudsters offer to pay VAT compensation to Ukrainians

Messages with such a proposal are actively distributed on Facebook. In particular, on the pages of Inform UA and UA Media. As they say in the reports, according to the new signed decree, each Ukrainian can receive a payment from eight to ninety thousand hryvnias. However, what kind of decree is in question and who exactly signed it, the reports do not specify. By clicking on the link indicated in the message, on the page where the photo of President Zelenskyi is posted, users are invited to take part in receiving compensation. Next, the user is taken to a page disguised as the websites of official Ukrainian structures: the page is designed in the colors of the websites of government agencies, has a similar design and layout. On this page, the user must enter their email and the last 6 digits of their bank card to check if they can receive a refund. By the way, Facebook has blocked pages in Ukraine from which fraudulent information is disseminated, but these messages are available to users in other countries. In particular, Germany and France, where there are also a lot of Ukrainians now, who are probably targeted by the fraudulent scheme. This is not the first attempt by scammers to lure Ukrainians out of money in this way. Similar schemes were common even before the war, and now they have become even more popular. In particular, sometimes scammers tried to promote their schemes using the faces of public figures, of course, without them knowing about it. We are talking, for example, about Alla Mazur and Lesia Nikitiuk. Recently, Ukraine's government emergency response team CERT-UA identified an increase in the number of fraudulent Facebook pages and published a list of them. The department urges users not to fall for such schemes and to be prudent. "Never enter payment card details on unfamiliar and suspicious websites, and also set up control over the movement of funds (connect SMS-informing, set limits on transactions)", the department urges.

Fake Abroad, Ukrainians will no longer be able to receive sick and maternity leave payments

Such news is spread by local social networks, namely the Real Volyn telegram channel. Reports say that state services have begun to select material assistance for children taken abroad by their parents. It is not true.

According to the fact-checkers of the Brekhunets (Liar) project, despite the forced evacuation abroad, Ukrainians have not lost their right to social protection and can easily receive assistance from the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine. The authors note that this is possible only for employed citizens who are forced to leave the country.

From the first day of the full-scale invasion, the FSSU adapted the procedure for assigning assistance under martial law. This allowed the organization to directly accrue more than 19.5 million hryvnia of sick and maternity leave payments for evacuated employees.

Disclosure In telegram channels, messages are sent to Ukrainians and they are promised payments of 3,500 hryvnias due to Russian aggression

Fraudsters send messages from a hidden user. They say that "today" at 12 o'clock it was decided that every citizen of Ukraine can receive financial assistance in connection with Russia's aggression. Instructions on how to get money on the card are allegedly posted at the link.

Fraudsters do not note who exactly made the decision to pay out. There is a separate link for each bank. The design of the pages is similar to real banking sites. However, the link to the pages of different banks has a similar part "ki-pay.me". This is a sign of a private domain and cannot be owned by an official organization. For the most part, such domains are used by graphic designers, web developers, photographers, etc.

Fake It is almost impossible for pensioners to receive financial assistance from the UN

Such fakes are distributed in the network. They said that the UN primarily helps young people, and then retirees. Allegedly, such assistance is provided for pensioners who have the status of internally displaced persons. However, social insurance for pensioners is issued in the regional center, so a pensioner from the occupied territories will not be able to get there and will not receive payments. It is not true.

Manipulation Payments of 30,000 to Ukrainian soldiers were canceled

Information that the government has changed the terms of payment of 30,000 hryvnias to the military was spread on social media. In messages are written that the money will not be paid to everyone; but only to defenders who are "in the zone of hostilities or temporary occupation and encirclement."

The government changed the conditions for the payment of 30,000 hryvnias, but this resolution does not apply to service members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Ministry of Internal Affairs also noted that the changes provide only a different approach to paying additional remuneration and not its cancellation.