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Disclosure Fraudsters spread fake messages that Ukrainians can receive seven thousand hryvnias in compensation under the "YeHelp" program

Allegedly, payments will be made through the Unified Compensation Center for the return of unpaid funds and the “YeHelp” platform in partnership with the Ministry of Social Policy. There is no such assistance program. On the website of the "YeHelp" platform, there is no information about payments through the Unified Compensation Center for the return of unpaid funds. Moreover, in Ukraine there is no Unified compensation center for the return of unpaid funds. The Facebook page from which fake mail is being spread belongs to scammers. It has few readers, no publications. There are more than 12,000 readers on the official YeHelp page on Facebook. The Center's website asks for an email address, phone number, and contact details. Later, they name the amount of possible compensation and offer to pay a small amount for legal services to register the questionnaire. Fraudsters send a link where you need to enter all your card details: number, expiration date and CVV2 code. This way they get access to all the funds on the card. Previously, the scammers offered Ukrainians to receive seven thousand hryvnias from the confiscated assets of Russia, they also promised payments in the amount of 3,500 hryvnias due to Russian aggression. More details. 

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