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Fake EU steals Russian money and hands it over to Ukraine

Such messages are spread by propagandists and anonymous telegrams through channels. Message says that the European Union is stealing Russian funds in order to transfer it to Ukraine. Like, Europe is sharing Russia's money, not its own. However, this is not true.

In fact, we are talking about Russian assets that Europe recently froze. According to Politico, the EU has frozen a total of 68 billion euros of assets.

Currently, the EU and partners are developing a plan for the confiscation of frozen Russian assets in favor of Ukraine.Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission President, said that Brussels, together with partners, is already working on a plan to freeze Russian assets, then transfer them to the reconstruction of Ukraine and to compensate for the damage caused by the war unleashed by Russia.

This is what the propagandists called the”stealing”, although the assets are located on the territory of the European Union.

This fake is aimed at discrediting the European Union and its assistance. Allegedly, the EU illegally uses Russian resources to help Ukraine.

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