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Fake Americans no longer want their country to supply weapons to Ukraine

Such messages are distributed through social networks and hostile telegram channels. They say that the Americans strongly condemned the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The occupiers support their thesis with The Washington Post material, which allegedly states that the Americans do not support the Ukrainians and want to stop the supply of weapons. However, this is not true.

In fact, according to StopFake experts, The Washington Post article does not say that “ordinary Americans” are calling on the American authorities to put pressure on Ukraine so that they conclude a peace agreement with Russia and, as a result, the United States would stop aid. The article states that “A strong majority of Americans continue to support sending arms and economic aid to Ukraine, according to a poll”. However, the publication notes “Americans are divided over whether Washington should push Ukraine to reach a negotiated peace as soon as possible”. That is, the American society supports Ukraine and does not deny the supply of weapons and other assistance.

The fake is aimed at discrediting Ukraine. Like, Ukraine is left to the mercy of fate and no one supports it.

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