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Disclosure Fraudsters offer 5,000 hryvnias of Ukrposhta and Nova Poshta assistance

Social networks are circulating messages about the opportunity to receive five thousand hryvnias of assistance from Ukrposhta or the Nova Poshta State Assistance Fund. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire and take a short survey. This is a fraud. There are no such assistance programs.

Fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project checked the messages and found out that there are no reports of financial assistance for the survey on the official pages of Ukrposhta and Nova Poshta. The sites linked in the messages are fake. The real sites of Ukrposhta (ukrposhta.ua) and Nova Poshta (novaposhta.ua) do not contain extra letters in the title. The appearance of original and fake sites also differs.

On the sites of scammers, any buttons do not work, except for those that are needed to participate in the draw. To do this, you need to take a survey on four simple questions, the same for both sites. Only the company name and color have been changed. After answering all the questions, it becomes possible to win gifts in three attempts. To receive a gift, you must share information in 5 groups or with 20 friends and complete registration. Both sites have reviews of those who allegedly received the winnings. However, these users are fake, mostly having names and surnames atypical for Ukrainians.

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