Spilnota Detector Media

Fake The OCU prays for Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU

An eight-second video is being circulated on social networks in the Russian segment, allegedly showing a prayer for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU being read in a Ukrainian church. “God, don’t send us to Heaven, but send us to NATO and the EU”, is allegedly written in the text of such a “prayer”. Anonymous telegram channels began to claim that the OCU was engaged in blasphemy and discrediting Orthodox believers. It is not true.

The StopFake analysts studied the case and found out that the video is not real, because there is no information that is located in Ukrainian churches about reading such a “prayer”. Moreover, information is disseminated only in pro-Kremlin media or anonymous telegram channels.

As experts explained, according to church rules, the texts of new prayers are approved by the Holy Synod of the OCU - this is the governing body of the OCU. All their decisions, including the texts of newly approved prayers, are published on the official website of the OCU. However, StopFake analysts did not find among the decisions of the Synod the statement of “prayer for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU”.

They also contacted the press service of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The department told them that this was an obvious fake, and they did not approve such a prayer.

Fake Ukrainian porn actress is allegedly running for president of Ukraine

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric on social networks claim that Ukrainian porn actress Maia Konovalenko (Nancy Ace) has allegedly announced her candidacy for the presidency of Ukraine, explaining that the Ukrainian economy “stands solely on porn stars”. The fake is accompanied by a video where Konovalenko allegedly makes retaliatory statements during an interview for the British tabloid The Sun. However, this is fake.

StopFake specialists drew attention to it. They found out that Konovalenko did not make any such statements, and the video was fake. It is indicated that it was created from a stream on the YouTube channel Rocco's World, where Konovalenko talked with porn actor Rocco Siffredi in April 2020. No statements by Konovalenko about his intentions to go into politics were found on the official resources of The Sun and other English-language publications. Also, the fakeness of the video is indicated by the fact that the actress’s lips move differently in the original and fake videos, which, according to StopFake, indicates the use of neural networks to create it.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists mock Ukrainian politics and reinforce the unfair treatment of Ukrainian women within the framework of the stereotype of “Ukrainian prostitutes”. Detector Media has already explained how Russian propaganda is trying to humiliate Ukrainian women.

Fake In Zhytomyr, people allegedly came out to protest against Zelenskyi

Propagandists broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric on social networks are distributing a video allegedly filmed recently at protests against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in Zhytomyr. Like, slogans such as “Get out!” were heard on them. But in fact this is fake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that the video being distributed was recorded during a protest on Independence Square in Kyiv on October 1, 2019. In particular, analysts point out that in the video one can recognize the architectural ensemble of Maidan Nezalezhnosti. In addition, StopFake specialists found in the Russian search engine Yandex a video from the then Kyiv protest, where protesters can be seen chanting “Get out!” and holding the same posters and flags as in the video distributed by propagandists. This all confirms that both recordings show the same Kyiv action from four years ago.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to create internal tension and conflicts in Ukraine. Detector Media also noted the intensification of this narrative and refuted a number of fabrications of Russian propaganda aimed at personally discrediting Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

Fake By order of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a video was allegedly recorded in which homosexuals were encouraged to join the army

Russian propagandists claim that in Ukraine they have begun distributing advertisements for homosexuals calling for them to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The first half of the 10-second video shows heterosexual and homosexual couples kissing, while the second half features footage of military personnel. The footage is accompanied by a male voice saying: “It doesn’t matter at all whether you love women or men. It is important that you love Ukraine. Join the Armed Forces of Ukraine”. However, this is fake.

This case was analyzed by the fact-checkers for the StopFake project. They found out that the video is fake for a number of reasons. Firstly, the kissing footage was taken from a report published on the iD YouTube channel back in 2020. The second part of the video already uses footage from the social advertising of the Ukrainian Ground Forces “The Ballad of the Infantry”, published back in 2016. Secondly, the use of the word “love” in relation to Ukraine in the video indicates that its authors probably have poor command of the Ukrainian language. The word “love” describes specifically romantic love, while Ukraine or, for example, animals or colors can be “loved”.

With this fake video, Russian propaganda nourishes the narrative that supposedly Ukrainian troops will suffer huge losses on the battlefield and, as a result, they are running out of people. Therefore, “even” homosexuals are now being mobilized into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, attempts to discredit the Ukrainian army are in vain, since the Armed Forces contain representatives of different gender and sexual identities who defend Ukraine along with other military personnel. Previously, we analyzed disinformation that supposedly Ukrainians are dying for the right to be homosexual.

Fake Ukrainian phone scammers are allegedly blackmailing Israelis

Social media users spreading pro-Russian rhetoric are spreading an alleged news story about telephone scammers from Ukraine who, according to the article, are committing crimes against Israelis. In the news story they claim that since October 8, Israelis have been receiving calls from “banks” informing them that the bank office has allegedly been the victim of a Hamas attack, and they need to immediately provide card details to transfer money to a safe place. It is alleged that the police investigation showed that the money was transferred to Ukraine, where the criminals were operating. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They claim that this information is false. The video distributed online imitates the design of videos from the Israeli publication The Times of Israel, but in fact no such material exists on the official website or social networks of this media company. Also, the video's inauthenticity is indicated by a difference in design, as The Times of Israel uses a different font and from time to time publishes a video without its logo or any inscriptions. The story itself is completely fictitious because none of the reputable publications, including local media in Israel, reported such cases of fraud on the part of Ukrainians.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to discredit Ukrainians abroad. They say they interfere in the affairs of others and make money from the misfortune of others. However, Detector Media also refuted other fakes and manipulations on the latest events in the Middle East.

Fake Zelenskyi allegedly called for “immediately leaving” Avdiivka

Media and social media users spreading pro-Russian rhetoric claim that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi ordered the Ukrainian military to “immediately leave” the city of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region, supported by a corresponding video. However, this video is fake.

Analysts from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that the video used old footage and a voice similar to the voice of the Ukrainian president. In addition, it is distributed only by users of social networks, pro-Russian sites and Telegram channels. Not a single authoritative Ukrainian or English-language media reported such a “loud” order from the Ukrainian president. In addition, this video distributed by Russian propaganda is not on Zelensky’s official pages on social networks, where he usually publishes his addresses.

Secondly, with a detailed review of the fake “video message”, it is noticeable that Zelenskyi’s facial expressions do not correspond to his language. StopFake specialists discovered an identical video with Zelenskyi dated October 31, 2023. However, in the original video, the president does not issue any “orders” regarding Avdiivka, but talks about the situation in the Black Sea, the work of the “grain corridor”, international support, and so on. To create a fake, audio with an artificially created voice of Zelenskyi about the order to leave Avdiivka was simply superimposed on this video, using the corporate style of the 1+1 TV channel for greater credibility.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to cause panic among Ukrainians and personal distrust of Zelenskyi. Like, Ukraine is losing. However, Detector Media also refuted other fakes and manipulations on a similar topic, where propagandists manipulated the President of Ukraine.

Disclosure Ukrainian military personnel recorded a video message to Zelenskyi and Zaluzhnyi with complaints about “senseless assaults” in Avdiivka

Pro-Russian resources began distributing a video in which supposedly Ukrainian military personnel, introducing themselves as fighters of the 3rd battalion of the 110th separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, complain to the President of Ukraine and the Commander-in-Chief about poor command and heavy losses in Avdiivka.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project processed this case. They found out that the 110th separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces responded to this video and refuted it. On the brigade’s official Facebook page they write that the video is not of their Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers, but of occupiers dressed in Ukrainian uniforms. In addition, suspicion was also aroused by the fact that the “military man” who complained on behalf of the battalion did not name his company, unit, position, surname or call sign in this “appeal”, although the video was recorded with open faces.

Propagandists are trying to demoralize Ukrainian society by spreading fake news like this video. They do this cynically, insidiously and resort to peculiar methods. Previously, we refuted the information that allegedly Hamas representatives recorded a video in which they thanked Zelenskyi for providing the weapons.

Message Ukrainian female doctors are running away from mobilization to temporarily occupied territories

This thesis was spread on social networks in the Russian segment. Reports say that female doctors are leaving Ukraine en masse for the temporarily occupied territories. In support of this thesis, a video is cited: a recording of a telephone conversation with a so-called doctor, a woman, from the Lviv region, who allegedly wants to go to temporarily occupied Mariupol and is looking for an apartment to live in. The authors argued that the woman allegedly received a draft notice and therefore she wanted to leave.

Analysts from the VoxCheck project dealt with this case. They explained that female doctors and pharmacists should indeed register with the military from October 1, 2023, but registration with the military does not mean mobilization or the establishment of restrictions on traveling abroad. The Ministry of Health notes: registration is necessary only to summarize data on the existing reserve of doctors in the country. The travel of this category of women is unlimited.

Therefore, most likely, the video is staged. After all, women are not mobilized in Ukraine  although the heroine of the video, during a telephone conversation, used the argument about mobilization as one of the main reasons for her irresistible desire to “escape” from Ukraine. In addition, this video is distributed only in the Russian segment of social networks. Experts cited other points from the telephone conversation:

For example, a woman said that she was only interested in an apartment in a new building and thus hinted that Russia was rebuilding Mariupol - a city that the occupiers really destroyed to the ground. Read in our Newspeak section how Moscow actually “rebuilds”  captured and destroyed cities and villages, calling them “a piece of paradise”.

Of course, it is almost impossible to verify the authenticity of the recording of a telephone conversation, since we can only refute the facts listed during the conversation. And this information includes false facts that, most likely, the Kremlin can use for its own purposes. For example, spread panic among Ukrainian women.

Fake Halloween was celebrated in the churches of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric in the media and social networks claim that Halloween was celebrated in the churches of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which the authors of such posts call “the holiday of evil spirits”. Like, proof of this is a video where one can see a church choir performing a song dedicated to this holiday. It was allegedly filmed in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Lutsk. However, this is a fake.

Analysts of the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that the video was not actually shot in Lutsk, but in the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Lviv on October 8, that is, before Halloween. Moreover, it is a temple of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, not the OCU. In addition, in the original video, the choir does not perform a song about the holiday, but the church song “How Beautiful is in Your Temple, Mother of God”, which has nothing to do with Halloween. The “celebration” of Halloween in Ukrainian churches is impossible, as the Orthodox Church of Ukraine publicly opposes this holiday, as explained on its official Facebook page.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to portray Ukrainians as schisms who destroy their faith for the sake of ideology. He said that even the churches in Ukraine were invaded by Western influences, which is why Russia introduced troops to protect “true values”.  Detector Media has repeatedly refuted messages and fakes related to the OCU.

Fake Ukrainian first-graders marched to the song “We are killing Russians” at the festive ceremony

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are distributing a video in which Ukrainian first-graders allegedly march to the song “We’re killing Russianns” on Knowledge Day. Russian propaganda also states that the subject Defense of Ukraine is designed to instill in children neo-Ukrainian ideology and hatred of Russians. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the VoxCheck project. They found the original video, dated September 2, 2022, and featuring a different song. That is, Russian propaganda edited the video and superimposed the song “We’re killing the Russians” on it.

Regarding the subject Defense of Ukraine - it has long existed in the school curriculum and until February 26, 2020 it was called Motherland Defense. This subject aims to provide schoolchildren with knowledge to defend Ukraine. The updated program contains information on the provision of pre-medical care, terrain orientation, and mine safety. As stated in the Ministry of Education and Science: “And the skills of controlling UAVs are used by videographers, surveyors, archaeologists and many specialists in their professional activities”.

This is a continuation of the narrative promoted by Russian propagandists that Nazism reigns in Ukraine, to which children are taught from childhood, and the Russians are supposedly trying to save Ukrainians. Thus, Russia is trying to justify a full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory. Previously, we refuted the fake that in the Azov children's camp children read Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Fake Hamas recorded a video expressing gratitude to Zelenskyi for providing weapons

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that representatives of the Hamas group allegedly recorded a video thanking Volodymyr Zelenskyi for the transferred weapons, which help resist Israel. It's fake.

Fact-checkers at the Center for Countering Disinformation analyzed the video and determined that it was fake. It is this video that is being distributed by Russian propaganda resources and fake foreign accounts, the time and place of filming are unknown. Moreover, the video cannot be verified because Hamas representatives have their faces covered.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and reduce the assistance of Western partners. This is a continuation of the disinformation campaign about Ukrainian weapons in the hands of Hamas. Previously, Detector Media refuted the fake that Ukraine sells weapons to Hamas and debunked the fake that Hamas militants use weapons from Mukachevo.

Fake Scientific workers of Ukraine are subject to conscription during mobilization

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that an illegal “mobilization of scientific staff” is allegedly being carried out in Ukraine - and add to the publications a video from an eyewitness who says that her comrade was allegedly forcibly taken to the local territorial recruitment and social support center. And that person is a historian and supposedly teaches in a higher education institution. The authors sum up: no one can fight in Ukraine, it doesn’t need smart people, so everyone is being raked into the “Zelenskyi meat grinder”. It is not true.

Research workers, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers are not subject to conscription for military service during mobilization. According to the amendments to Article 23 of the Law “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Work” dated July 29, 2022, they are not subject to conscription, provided that this category of people works in scientific institutions and organizations, institutions of higher education, professional higher education, professional (vocational and technical) or general secondary education (at the main place of work with at least 0.75 rates of their salary).

Moreover, the heroine in the video did not provide any evidence, photo or video evidence confirming the arbitrary behavior of employees of the local territorial recruitment and social support center towards the man. Yet, cases where employees of territorial centers exceed their authority are still recorded. We are talking, in particular, about the use of physical force against those liable for military service. But the woman simply spread information and in no way confirmed either the thesis about the use of violence against the scientist, or the fact that, in general, a higher education worker was hypothetically mobilized.

Fake 14/88 - a Ukrainian refugee painted Nazi symbols on residential buildings in Germany

A story allegedly from the European media Euronews is being spread on social networks in the Russian segment. It talks about the so-called 34-year-old Ukrainian refugee Petro Bondarenko, who was recently detained in Germany for committing a crime. He, according to the conclusions of the authors of the fake message, added the number 8 to houses with numbers 148. And then he divided the resulting number with the symbol / - thus forming the Nazi slogan 14/88. It is not true.

The VoxCheck project analysts investigated this case and found out that the news story about the Ukrainian refugee was compiled. At the same time, this news was also not found on the official Euronews website or on their pages on social networks. German media also did not come out with similar news.

In addition, the probable plot consists of numerous cuts of various videos that are not related to each other. For example, fakers used fragments of videos from different seasons, and this can be seen in the changes in natural phenomena: in one fragment, the leaves of the trees are green, and people are walking in light clothes while another part of the video depicts a completely different time of year, where people are dressed in warm clothes, and the leaves are no longer there, although, hypothetically, journalists cover events for one period of time, namely the moment of the “detention” of a Ukrainian refugee. The story also showed a law regulating the ban on the display of Nazi symbols in Germany, although in fact the propagandists illustrated the Australian law.

The image of the so-called Ukrainian refugee was used from the website “We face painting”, which published the photo back in 2011. Obviously, this photo has nothing to do with Ukraine.

Finally, propagandists are trying to show that Ukrainian refugees are supposedly a total threat to the sovereignty and security of EU countries. Russian propaganda, first of all, seeks to demoralize Ukrainian refugees in the eyes of Europeans and pass them off as supporters of Nazi ideology who are ready to resort to vandalism and violation of laws for their own purposes. All this contributes to a decrease in assistance to Ukraine from EU countries; and also leads to the victimization of Ukrainian refugees - when they are the only ones to blame for all the troubles.

We recommend reading our previous cases on this topic as the Kremlin systematically speculates on this:

- the Poles allegedly declared that they “don’t want to see” Ukrainian refugees in their country; 

- how a Ukrainian refugee barista “showed off his Nazi inclinations” by seeming to paint Nazi symbols on his coffee. 

And in our weekly review of disinformation, we talked on how propagandists lied about the mobilization of Ukrainian refugees in Europe.

Fake Street advertising appeared in New York calling for support for Ukraine, not Israel

Pro-Kremlin telegram channels are distributing a video according to which street advertising allegedly appeared in New York calling for support for Ukraine rather than Israel. The video was captioned as follows: “In New York, an advertisement appeared from disgruntled Ukrainians: Helping Jews = burning money”. It's fake.

The case was examined by the fact-checkers from the Center for Countering Disinformation. In fact, such advertising was not placed in New York. And the video used by propaganda appeared a month ago on the YouTube channel The NYC Walking Show, where the author gave a virtual tour of the streets of New York.

Russian propagandists seek to discredit Ukraine and worsen its relations with Israel and Western partners. Detector Media refuted the fake that the Turkish magazine Le Man published a cover with Zelenskyi “enraged by the whole world”.

Disclosure A trailer for the horror film “Voienkom” allegedly shot by Kvartal 95 Studio are being distributed by Russians

In the Russian segment of social networks, on YouTube and in pro-Kremlin media, a trailer for the horror film “Voienkom” (The Military Commissariat), which was allegedly produced by the Ukrainian company Kvartal 95 Studio, is being distributed. It's a lie.

The case was examined by the fact-checkers from the Center for Countering Disinformation. They established that the video was created by the Russians. Experts also managed to identify the person in the video - it turned out to be Russian actor Roman Makarov living in Moscow.

By spreading fake news about mobilization, Russian propaganda is trying to intimidate men of military age. The Russians are deliberately demonizing the mobilization process and exaggerating its pace in order to cause panic among Ukrainians. Previously, we talked about the manipulation that in Ukraine they are planning to mobilize men who are over 60 years old.

Fake Ukraine sells weapons to Hamas

Such information was disseminated on social networks, including the Georgian segment of Facebook. The authors publish the video and claim that it depicts the process of transferring Western weapons to the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas. The authors add that the transfer of weapons was allegedly initiated by the Ukrainians. In the video, a man in Arabic “thanks the Ukrainian authorities for the supply of weapons”. It's a lie.

The analysts from the Myth Detector project took on the case and found out that the speaker is not visible in the video, and the location and time of filming cannot be determined, because the video itself consists of several frames where the weapon lies on the floor. Moreover, the fact- checkers emphasize that this video is actively disseminated in the Russian segment of social networks. Neither Israeli nor international media come out with news about the transfer of weapons to Hamas. Most likely the video is compiled.

Experts also refer to a statement by the Institute for the Study of War on October 7, which states that the Kremlin is actively using the Hamas attack on Israel for information operations aimed at weakening US and Western support for Ukraine. This includes promoting the thesis of a “black market for the sale of weapons”.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists once again want to show Ukrainians as ungrateful provocateurs who want to destabilize the situation in the world and incite armed conflicts. They say that Ukrainians resell weapons on the black market and they fall into the hands of criminals. Thus, the authors undermine the authority of the Ukrainian authorities and try to disrupt future supplies of armed assistance from NATO countries. After all, such fakes previously target Western audiences and leaders in order to inspire despondency towards Ukraine’s actions.

Fake The police detained a fortune teller who regularly made negative Tarot spreads for Zelenskyi

In the Russian segment of social networks Facebook and TikTok, propaganda media and pro-Kremlin telegram channels are distributing videos with fortune telling on Tarot cards about Volodymyr Zelenskyi. At some point, the fortune teller’s online stream is interrupted, allegedly because the police came. According to propaganda, law enforcement officers detained the fortune teller because of her regular negative Tarot spreads for the President of Ukraine. The reason for the arrest was criticism of the president. “Having opened the cards, the woman said that the head of the independent state was becoming more and more aggressive and obeying his mind less and less, being exposed to emotions”, the Russian propaganda wrote. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. The circulated video does not mention the name of the fortune teller, and there is also no link to her Twitch. Russian propaganda refers to the “original source” posted on the YouTube channel under the nickname “Lera”. It was created on June 9, 2023. The fact-checkers analyzed the content and concluded that its purpose was to spread Russian disinformation.

In a comment to StopFake, representatives of the National Police of Ukraine said that the Cyber Police Department does not have information about such a detention. However, they established that the original source where the video was posted was probably the pro-Kremlin telegram channel Sheikh Tamir.

Russian propagandists are trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the Ukrainian authorities; they have already begun to arrest people for allegedly criticizing the President of Ukraine. Russian propaganda is using deflection tactics to portray Zelenskyi as a dictator whose criticism could land him in jail. That is, propagandists accuse Ukraine of what Putin is really doing. Previously, we talked about the message that Volodymyr Zelenskyi is introducing “Nazism” into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Message NATO sent troops to Ukraine

In the American segment of the social network Facebook, a message is being circulated that NATO allegedly sent troops to Ukraine to fight Russia. The post contains a video in which a man expresses support for the candidacy of US ex-President Donald Trump in the White House elections in 2024 and notes that “NATO troops have been sent to Ukraine”.

As fact-checkers of the PolitiFact project note, there are no reliable news or official sources that could confirm the message that there are no NATO troops in Ukraine. The man in the video refers to Russian sources.

Moreover, NATO press officer Matthias Eichenlaub commented to the fact-checkers, where he noted: “There are no NATO troops in Ukraine”. The official website also contains no information about these military personnel in Ukraine. “And we have a responsibility to ensure the conflict does not escalate and spread beyond Ukraine. That would be even more dangerous, destructive, and even more deadly”, the alliance’s website says.

Russian propaganda continues to spread messages that Russia is fighting the West on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, the Russians are trying to justify their defeats at the front and absolve themselves of responsibility for crimes in Ukraine.

Fake Before Zelenskyi’s arrival, a billboard with the inscription “Glory to Urine” was installed in New York

Russian publications broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, the speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mariia Zakharova, distributed a video with the Fox News logo, where allegedly during Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s visit to the United States to participate in a meeting of the UN General Assembly, he was greeted with a billboard in yellow and blue and the inscription “Glory to Urine”. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the MythDetector project. An NBC investigative journalist determined that there is no such billboard in Times Square, at the intersection of 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue, where the billboard video was allegedly filmed. This inscription was added in the video editor, like the Fox News logo. Opposite the billboard is a McDonald's, which is not visible in the video. So, the propagandists used an old fake video, filmed in 2022, when there was no McDonald's in this place.

Fox News confirmed to Reuters that the video was not posted on its platform. And Erin Watkins, the chief lawyer of the Big Outdoor media company, which owns and manages part of the billboards in Times Square, commented to Reuters that photographs and videos with a banner and the inscription “Glory to the Urine” are 100% fake.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the West and humiliate Volodymyr Zelenskyi, saying that his Western partners do not respect him and the whole world is against Ukraine. Previously, we refuted the fake news that an advertising banner with Zelenskyi was installed in New York with the inscription that “he earned more than the Barbie movie”.

Message Ukraine is not independent because its children sing the National Anthem in English

A number of anonymous telegram channels with pro-Russian rhetoric are disseminating information that on Ukraine’s Independence Day, children sang the Ukrainian Anthem in English. They say that this proves that Ukraine has, in fact, already fully become a “puppet” of the West, which means it has lost its independence.

The specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to the manipulation. They found out that the anthem was performed by students of Nadvirnianskyi Lyceum No. 1 in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and this video was posted on the official Facebook page of the institution on March 6, 2017. Accordingly, the children did not complete this version for Independence Day. Project analysts also note that international partners do not stop expressing their support for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, citing numerous speeches by the US President, NATO Secretary General and other officials in Western countries. In addition, they remind that the anthem of Ukraine was also heard in concert halls of other countries, where spectators greeted it standing.

By spreading this message, propagandists want to undermine trust in Western partners and justify Russia’s crimes against Ukrainians. They say that Russia is really helping Ukraine maintain its independence in front of the “collective West” and if Russia loses, Ukraine will finally be occupied by Western countries. Detector Media has already written about how the Russians are scaring Ukrainians with the “occupation” of the western regions of the country by Poland.

Fake During one of Joseph Biden's speeches, people chanted obscene words

This information was disseminated by pro-Kremlin media. Reports say that Joseph Biden gave a speech to the Americans. However, according to the authors of the fake message, the crowd was unhappy with the politician and began chanting obscene words in response. The publications add that the angry crowd shouted “f*ck you, Joe”. To support this, the reports add video evidence that appears to be a real recording of the American president’s speech. It's a lie.

The VoxCheck project specialists were able to analyze the case, who verified the authenticity of the video and determined that it was compiled. In fact, obscene exclamations were added to the original audio track, allegedly aimed at the President of the United States. Using a reverse Google search, the fact-checkers also discovered a real video of Joe Biden's speech, which was published back in July 2022. In fact, the official’s clothes, accessories and the location of the shooting coincide with the propaganda heritage - most likely, the authors used this particular video to plant a fake. As for the speech itself, the politician spoke about introducing legislation that would strengthen the security of local communities. For example, the legislative initiative provides for limiting the use of weapons for certain categories of people.

Propagandists exploited a moment in the speech when a listener chimed in on Biden's speech, declaring that “Americans need to do more”. And the politician asked the listener to sit down. Moreover, others began to shout “”Joe Biden! Yes!”, that is, in this way they supported the official’s initiative.

Propagandists of the system are trying to discredit the US President by showing his “clumsiness” and “meaninglessness”. Allegedly, Ukraine’s strategic partner is not competent at all and does not deserve recognition. Thus, the authors ridicule Western leaders. But they are trying to point out that Russian politicians, say, are more conscientious and never have any incidents happen to them: they are “successful”, they are “supported everywhere” and are trying to “imitate”. Thus, Russian propaganda despises, for example, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, contrasting him with the standard bastions of Russian politics.

The analysts of Detector Media recently refuted similar cases about the head of the White House, where they tried to undermine his authority. Read the latest: how Joe Biden allegedly buys books about dementia, “sniffs” a teenager, or supposedly falls asleep during a meeting with the President of Israel.

Message Ukrainian refugees in Europe demonstrate their “Nazi tendencies”

This thesis was spread on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Ukrainian refugees in Europe have begun to demonstrate their Nazi tendencies. They claim that this is a direct threat to the territorial integrity of the EU. In support of this thesis, evidence is provided that a Ukrainian barista offers Europeans coffee with a swastika on it. All this, they say, is happening in a German town. Video evidence is added to publications. It's a lie.

The analysts from the VoxCheck project analyzed the case and determined that the video is an advertisement for online late art courses in Bolivia, and there is no mention of Ukrainians in it. The video has an Instagram page tagged, so the fact-checkers decided to check it out. The page is actually active and posts are posted there.The fact-checkers came across the original video used by propagandists. There is no mention of Ukraine there either. And it is impossible to say for sure that it was the swastika that was depicted on the coffee. That is, the authors of the online courses did not add any context to the Instagram message, so there may be different interpretations. Although the video received more than 384 thousand likes with 4,800 subscribers, in the comments, users mock and hint at the theme of Nazism. The fact-checkers claim that the video could have been used to attract attention.

With all that, neither the Instagram page nor the video have anything to do with Ukrainians. Propagandists explained the video modifications in a context that was favorable to them. It’s as if a Ukrainian refugee in Germany is selling coffee with a swastika design. Thus, the authors seek to demonize Ukrainian refugees and show that Europe does not support Ukraine and Ukrainians in general. Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to present Ukrainian refugees as criminals or terrorists, as a cultural and economic threat to the EU - in order to reduce support for Ukraine. We mentioned this in our own research.

Fake A restaurant in Kyiv offers visitors “kebabs with Karabakh smoke” and a shot “to Pashynian”

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric and users of the Russian segment of Facebook are disseminating information that the Kyiv Mama Gochi restaurant is supposedly running a special promotion - visitors are offered “kebabs with Karabakh smoke” and a shot “to Pashynian”. Russian propaganda is also distributing a video of a restaurant and a sign with the action. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the MythDetector project. The video, distributed by agitprop on September 20, has been edited. Russian propaganda shows a chalk inscription on a black board, where the center is noticeably darker than the edges. The Mama Gochi restaurant published a post on its Instagram page on the same day, where the real menu is visible on the board, and noted that this video is fake. In fact, there was neither such a kebab nor such a shot on the menu. Representatives of the restaurant informed the fact-checkers who contacted the police that this fake was damaging the reputation of Mama Gochi.

Moreover, the fact-checkers checked the video frames using the Forensic application, which allows one to extract metadata from documents on social networks, and the visual manipulation tool InVid. They found that Forensic shows one type of manipulation in place of the telegram channel logo and the menu board. It was also established that fake posts were spread by similar posts, published mainly on September 20, and the first videos appeared in the telegram channel “Ostashko! Important” (its logo is contained in the video), owned by a Russian propagandist.

Russian propagandists are trying to dehumanize Ukrainians and show them to be cruel. They say that the escalation of the armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh is a reason for jokes. By accusing Ukrainians of being indifferent and mocking towards other countries, Russia is diverting attention from its own crimes and the aggression it is showing towards Ukraine. Earlier, Detector Media refuted the fake that in Ukraine they sell the House of Trade Unions candle with the aroma of marshmallow on the fire.

Fake A security guard who accompanied Zelenskyi at the UN General Assembly started a fight in a New York bar

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric and Kremlin propagandists are distributing a video of an employee of Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s security service allegedly accompanying him to the UN General Assembly allegedly starting a fight in New York at a local bar, The Campbell Bar, not far from the UN building. In the low-quality video, we first see footage of the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to the United States, and then the crush of a group of men. Russian propaganda refers to the American publication USA Today, which apparently published this video. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. The video published by propaganda is a forgery. It is impossible to identify the men in the video, and the text accompanying the video is riddled with errors. Fact-checkers analyzed the bar in the video and compared it with The Campbell Bar - they are visually different. Also, the bar administration, authorized representative of the company Scott Gerber, said in a comment to StopFake: “This video is a fake. This was not the case at the Campbell Bar”.

Moreover, the American publication USA Today did not publish material about the fight that Zelenskyi’s security guard allegedly started. There is no information on this case on the publication’s website or on the company’s social networks.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the Ukrainian delegation in the United States and reduce Western support. Previously, we refuted the fake that Suspilne compiled a video of Zelenskyi’s speech at the UN General Assembly.

Fake Compromising photos and videos with Rustem Umierov

A number of anonymous telegram channels disseminating pro-Russian rhetoric published photos and videos in which allegedly Defense Minister Rustem Umierov masturbates on camera and addresses a potential partner. The authors of such reports argue that such actions jeopardize Ukraine's reputation, especially in international negotiations, and show shortcomings in the selection of personnel in the Ukrainian government. In publications containing these materials, propagandists used disparaging language towards Umierov himself. However, these photos and videos are fake.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to this. Using the sites Search4faces and PimEyes, they found out that the person in the video is indeed Russian Davyd Kasaiev. In particular, in the public domain one can find a photo of Kasaiev with the background that is visible in the “leaked” videos. Also, some telegram channels indicated that videos and photos with allegedly Rustem Umierov were filmed long before the start of his career. However, if one compares the photo of the real Umierov from 12 years ago and the videos published by the Russians, one can see the difference. In particular, one can see differences in the shape of the nose, face and eye shape. The timbre and manner of speech in the video do not match Umerov’s voice. In addition, such actions are not a characteristic of a politician’s professional activity and it is not worth assessing the reputation behind them, especially with the use of derogatory language.

Using such fakes, propagandists aimed to personally discredit Umierov before his appointment as Minister of Defense of Ukraine and prevent this. They continue their personal attacks on him, in particular by spreading fake quotes from Umierov, which we wrote about earlier.