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Fake Ukrainian clergy allegedly bless water with a trident

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that Ukrainian priests bless water with a “trident” - as a canonized church element with which such rituals can be performed. In support of such theses, a video was attached to the messages, which showed the process of blessing the water. The authors of the fake add: “Ukrainian priests are engaged in blasphemy, schismatics are performing an incomprehensible ritual, plunging a devilish trident into water”. It's a lie.

The StopFake analysts took up this case and found that the video depicts a three-candlestick symbolizing the Holy Trinity. The fact-checkers also first approached the clergy for comment and explained that such a ritual mainly refers to the Western Galician tradition in Ukraine. That is, the video does not depict a Ukrainian trident. Actually, Russian propagandists hinted that Ukrainian churches were allegedly engaged in profanation and blasphemy, equating state symbols with “sacred”. They say, thus, the Ukrainian church is moving away from the canons, turning into a “pagan” one, when they worship various objects, natural phenomena, and the like.

However, this does not negate the importance of Ukrainian state symbols in people’s lives - for example, if water was blessed with the accompaniment (not direct use) of state elements, there is nothing wrong with that. People only express their patriotism and love for the Ukrainian state.

Read on Censor.NET: The Church of the “Holy Dog Patron” was allegedly created in Ukraine.

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