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Fake French activists allegedly created an anti-Ukrainian campaign calling on citizens to stop supporting Ukraine

Pro-Kremlin media are disseminating information that French activists from the organization “attac” are posting leaflets in Paris calling for the withdrawal of all cash, supposedly as a sign of protest against Ukraine. According to propagandists, the organization is asking to withdraw all cash from bank accounts so that “not a single penny” goes to Ukraine. Photos of leaflets with the inscription “Take (withdraw from accounts - DM) the money before it’s too late” are added to the publications. This is a lie.

The fact-checkers at the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council analyzed the case and sent a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to refute the propaganda stuff there. The department confirmed to fact-checkers that the information about the “anti-Ukrainian campaign” is not real, since the activists’ initiative has nothing to do with Ukraine and the Russian-Ukrainian war. This is an internal protest of French citizens, associated, as noted in the Center, with “tightening control of financial markets”.

Moreover, the organization itself condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and did not create any initiatives that could discredit the Ukrainian state.

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