Spilnota Detector Media

Fake In a Vinnytsia kindergarten, a guy’s mouth was “washed with soap” because he spoke Russian

A video is being circulated in the Russian segment of social networks in which a woman states that in a kindergarten in Vinnytsia, one of the teachers allegedly “washed his child’s mouth with soap” because she spoke Russian. As the publications add, after the “punishment” the guy allegedly developed allergic stomatitis, but it has not yet been possible to bring the administration of his mother’s kindergarten to justice.

In the video one can also see several documents, complaints addressed to the head of the kindergarten and to the regional prosecutor's office, as well as a certificate from the dentist stating that the child allegedly developed allergic stomatitis. Complaints on behalf of Olesia Mykolaivna Kovalchuk say that the incident occurred in kindergarten No. 67 “Sonechko”, where a preschool teacher Olena Mykhailivna Panasiuk allegedly “bullied” her son.

StopFake analysts explained that this story is complete fiction. Experts turned to the director of the Department of Education of the Vinnytsia City Council Oksana Yatsenko, who denied the authenticity of this story. Oksana Yatsenko stated that neither in kindergarten No. 67, nor in any other preschool institution in Vinnytsia, such a situation never happened.

Analysts also found many inaccuracies in the “complaint statement”, for example:

In Vinnytsia kindergarten No. 67, a preschool teacher named Olena Mykhailivna Panasiuk does not work;

The complaint addressed to the director of kindergarten No. 67 indicated the wrong address of the preschool institution (Vasyl Poryk street, 14 instead of Stelmakh street, 45);

The name of the director of kindergarten No. 67 is also incorrectly indicated. The person indicated in the letter is the head of another educational institution, but no such incidents were recorded there either.

Fake Ukraine is ready to export electricity to Poland

Propagandists are distributing on anonymous telegram channels a photo of a letter allegedly from JSC National Atomic Power Generating Company Energoatom, addressed to the Minister of Climate and Environment of Poland, Paulina Hennig-Kloska, about their readiness to export electricity to Poland. However, this is fake.

The Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council drew attention to it. Its specialists checked the information at JSC National Atomic Power Generating Company Energoatom and found out that the letter being distributed was a fake. This indicates several details. Firstly, in the text of the “letter” there are obvious lexical and grammatical errors that are not typical for the Ukrainian language, especially in its last sentence. In addition, the head of Energoatom does not send official correspondence to government authorities of foreign countries, since this violates ethics and rules of international correspondence. The signature on the so-called document is also fake. Also, at the end of 2023, Energoatom became a joint-stock company, and not a state-owned enterprise, as stated in the “document”.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists are trying to cause public discontent and neutralize Russia’s role in the crisis of the energy system in Ukraine. They say that Ukrainians are sitting without electricity not because Russia is carrying out targeted attacks on Ukrainian energy facilities, but because Ukraine allegedly sells electricity abroad.

Fake The head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration allegedly wrote a denunciation against the mayor of Kharkiv

Russian propagandists spread the news, allegedly the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov wrote a letter to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi with a request to investigate the corrupt activities of the chairman of the Kharkiv city council Ihor Terekhov.

VoxCheck analysts explained that such a document is fake. In fact, a number of errors indicate a falsification of the document. The press service of the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration confirmed that the document is not real.

For example, some errors are recorded in the “document”:

The correct spelling would be in such words: “Supreme Commander-in-Chief”,  “heads”, “criminal proceedings”, “during” etc.

Fake The wife of a deceased Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier allegedly must pay 227 thousand hryvnia for his equipment

Pro-Russian telegram channels are distributing a video in which the wife of a deceased Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier allegedly shows a bill for equipment in the amount of UAH 227,115, which she allegedly must pay. The corresponding “document” was apparently signed by V. M. Orel, the military commissar of the Kaniv United City Military Commissariat.

In fact, this information is not true, according to the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council. The so-called equipment bill is a fake by Russian propagandists. The first thing one should pay attention to is that today in Ukraine, instead of military commissariats, there are Territorial Centers for Recruitment and Social Support. Propagandists often get caught doing this. In addition, the “document” itself also contains grammatical errors, which are typical for Russians when creating their fakes.

In general, such fakes are spread with the aim of discrediting the military leadership and creating a negative image of Ukrainian defenders. Previously, we refuted information that in private correspondence, military wives allegedly talk about how the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hides large losses and does not pay money to the families of the dead.

Fake Fake about the mobilization of 1000 students of Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv

Russian telegram channels are distributing a photo of a “document” from the Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv on “exemption from training of 1000 students in connection with their conscription for military service during mobilization”. In addition, the relevant document states that the reason for such an order was an appeal from representatives of the SBU, as well as the Shevchenko district territorial center of procurement and social support.

Experts from the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council undertook to analyze this information. They found out that in fact the photo of the “document” is just another photoshop of Russian propagandists.

Firstly, the execution of the document does not meet the legal requirements for the execution of organizational and administrative documents.

Secondly, the numbering of the order does not correspond to the numbering that is used to register orders of the National National Institution, which are posted in the public domain.

After all, the fictitious document contains many spelling errors, which also indicate its falsity.

This fake appeared as part of a large-scale propaganda campaign to discredit mobilization in Ukraine. Propagandists speculate on a sensitive topic for many Ukrainians and resort to such fabrications that are intended to demoralize, mislead and intimidate society. Previously, we refuted information that Zelenskyi allegedly mobilizes minors.

Fake Western pharmaceutical companies allegedly conducted experiments on patients in a mental hospital in Mariupol

Propagandists are disseminating information that Western pharmaceutical companies allegedly conducted dangerous experiments with drugs for rheumatoid arthritis on patients in the psychiatric ward of Hospital No. 7 in Mariupol. It is noted that the drug “could contribute to the occurrence of cancers of the lymphatic and hematopoietic systems”, but the “research subjects” were not informed about this. “Documents” have emerged that, according to propagandists, indicate the “criminal activities” of these pharmaceutical companies. Among them is a brochure that supposedly confirms the risk of lymphoma, leukemia and other diseases of the hematopoietic system. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that this study was not conducted at the psychiatric ward of Hospital No. 7 in Mariupol, as propagandists claim. Claims regarding the use of children and the mentally ill in experiments are false. According to Ukrainian legislation, participants in clinical trials must be fully informed about the risks and possible side effects of the drugs being tested.

Propagandists spread fake news to discredit Ukraine’s Western partners and cause panic among the population. They say that Ukrainians are testing biological weapons, and Russia is saving them from precisely this. However, this fake does not correspond to the legislation of Ukraine and reality.

Fake The dead man allegedly received a draft notice

The social network TikTok is distributing a video in which a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly died during hostilities received a draft notice from the Territorial center of recruitment and social support. The video with the relevant documents was allegedly recorded by the close family of the deceased woman.

The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security claims that the video is fake and created by the Russians. This is evidenced by several factors.

Firstly, from the pronunciation one can hear that the Ukrainian language is foreign to a person, he makes a huge number of mistakes and has a specific accent.

Secondly, one senses inept acting – the woman is clearly overacting with negative emotions.

Thirdly, the draft notice states that the military man is an “ordinary” one, but there is no such rank in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; in Ukraine it is a “soldier”.

Fourth, the “documents” date back to May and June 2022, but the video appeared online on February 23, 2024—on the eve of the anniversary of the full-scale invasion.

It should be noted that in Ukraine there were indeed cases when people who had already died received draft notices. However, they are not associated with the “arbitrariness of the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support”, as propagandists claim, but with a certain confusion in the databases. For example, the district administration may not have informed the Territorial center of recruitment and social support about the death of a person, which is why it was on the agenda list.

This fake appeared as part of a large-scale propaganda campaign to discredit mobilization in Ukraine. Propagandists speculate on a sensitive topic for many Ukrainians and resort to such fabrications that are intended to demoralize, mislead and intimidate society. Previously, we refuted the information that Silpo’s receipts allegedly issued draft notices.

Fake Maya Sandu allegedly allowed the use of Moldovan airspace for F-16 fighters after a request from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry

Propagandists are distributing on anonymous telegram channels a photo of an allegedly official letter from the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which requests the use of Moldova’s airspace. To discuss this issue, a meeting of representatives of the general staffs of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania was held from February 12 to 16, 2024. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to this. They found out that this information comes exclusively from Russian and pro-Russian sources. No other media or officials have confirmed such a meeting. Additionally, information about the deployment of F-16 military aircraft on the territory of Moldova and the use of its airspace was denied by the Ministry of Defense of this country. Even the “letter” that propagandists distribute shows signs of editing.

The Moldovan media NewsMaker contacted the Ministry of Defense with a request to clarify information about the use of airspace for Ukrainian aircraft, and received an answer that this information was erroneous and was being disseminated with the aim of scaring society. Moreover, there is no mention anywhere of a meeting between representatives of Romania, Moldova and Ukraine in Chisinau from February 12 to 16, 2024. Analyzing the “writing” using the Forensically tool and ELA analysis, signs of editing are noticeable.

Previously, the same pro-Russian sources disseminated information that F-16 aircraft transferred to Ukraine would be stationed at the Moldovan Marculesti airport near the border with Ukraine. However, Moldovan Defense Minister Anatolii Nosatyi denied these statements, calling them an attempt to destabilize the situation in the country.

Fake If men abroad want to get a new passport, they will be given temporary documents to return to Ukraine

A letter allegedly from Volodymyr Shvachko, director of the passport service of the State Enterprise “Document”, was distributed on social networks. The letter referred to the issuance of temporary travel documents to men born between 1960 and 2006 to return to Ukraine. However, this story turned out to be fake, debunked by VoxCheck.

The first suspicious allegation was that the State Enterprise “Document” had allegedly started issuing new “temporary travel documents”. However, no official data about such a service could be found. Indeed, there are documents for returning to Ukraine, but they are issued in other circumstances and by other institutions.

Secondly, the specified age range covers people from 17 to 63 years old, many of whom are not eligible for mobilization in Ukraine due to their age.

As for Volodymyr Shvachko himself, he was suspended from his duties during the investigation, which means he could not sign such documents at the time of their alleged issuance.

The fake document contained numerous linguistic and formal errors, which was additional confirmation of its falsity. The absence of official recognition or any communications from Ukrainian citizens abroad about the receipt of such documents only strengthened the denial.

Fake Medicines were allegedly tested on Mariupol residents in the interests of Western companies

Russian media write that rheumatological drugs for large Western pharmacological companies were tested on patients at Hospital No. 7 in Mariupol. Everything happened between 2008 and 2016. In asserting this, propagandists refer to “documents that were found at the site of the reconstruction of the hospital”.

The Center for Strategic Communications and Security analyzed this information. As it turned out, Russian propaganda did not provide any real evidence to support this news. The reference to the mythical “workers who found the test documents” cannot be an official source. The documents themselves have not been made public, so we can conclude that they simply do not exist.

In addition, a search for information about “drug research on patients in Mariupol hospitals” in open sources also did not yield results. It should be noted that in Ukraine no one has conducted or is conducting experiments on people. In particular, such cases were not recorded either in the Luhansk region or in the Donetsk region.

This fake propaganda piece echoes others like it about “the functioning of American biological laboratories in Ukraine”, “black transplantology”, “combat mosquitoes”, etc. The purpose of such information dumps is to demonize the West and Ukraine. On the other hand, propagandists are trying to once again assure everyone that “Ukraine is a puppet state”, so Western countries supposedly allow themselves to do whatever they want on its territory.

Fake Investigators managed to record Zaluzhnyi’s secret conversations - a document

In the Russian segment of social networks, a document “transcript” of allegedly secretly listening to conversations between Valerii Zaluzhnyi and Oleksandr Syrskyi and Mykhailo Podoliak is being distributed. The transcripts of the conversations allegedly talk about criticism of the Ukrainian president and dissatisfaction with him. It's a lie.

The VoxCheck analysts took up the case and determined that the “groundwork” of the so-called investigators is not real, because, first of all, the documents published on anonymous telegram channels and from there were replicated by other resources. In the “transcripts” one can notice numerous errors, for example: in the text they wrote “relatively”, but it is correct to write “in relation to”. Also, Syrskyi’s surname was simultaneously written in both Ukrainian and Russian.

Or else the text is filled with classic Russian propaganda techniques: where Zelenskyi was called a “drug addict”, “comedian”, “clown”, etc.

That is, it is most likely that the text was created by the Kremlin’s henchmen and subsequently they distributed it on anonymous resources.

Fake Documents confirming black transplantation in the Ukrainian Armed Forces were allegedly found in Sievierodonetsk

Pro-Russian telegram channels are spreading a story about allegedly black transplantation in temporarily occupied Sievierodonetsk, when it was under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Propagandists claim to have found consent forms for the removal of organs and body tissues, allegedly filled out on behalf of Ukrainian army soldiers in 2022. The plot also features witnesses to black transplantation who seem to talk about how it all happened.

In fact, this plot has been staged. It contains fake heroes and evidence. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation. In general, Russians have been spreading the message about black transplantology in Ukraine, in particular in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since 2014. The goal is to discredit the military-political leadership of Ukraine and create a negative image of the state in the eyes of the international community.

To promote its lies, Russian propaganda systematically uses staged stories, fake articles and news distributed by Kremlin-controlled resources. More information about the propaganda campaign of information influence “Black Transplantology” can be found in the study of the Center for Countering Disinformation.

• Read also: The medical mission of FRIDA Ukraine is allegedly engaged in the transfer of organs

Disclosure A photo of a fake letter from the SBU to the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany is being distributed online

Pro-Kremlin telegram channels are distributing photos of a letter allegedly from the SBU to the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany with a demand to provide information about all adult men participating in the rallies for further sending their data to the ​​Territorial centers of recruitment and social support.

After verifying the letter at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Center for Countering Disinformation reported that this “document” was fake. The text of the letter contains signs of Photoshop; there is no electronic signature on the “document”, as well as errors in the formatting of the letter. In addition, the letter allegedly from the SBU was written on the letterhead of the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany, and this does not comply with the rules for organizing office work.

By spreading such fakes, Russian propagandists are trying to sow panic among Ukrainians abroad, in particular in Germany. It should be noted that this spread of misinformation occurred against the backdrop of a new version of the Mobilization Bill.

• Read also: In Ukraine they allegedly call on people to mobilize into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with their entire families.

Fake Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly purchased yachts worth over $75 million

Anonymous telegram channels are spreading information that Volodymyr Zelenskyi, through proxies, bought two yachts - “Lucky Me” and “My Legacy” - for $75 million. In support of such theses, the authors add photographs of the “bought” yachts and relevant “documents” that supposedly evidence of a purchase. And they link to the English-language media The Islander. It's a lie.

The VoxCheck analysts took on this case and found out that, first of all, the companies that own the yachts confirmed that no one bought them from them and they are still up for sale. Accordingly, the “documents” are fake and in no way claim to be authentic. In November 2023, The Islander media actually published an investigative material in which the authors establish the involvement of the Ukrainian president in the purchase of ships. However, the founders of this media are henchmen of the Kremlin. For example, the About Us section states that The Islander was co-created by Jerry Nolan and Chey Bowes. The latter works as a correspondent for the Russian propaganda television and radio company Russia Today.

Also, information about the purchase, in a traditional way for Russian propaganda, was published on an inactive YouTube channel, where the author allegedly talks about yachts that were bought by persons associated with Volodymyr Zelenskyi. The author of the video calls himself Shahzade Nasir. But open sources also do not contain any other materials from the author of the “investigation”, Shahzad Nasir. The search engine returns only the mentioned YouTube channel. It is unlikely that this is a real name.

The so-called investigations into the property of Ukrainian officials are turning into a systematic campaign to discredit them. Thus, propagandists or proxies of Moscow seek to portray Ukraine as a cradle of corruption schemes - which in the future could harm Ukraine’s European integration path. After all, the fight against corruption and its reduction is one of the main tasks of the state in order to become part of the European Union.

Here are other cases related to the “taking” of real estate with “stolen funds”: how Zelenskyi allegedly bought the villa of Hitler’s propaganda minister Goebbels for 8 million euros; or how propagandists lied that Zelenskyi’s mother-in-law purchased a villa on the coast of Egypt using Western humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Fake French activists allegedly created an anti-Ukrainian campaign calling on citizens to stop supporting Ukraine

Pro-Kremlin media are disseminating information that French activists from the organization “attac” are posting leaflets in Paris calling for the withdrawal of all cash, supposedly as a sign of protest against Ukraine. According to propagandists, the organization is asking to withdraw all cash from bank accounts so that “not a single penny” goes to Ukraine. Photos of leaflets with the inscription “Take (withdraw from accounts - DM) the money before it’s too late” are added to the publications. This is a lie.

The fact-checkers at the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council analyzed the case and sent a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to refute the propaganda stuff there. The department confirmed to fact-checkers that the information about the “anti-Ukrainian campaign” is not real, since the activists’ initiative has nothing to do with Ukraine and the Russian-Ukrainian war. This is an internal protest of French citizens, associated, as noted in the Center, with “tightening control of financial markets”.

Moreover, the organization itself condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and did not create any initiatives that could discredit the Ukrainian state.

Fake In Rivne, those who evade are allegedly cut off from public services

Pro-Russian telegram channels are disseminating information that in Rivne, residents of a house on Stepan Bandera Street will allegedly not be served by utility workers due to the fact that many citizens from this street did not appear to the military registration and enlistment office. “Announcements” with such information were apparently placed on the entrance doors of one of the Rivne high-rise buildings. In the text of the “announcements”, its authors refer to the Laws of Ukraine “On Social Services” and “On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization”.

In fact, the information from the so-called “announcements” is fake. This was reported by the fact-checkers from the “No Lies” project. The Law of Ukraine “On Social Services” does not concern the maintenance of residential buildings by utility companies, but determines the needs of the population for social services. It is also not associated with mobilization. The Law of Ukraine “On mobilization preparation and mobilization”, which the creators of the fake refer to, also contains no such restrictions for men who evade conscription.

The Rivne regional administration itself has already refuted the information about the “announcement” and pointed out another discrepancy: Hrybnyk Street, where they are asked to “appear at the military registration and enlistment office”, does not exist in Rivne.

Russian propaganda speculates on the topic of mobilization in Ukraine, creating similar fakes. By playing on the sensitive topic of the availability of electricity and gas for Ukrainians, which became such as a result of the start of massive Russian shelling of critical infrastructure in the fall of 2022, propagandists are sowing fear, uncertainty and doubts in society.

Fake The journalist who published the “investigation” of the purchase of the villa by the Zelenskyi family was allegedly “killed”

Pro-Kremlin media are spreading information that allegedly after another scandal related to the “purchase” of the villa of Hitler’s propaganda minister Goebbels for 8 million euros, Zelenskyi decided to get rid of the so-called investigative journalist who had previously exposed the purchase of other real estate; namely, the villas of Zelenskyi’s mother-in-law. It's a lie.

Fact-checkers of the EU vs Disinfo project explained: firstly, just like the first case of buying a villa, the second one is not true. Let’s say, with regard to the so-called villa of Zelenskyi’s mother-in-law, the “investigation material” includes many factual errors. The authors provide a photo of an alleged document about the purchase of real estate, where the future owner of the house is indicated. So the document says that Olha KIYASHKO owns the house, although according to the current standards of the state migration service, the transliteration on all documents would look like this: Olha KYIASHKO. The authors did not prove the authenticity of such a “document” and did not explain where they got it from. That is, the contract for the purchase of the villa at least definitely does not concern Olha Kyiashko.

And the identity of the investigative journalist himself raises many questions. Since, upon request in the search engine, Mohammed Al-Alawi investigative journalist gives only a link to the material about this villa and no additional information about the person - it is most likely that this name was invented. That is, they killed no one, because such a person simply does not exist and no one bought the villa.

Also with the second example of “taking possession” of real estate: quite recently, Russian propagandists were convincing people that the Ukrainian president allegedly acquired the former villa of the main propagandist of the Third Reich. In support of such theses, a video of a “former employee” of a Berlin real estate company was attached. The woman called herself Sabine Mels.

However, it was not possible to establish a connection between the so-called Sabine Mels and the Berlin real estate company. And when asked in a search engine, “Sabine Mels” gives just a link to material about this villa and nothing more. In this case, the situation is repeated: most likely, the name of this person was also invented.

As for the “investigation” video, it was published on an inactive YouTube channel, where there are only three videos. One of these videos is dedicated to the ultra-right movement. The author posted a story from the Indian news service WION about the growing number of sympathizers of the German Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The second video is called “anti-fascists agreed to tell” and the author himself, throughout the third video, talks about the “purchase” of a villa, wearing a T-shirt with the inscription “Antifaschistische aktion” (anti-fascist action). According to the German Federal Service for the Protection of the Constitution, this movement belongs to left-wing extremists. Anti-fascism (opposition to Nazism and fascism) as an ideology can have different “dimensions” of development: left, liberal, etc. The Federal Service, among other things, cited cases of violence from members of such communities: you can read here.

In the end, Russian propaganda is trying to portray Ukraine as a cradle of corruption in order to devalue and neutralize Ukrainian intentions to combat corruption and further European integration measures. Allegedly, Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate with misappropriated funds from Western partners. In addition, the fight against corruption is one of the requirements of European integration. By spreading such fakes, propagandists are trying to show that corruption in Ukraine allegedly cannot be corrected, so it will not be accepted into the EU or NATO.

Fake Men who want to get a new passport abroad will allegedly be returned to Ukraine

Propagandists are distributing an allegedly official letter, which states that Ukrainian men born between 1960 and 2006 who have submitted documents to obtain a passport at the foreign representative offices of the Document State Enterprise will receive temporary travel documents to return to Ukraine. Data about them will supposedly be entered into the register of persons liable for military service and will be provided for verification to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support. Those who are wanted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support will allegedly have their passport revoked.

In fact, this information is not true. The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security wrote about this.

Firstly, the Document State Enterprise does not have the authority to issue “temporary travel documents for returning to Ukraine” - this is handled by diplomatic missions or consular offices.

Secondly, men born in 1960 are now 63-64 years old, in 2006 - 17-18 years old. Only men from 27 to 60 years old are eligible for the prize. Here is another proof of the falsity of the information.

Thirdly, the mentioned letter was allegedly signed by Volodymyr Shvachko, but he was suspended from exercising his powers as general director for the duration of the internal investigation from December 26, 2023 to January 19, 2024. That is, he could not do this. If this “document” were real, it would not have been signed by Shvachko, but by a temporary acting official.

Fourthly, the “letter” contains a number of errors, including spelling errors. For example, “as received” is a tracing-paper from Russian. The text of the “letter” itself begins with the words “At your request”, but does not first contain the name of the person who made this request - this is unacceptable in official business correspondence.

By distributing this fake document online, Russian propaganda is trying to intimidate Ukrainian men abroad, saying that “the authorities have taken them seriously: they will all be found and mobilized”. This release of information took place against the backdrop of a sensational bill dated December 25, 2023 to improve certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military service. In particular, it proposes to introduce verification of men who are abroad. In addition, it spells out the negative consequences of violating the law if it is adopted in its original form.

Fake The church calendar, edited by the OCU, allegedly celebrates Zelenskyi’s birthday and the “day of Saint Javelin”

On anonymous telegram channels they are distributing a photo of the church calendar of the OCU, which supposedly states: January 7, they say, one cannot celebrate Christmas, since then only “Russians and their accomplices” celebrate. And on January 25, the calendar allegedly (at the state level) marks the birthday of Volodymyr Zelenskyi. At the same time, May 25 is the “day of Saint Javelin”. It's fake.

Analysts from the StopFake project investigated the case and found out that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine did not publish such a calendar; it was created by Kremlin minions and then presented as the work of the Ukrainian church. The real church calendar was published on the official website of the OCU - and there is no mention in it of the Ukrainian president or the so-called Saint Javelin. The calendar indicates that on January 25, Orthodox Christians commemorate St. Gregory the Theologian, and on May 25, the Third Finding of the Head of John the Baptist.

Moreover, the false calendar contains numerous errors: the author of “Saint Javelin” is considered to be Christian Borys, and not Chris Shaw, as the fakes wrote; There was also a mistake in writing the surname of the head of Ukraine - they wrote “Zelinsky” instead of “Zelenskyi”. And the word “accomplice” is in most cases used in criminal or judicial contexts. The literary version is “supporter”.

And “Saint Javelin” was never canonized to mark the day in church life. Even during the creation of a mural in Kyiv dedicated to the concept of Our Lady holding a Javelin in her hands, the Ukrainian Council of Churches - an association of Ukrainian religious leaders - opposed its creation. Subsequently, they had to sketch the halo at the request of the local administration.

Fake In Ukraine, a man without a leg was allegedly considered fit for military service

Users of social networks and media figures spreading pro-Russian rhetoric began to spread false information that in Ukraine a man without a leg was allegedly declared fit for military service. A photograph of the temporary certificate of the person liable for military service with the corresponding decision is used as “evidence”. They say that even with one leg, a Ukrainian was recognized not as disabled, but as “limitedly functional”. The fake document notes that the man was “recognized” fit for service with a diagnosis of “amputation stump of the right lower limb above the level of the upper third of the leg”. Such a document, apparently, was allegedly signed by the head of the Desnianskyi regional territorial center for recruitment and social support in Kyiv, Dmytro  Klabukov.

After disseminating such information, StopFake decided to check whether a man with such a diagnosis could really be considered fit for military service. As it turned out, this information is not true.

Firstly, the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine” contains a clear list of diseases, conditions and physical disabilities that determine the degree of suitability for military service. Article 63 of this list also contains a diagnosis that propaganda added to the fake document - “unilateral amputation stump of the lower limb above the level of the upper third of the lower leg”. With such a diagnosis, as noted in the Ministry of Defense document, a person is considered “unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration”. According to information as of December 11, 2023, this order is in effect.

Secondly, in the widespread “document” there is an incorrect wording regarding suitability or unsuitability for military service - “Fit for military service. Limited functionality”. The fact is that the said order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine stipulates that after a medical examination of conscripts, one of the decisions must be made: whether they are fit for military service; temporarily unfit for military service, needs treatment in...; requires referral for additional medical examination and repeated medical examination; unfit for military service in peacetime, limited suitability under martial law; unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration. If a person had health problems and was fit for military service, he would be written “limitedly fit under martial law”, not “fit for military service. Limited functionality”.

Thirdly, since the circulated photograph shows that the document was signed by the head of the regional territorial center for recruitment and social support and joint venture in Kyiv, StopFake decided to contact them for a comment on whether such a document was really signed there. The representative of the institution replied that this document looked like a fake. In particular, he drew attention to paragraph No. 7, which states fitness for military service for health reasons. It is in this paragraph that the diagnosis with which the man, as they claim, was considered fit, is indicated. In addition, the  territorial center for recruitment and social support representative added that, based on the information in the photograph distributed by propagandists, the man should have been excluded from the lists of those liable for military service “as a convicted person”  (based on the information in paragraph No. 8 of the document being distributed. - ed.).

Such fakes are spread to discredit the government and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as to cause panic among the population. They say that everyone is being drafted into the army because everything is bad at the front. Detector Media also wrote about other inventions of Russians on the topic of mobilization in Ukraine.

Disclosure The Russians are distributing a document in which the commandant of the Lviv region allegedly asks for information about university students

This was revealed by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. Propaganda messages say that the commandant of the Lviv region, Taras Hren, allegedly asked the leadership of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University to provide information about all male students. And a photo of the corresponding “document” is added to the messages.

However, the Lviv Regional Military Administration explained that the commandant of the Lviv region or not a single unit of the Lviv Regional Military Administration sent such letters to higher educational institutions. So the document is fake.

Fake The Office of the President of Ukraine allegedly transferred Ukrainian land to Soros' son for storing toxic waste

A number of netizens spreading pro-Russian rhetoric are disseminating information that Alexander, the son of the famous philanthropist George Soros, allegedly entered into an agreement with the Ukrainian authorities to allocate 400 sq. m. km of land for disposal of hazardous waste from chemical, pharmaceutical and oil refineries. It is noted that this information was allegedly exposed by an investigation by French journalist Jules Vincent. He showed two “documents” that supposedly confirm this agreement - a Memorandum on the provision of land to foreign companies, allegedly signed by the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andrii Yermak on the one hand and Alexander Soros on the other, as well as the Decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi on the allocation of land in Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi and Chernivtsi regions. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that the information was first published by a user of the X network (formerly Twitter) under the nickname @VincentVinxent1. In his 6-minute video, this user, introducing himself as Jules Vincent, said that he was allegedly approached by a representative of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, who anonymously handed over documents to the “independent journalist” @VincentVinxent1, which, according to him, confirm the transfer Ukrainian black soil for storing hazardous waste to the Soros family StopFake analysts discovered that the French journalist Jules Vincent really exists, but the @VincentVinxent1 account probably belongs to someone else. On the Strategic Horizons website one can find a biography and photo of columnist Jules Vincent, who, according to him, worked as a documentarian and journalist. However, a comparison of the photos shows that the people in the photos on the site and on Network X are different. A reverse search of @VincentVinxent1's profile photo yielded no positive results. It is also surprising that the “independent journalist” page consists mainly of retweets. So far, it has existed since September 2018, but there are only seven of its own publications, and all of them are without curse words or retweets. In addition, 1,129 accounts subscribed to the profile, a significant number of which are bots.

As for the information about the transfer of land to the Soros family, which is disseminated by this profile, it is not true. Documents distributed online are forgeries. The Decree of the President of Ukraine on the transfer of land plots to American companies shows that the document was supposedly signed on November 13, 2023 and has number No. 603/2023. However, such a document was not found on the website of the President of Ukraine, where all decrees are published. There is also a gross error in the spelling of the Ternopil region and insignificant differences in spelling. In addition, the “document” contains a mention of Part 1 of Article 116 of the Land Code of Ukraine, which does not correspond to reality. This part of the article provides for the transfer of the right to use a land plot by the President of Ukraine. Also, according to Ukrainian legislation, foreigners and foreign companies cannot purchase agricultural land.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to strengthen the myth of Ukraine’s subjectivity. They say that the Ukrainian authorities do not care about the rights of Ukrainians, they do not own their territory, and therefore they distribute it to their leaders. Russian media regularly spread disinformation about the Soros family, which was refuted by the Detector Media.

Fake A monument to Joe Biden will allegedly be erected in Kyiv

Anonymous telegram channels spread information that a monument in honor of Joseph Biden would be erected on the site of the recently demolished monument to Pushkin in Kyiv. The authors of the messages add to the publication a plan for creating the monument and its estimate: they explained that they plan to create a monument with Joe Biden shaking hands with Volodymyr Zelenskyi. They also named a real company that would create such a project and added a number of “documents” to the messages. It's a lie.

Analysts from the VoxCheck project investigated his case and determined that the company, which, according to fake documents, is the likely executor of the project, denied the report about the production of a monument to Joe Biden. Their press service explained that they are not working on the construction of the monument and at the same time they have not received such requests.

According to propagandists, the project was allegedly ordered by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. In general, this is an institution that is subordinate to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. However, on the government procurement website Prozorro, for example, there is not a single tender for the installation of a monument to Joe Biden from this government agency. Neither the Ministry of Culture nor affiliated structures mentioned such a project on their social networks.

Fake The OCU prays for Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU

An eight-second video is being circulated on social networks in the Russian segment, allegedly showing a prayer for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU being read in a Ukrainian church. “God, don’t send us to Heaven, but send us to NATO and the EU”, is allegedly written in the text of such a “prayer”. Anonymous telegram channels began to claim that the OCU was engaged in blasphemy and discrediting Orthodox believers. It is not true.

The StopFake analysts studied the case and found out that the video is not real, because there is no information that is located in Ukrainian churches about reading such a “prayer”. Moreover, information is disseminated only in pro-Kremlin media or anonymous telegram channels.

As experts explained, according to church rules, the texts of new prayers are approved by the Holy Synod of the OCU - this is the governing body of the OCU. All their decisions, including the texts of newly approved prayers, are published on the official website of the OCU. However, StopFake analysts did not find among the decisions of the Synod the statement of “prayer for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU”.

They also contacted the press service of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The department told them that this was an obvious fake, and they did not approve such a prayer.

Fake The morale and psychological state of the Armed Forces is assessed as low, Zaluzhnyi approved the report

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric on social networks publish a scan of a document allegedly in the name of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi. In it, the moral and psychological state of the Armed Forces is assessed as low. However, this document is a fake.

The analysts of the Center of Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine drew attention to it. They found that the “document” contained a large number of grammatical errors. In addition, the text has a characteristic Russian-language tracing paper and a style uncharacteristic of documents. Moreover, the margin between the main text and the official's signature has been increased by 1.5-2 times. That is, part of the main text is hidden or deleted.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to demoralize the Armed Forces of Ukraine and cause panic among the civilian population. He said that terrible things are happening to the psyche of the military, and therefore, you have to agree to Russia's terms and start living normally. In this way, the Russians manipulate the important topic of mental health of veterans, turning it into a scarecrow for Ukrainians. Detector Media has already written about how Russia devalues the topic of mental health during the war in general.