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Disclosure Fake document on the annexation of the city of Sudzha and the Sudzha district of Russia to the Sumy region

A photo of a document is being circulated online, which talks about the decision of the Sumy District Council to include the Russian city of Sudzha and Sudzha District into the Sumy District as a separate territorial society.

In fact, this document is a fake. On its official Facebook page, the Sumy District Council announced that it is not considering the decision to include the city of Sudzha and the Sudzha district of Russia into the Sumy district of the Sumy region. There is no draft corresponding decision on the council's agenda. Moreover, this issue is not within its competence. The decision to establish and change the boundaries of districts and cities is made by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the proposal of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

In the end, the session of the Sumy District Council for today, August 8, 2024, was not planned and, accordingly, was not held, although this is the date in the fake document.

The Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council also stated that the document distributed online is fake.

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