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Fake False article on behalf of the GUR to disrupt mobilization in Ukraine

On July 26, 2024, the online publication Odessaonline received an email, allegedly from the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine with a request to publish an article entitled “It’s time to return what’s yours!”. However, the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security confirmed that the Main Intelligence Directorate of the GUR did not send any letters to local media.

The article contained obvious signs of Russian stuffing, describing the unfavorable situation at the front and groundlessly accusing the country's leadership of disrupting mobilization. In particular, it was argued that:

the military command assumed mobilization powers;

informing law enforcement agencies about people evading their constitutional duty is encouraged;

representatives of the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support have permission to use weapons to detain persons liable for military service without reason.

However, this is not true. Such disinformation is aimed at creating resistance among citizens regarding joining the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as fueling panic and the desire to leave Ukraine.

The purpose of this information operation was to sow distrust in the Ukrainian government and military command, reduce morale among military personnel and civilians, and create an atmosphere of fear and panic. Propagandists sought to arouse resistance among citizens to mobilization and military service, as well as to provoke internal conflicts and divisions in society.

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