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Disclosure How Russian diplomats use the UN Security Council platform for propaganda

Russian propaganda is actively using Russia's presidency of the UN Security Council to promote its own narratives regarding Ukraine. The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine drew attention to this when on July 25 Russia convened a meeting due to the “problem of supplying weapons to Ukraine”, where diplomats from the aggressor country disseminated propaganda messages.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vasyl Nebenzia, repeated several propaganda clichés that were discovered by the Center for Research and Explained and explained by Detector Media.

“The West is robbing Ukraine with colonial schemes”

With the help of this cliché, Russian propagandists are trying to show that the West allegedly really does not help Ukraine, but only uses its resources and capabilities. This statement is aimed at undermining Ukrainians' trust in Western aid and support, presenting it not as help but as exploitation. In this way, Russia is trying to sow doubts among the population of Ukraine and the international community regarding the honesty and selflessness of assistance from the West. Propagandists also want to influence the mood in Western countries so that the population begins to doubt the advisability of supporting Ukraine.

“Corruption in Ukraine has reached unprecedented proportions”

This unsubstantiated statement attempts to discredit the Ukrainian government, undermining its legitimacy and the credibility of its international partners. The purpose of its dissemination is to convince the international community that support for Ukraine is wasteful and ineffective. The exaggeration of corruption at high levels is intended to discourage other states from continuing to provide assistance.

“Volodymyr Zelenskyi has lost legitimacy”

Propagandists are once again seeking to portray the President of Ukraine as an illegitimate leader in order to weaken his domestic and international support. This is done in order to reduce his influence and authority. Russia is trying to increase destabilization in Ukraine and create the impression of chaos, which can be used as justification for its crimes against Ukraine and its inhabitants.

“The Ukrainian peace formula makes no sense”

This cliche is aimed at discrediting Ukrainian peace initiatives in order to present Ukraine as an obstacle to peace. The goal is to impose on the world community the opinion that the Ukrainian proposals are not successful, and thus force them to accept conditions favorable to Russia. Thus, Russia seeks to impose its vision of scenarios for ending the war and its peace conditions, which would ensure exclusively its strategic interests.

The latest meeting of the Security Council once again showed that Russia is using the international platform and diplomats as a propaganda tool, avoiding constructive dialogue. It seeks to convince the international community that it is right and justify its aggressive actions in Ukraine by spreading distorted information and manipulation.

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