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Fake Russian propagandists write that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has issued an order to cancel the decisions of Military medical commissions of Ukraine taken since 2022

Pro-Russian resources are distributing an order on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which concerns changes in the work of military medical commissions at the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support. In particular, the relevant document states that the decisions of the Military medical commissions issued in the Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr regions by local Territorial centers of recruitment and social support since 2022, have been declared invalid.

The Center for countering disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council verified this order with the Ministry of Defense and found out that it was fake. The document was written in gross violation of formatting requirements. It also contains many errors. For example, the correct name is the Central Military Medical Commission of the Armed Forces of Ukraine without adding the preposition “at”.

The Center emphasizes that the purpose of such stuffing is to discredit the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, sow panic among the population and disrupt the mobilization process.

Previously, we analyzed a fake order on behalf of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to transform the children's hospital in Kramatorsk into a military hospital.

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