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Fake The head of the Sumy region allegedly announced the annexation of the Russian city of Sudzha and the Sudzha district into the region, a document

Anonymous telegrams are distributing photos of the so-called draft decision of the Sumy District Council on the inclusion of the Russian city of Sudzha and the Sudzha district into the Sumy district of the region of the same name in Ukraine. The document states that a referendum and elections will be held in the Sudzha district.

But VoxCheck specialists established that on August 8 (as indicated in the document) the Sumy District Council did not hold the 29th session, at which they allegedly decided to annex the Russian city and region to Ukraine. The press service of the district council told fact-checkers that the document was fake.

Also on its Facebook page, the Sumy District Council reported that the document was a fake. “The Sumy district council is not considering the decision to include the city of Sudzha and the Sudzha district of the Russian Federation into the Sumy district of the Sumy region”, the message stated.

Actually, Ukraine does not violate international law and does not annex the territories of neighboring states. All actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the territory of modern Russia do not go beyond the bounds of the Geneva Conventions and the rules of war. In contrast to Russia, which has been occupying Ukrainian territory since 2014 and holding pseudo-referendums.

In fact, fictitious referendums in temporarily occupied territories are not the expression of the will of Ukrainians, but indicate Russia’s desire to give legitimacy to its criminal actions. In particular, the seizure of Ukrainian regions. This is not a legitimate vote at all. Its results, in addition to Russia itself, are recognized by its “sister states”, such as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. That is, this is the occupation of foreign territories by Moscow.

Read also the Newspeak section: “new regions of Russia”

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