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Fake The Zaporizhzhia citizens allegedly created an electronic petition asking for anti-radiation shelters to be opened for all residents of the city, and not just for the “privileged”

Pro-Russian telegram channels are disseminating information that on the website of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi, residents of Zaporizhzhia have registered an electronic petition for the “opening of anti-radiation shelters”. The text of the appeal states that there are such shelters in the city, but it is supposedly impossible to get into them if you do not know the “right” people. Propagandists add a screenshot of the petition as “proof”.

In fact, such treatment does not exist. One can verify this by checking the petition, a screenshot of which is being distributed by propagandists on the electronic petitions website. Thus, on the website of the President of Ukraine there is no appeal under number 22/215b442-eп. Moreover, it could not exist, since the petition number contains an extra letter “b” in the middle. If one removes the unnecessary things, the petition numbered No. 22/215442-eп really exists, but its topic is different, and it is dated January 11, 2024.

The Center for Countering Disinformation also stated that this is a fake. The Russians once again created a fake petition, probably with the help of a graphic editor, and passed it off as real. For example, a little earlier we recorded misinformation about the alleged existence of a petition to name the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces after Iryna Farion.

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