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Фейк The cover of the German newspaper Handelsblatt depicted how the Europeans are trying to kill Zelenskyi

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say issue No 77 of the German newspaper Handelsblatt came out with a cover in which representatives of European countries want to kill Zelenskyi. The headline on the cover is “New Conditions for the Grain Trade”. It is not true.

This was noticed by VoxCheck fact-checkers, who found out that the real issue No 77 of Handelsblatt had a different cover. Actually, under number 77, the newspaper has a completely different cover. The newspaper came out on April 20, while the fake cover appeared online on April 19. Issue No 76, published on April 19, also did not have a cover with Zelenskyi.

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