Spilnota Detector Media

Fake The EU will form battalions for the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Ukrainian refugees

Such information was disseminated by anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports note that in Europe they decided to “get rid” of Ukrainian refugees, so they will allegedly be mobilized and subsequently sent to the front. The authors add, they say, this applies, first of all, to all men of military age. It looks like they will be deported. It is not true.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project investigated this case and explained that the “deportation of men liable for military service” is not possible at all, since there is no legal basis. The point is that Ukrainian diplomatic institutions cannot deport Ukrainians for mobilization, just as structures in the EU are not authorized to form any units from Ukrainians on their territories. That is, no such mechanism simply exists.

In addition, experts added that the Border Guard Service of Ukraine can investigate crimes of illegal border crossing under martial law. And, for example, trying to return a man liable for military service to Ukraine if he illegally crossed the border.

The EU is consolidated in its position that they do not deport anyone against their will. According to EU law, all Ukrainians who arrived in the region after the start of a full-scale invasion fall under the protection of the Temporary Protection Directive.

By spreading such a fake, propagandists are trying to convince that there is no one left to fight in Ukraine and the country's leadership resorts to tricks and wants to mobilize Ukrainian refugees.

Fake In Ukraine, they will begin to mobilize young men from the age of 20

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular on anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say Ukraine plans to lower the draft age to 20. Like, such an initiative was introduced by the General Staff and it was supported everywhere.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project investigated the case and found out that such information is not true. This is just stuffing, because in Ukraine they do not plan to reduce the age for mobilization. Analysts also cited one of the interviews of NSDC Secretary Oleksii Danilov to Ukrainian Radio as an example. During it, the official assured that no mobilization rules would be changed.

That is, there is no reason to believe that mobilization will be carried out in Ukraine from the age of 20. The current age for mobilization is 27. In March 2023, the Ukrainian Parliament introduced a bill to lower the age to 25. However, the bill has not yet been signed by Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

Russian propaganda has repeatedly speculated on total mobilization in Ukraine. Thus, propagandists want to distort reality and convince everyone that Ukrainian officials are constantly resorting to tricks to mobilize people more and more.

Fake In Ternopil, they threaten to turn off gas and hot water to conscripts those who do not come to the Territorial center of recruitment and social support

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are spreading a fake document on behalf of the Ternopil public utility. It threatens to turn off gas and hot water to conscripts who do not appear at the local Territorial center of recruitment and social support. This “letter” also states that shutdowns will be carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On mobilization preparation and mobilization”. The “letter” bears the signature of Oleksandr Andriyovych Popov, director of the Komenergo-Ternopil 1 company, which is engaged in the improvement of apartment buildings in Ternopil. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. They took comments from representatives of the Ternopil Territorial center of recruitment and social support, who refuted this document. They also noted that the regional Territorial centers of recruitment and social support are not involved in mobilization notifications - the mobilization process on the ground is carried out by city and district departments. Errors indicate that the “letter” is a fake. For example, instead of the word “according to” in Ukrainian, the Russian propaganda wrote “according to” in Russian, and the text itself indicates the date by which one needs to come to the Territorial center of recruitment and social support - January 18, 2023.

In addition, the Law of Ukraine “On mobilization preparation and mobilization” does not contain information on penalties in the form of turning off water and gas.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to spread panic among Ukrainians and discredit the Ukrainian authorities. They say that in order to encourage conscripts to register with the Territorial center of recruitment and social support and mobilize, the authorities are ready to turn off gas and water. Earlier, we talked about the manipulation that due to “huge losses” in the regions of Ukraine, a general mobilization began.

Fake In the Ukrainian version of the trailer for the video game Call of Duty they call to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are distributing an allegedly Ukrainian version of the Call of Duty video game trailer, where they allegedly call to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It's fake.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project investigated the case. They found that the Ukrainian version of the trailer for the video game Call of Duty does not exist. The official YouTube channel of Call of Duty posted the only English-language video in which there is no call to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Also, in other versions of the trailer, translated into Russian, Arabic, and several European languages, there is no mention of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Moreover, there will be no official Ukrainian localization, and Activision, the publisher of the game, did not cooperate with Ukrainian localizers.

By spreading fakes in which the authorities allegedly use any means to mobilize people, the Russians are trying to discredit them. In addition, they want to raise a panic and convince everyone that Russia is winning on the battlefield.

Earlier, we refuted the fake that the Tetris game is banned in Ukraine.

Fake The Verkhovna Rada introduced a bill restricting the exit from Ukraine to teenagers aged 16 and over

Russian media and anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that the Verkhovna Rada allegedly registered a bill that prohibits teenagers from 16 to 18 years old from leaving Ukraine. It seems that Ukrainians resort to such laws due to the fact that adult men are running out in Ukraine. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the Center for Strategic Communications drew attention to the case. On July 11, 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine registered the “Draft Law on Amendments to the Civil Code of Ukraine on the Protection of the Rights of Children During Temporary Departure from Ukraine” No. 9480. It aims to protect the rights of children traveling abroad, and especially orphans and children deprived of parental care. The law does not talk about mobilization, but only about limiting the independent travel of children aged 16 and over abroad for unification with the rules of social services of the EU countries.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and sow discouragement among Ukrainians and military personnel. Earlier, Detector Media talked about how Russian propaganda manipulates the issue of mobilization in Ukraine, in particular, deliberately exaggerating its scale.

Fake Ukrainian authorities want to mobilize representatives of the diaspora in Canada

Propagandists are actively spreading information on social networks that Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said that he would ask for assistance from the Canadian government in mobilizing members of the Ukrainian diaspora for war. Like, he is talking about 30 thousand men of military age. However, this is fake.

Reuters analysts drew attention to it. They found that Ukraine and Canada jointly denied the information from these reports. In particular, in response to a request from fact-checkers of the publication, Yurii Sak, adviser to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, called them “a cheap fake”. The Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also confirmed that Ukraine had not made such requests. There are no similar statements by Reznikov on the Internet either.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to cause panic among Ukrainians and discredit the Ukrainian authorities. Detector Media has repeatedly written about how Russian propaganda manipulates the issue of mobilization in Ukraine, in particular, deliberately exaggerating its scale.

Manipulation Due to mobilization, 4 million veterans will appear in Ukraine after the war

On anonymous telegram channels, propagandists spread information with pro-Russian rhetoric that after the end of the war there will be 4 million war veterans in Ukraine. They argue that this is an indirect confirmation of the scale of mobilization and losses in Ukraine. However, this is manipulation.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found that Minister for Veterans Affairs Yuliia Laputina spoke several times about the number of people who might need help from the relevant ministry after the war. So, on May 8, 2023, in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine, she stated that until February 24, there were “about 500 thousand people in Ukraine who are directly participants in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and the Joint Forces Operation”. At the same time, Laputina emphasized that if one adds to this figure the family members of those killed and injured during the Revolution of Dignity, as well as “all other categories”, including participants in the Second World War and persons equated to them, participants in peacekeeping missions, the number of these persons will be “approximately 1.2 million”. The minister only added that after the war this figure would be many times higher and could reach “4-5 million people”.

By manipulating the statements of Ukrainian officials, propagandists want to give out the desired for reality and create a false impression that Ukraine has lost. In fact, Laputina spoke about the total number of people to be supported by the Ministry of Veterans, namely the military and their families, civilians who suffered as a result of the Revolution of Dignity and the war. VoxCheck analysts note that this indicator cannot be used to assess the scale of losses and mobilization in Ukraine.

Manipulation Interpol will search for Ukrainians who fled from mobilization to Europe

Russian media, broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric and in the Russian segment of Facebook, disseminate information that the Kharkiv police will allegedly transmit information about Ukrainian citizens who fled from the mobilization to the countries of the European Union. This statement was made by Serhii Bolvinov, head of the investigative department of the National Police of the Kharkiv region. This is manipulation.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project investigated the case. On July 14, Serhii Bolvinov did write on Facebook about cooperation with Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization). However, this cooperation is not because of the Ukrainians in the EU countries, as Russian propaganda claims. Bolvinov said that Ukrainian law enforcement officers would contact the organization because they want to bring to justice the collaborators who fled Ukraine and settled in the EU. Russian propaganda took the phrase out of context.

By manipulating the facts of mobilization, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and sow panic in society. Previously, we refuted the manipulation that in Ukraine a military uniform was created for pregnant women in order to send them to the front.

Manipulation In Ukraine, a military uniform was created for pregnant women to send them to the front

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that pregnant women are allegedly mobilized in Ukraine and that a special uniform has been sewn for them. And the proof is a screenshot from the UNIAN website, where they are talking about a new uniform for female military personnel. This is manipulation.

According to the specialists of the VoxCheck project, the mobilization of women in Ukraine is exclusively voluntary. And volunteers began to create uniforms for military personnel, including pregnant women, at the request of the women themselves in the army. UNIAN  published news about the creation of a uniform for women, it was presented on the air of the United News marathon.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the authorities and intimidate Ukrainian society. Like, the Russians are winning on the battlefield, there are not enough people in the Ukrainian army, so they began to mobilize pregnant women. Earlier, Detector Media denied the manipulation that due to “huge losses” in the regions of Ukraine, a general mobilization allegedly began.

Fake In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, it was forbidden to hospitalize those liable for military service without the consent of the territorial recruitment centers

Such information was disseminated in the social networks of the Ukrainian segment. Reports say that in the Ivano-Frankivsk region on June 13, 2023, the hospitalization of men aged 18 to 59 was allegedly temporarily stopped without the consent of the Territorial recruitment and social support center. The authors add to the publications a photo of an Extract about the decision of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration to ban hospitalization. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project took up this case and found out that the regional council did not make such a decision. This was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration Vitalii Ilchyshyn. However, such a decision was actually considered the day before at the initiative of the Regional territorial center of recruitment and social support. They explained that those liable for military service, whom the military medical commission recognized as fit for service, may try to get to the hospital, declaring a “sudden” deterioration in their condition.

The chairman of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration noted that in this way people can avoid mobilization. The Extract itself, the photo of which was distributed on social networks, was not found by fact-checkers. They wrote that there were no relevant instructions on the official website of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration. The photo of the Extract was previously distributed by telegram channels and media of the Ukrainian segment, although it is not on the official pages.

Manipulation Due to “huge losses” in the regions of Ukraine, a general mobilization began

Propagandists spread information that the news about the need for men in Ivano-Frankivsk and Kyiv to come to the military registration and enlistment office within 10 days, if they did not receive personal draft notices, is confirmation of the “huge losses” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The authors of such reports add that Ukraine is doing this “for the sake of NATO membership” when “resistance to the regime is growing” among the people. This is manipulation.

Specialists in the StopFake project drew attention to it. They claim that in Ukraine there is a general mobilization due to martial law. The appearance of orders from individual territorial recruitment centers (TRC) is not new, but serves to re-notify those liable for military service. In Ivano-Frankivsk, they explained that such an order is provided in case of an extension of martial law. As before, Ukrainians liable for military service between the ages of 18 and 60 who do not have a deferment are still subject to mobilization.

By spreading such manipulations, propagandists distort reality and try to arouse Ukrainians' distrust of the authorities. In addition, they want to raise a panic and convince everyone that Russia is winning on the battlefield.

Fake Deportation in case of refusal - Ukrainians in Estonia are summoned to a military meeting

Kremlin propaganda media and anonymous telegram channels spread the information that the Ukrainian embassy in Estonia allegedly informed the Ukrainians that they were being called to a “two-week meeting of reservists”. Those who refuse are deported. It's fake.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to the case. According to the Estonian National Defense Law, foreigners are exempted from the obligation to join the army. Also, the Ukrinform news agency requested the Ukrainian Embassy in the Republic of Estonia. The embassy said that this information is not true and it is another fake of the Russians. Moreover, according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the procedure for organizing and maintaining military records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists”, diplomatic departments have no right to force them to join the ranks of a foreign army.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the Estonian government and intimidate Ukrainians, to destabilize the situation. Earlier, Detector Media refuted the fake that Poland had allegedly launched covert mobilization.

Message Mobilization in Ukraine is illegal as the state of war has not been declared

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that draft law No. 7114, allegedly declaring a state of war, registered on February 24, 2022, has disappeared from the website of the Verkhovna Rada. The authors argue that mobilization is illegal. They add a screenshot to messages that show a citizen's request for public information. In response to a request, the Verkhovna Rada stated that the draft law No. 7114 was not in the database.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to the case, and they found that Volodymyr Zelenskyi submitted the draft law “On declaring a state of war” for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada on February 24, 2022, and it was indeed not approved. However, this does not mean that we are not at war. For example, back in March 2022, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Maliar explained that it was not necessary to adopt a special law or decree declaring war. She cited Article 3 of the UN Resolution “On Aggression” of 1974 and stressed that an invasion or attack by the armed forces of a state on the territory of another state, bombardment or blockade of ports is qualified as an act of aggression.

In addition, after the start of Russia's full-scale aggression, Volodymyr Zelenskyi issued a decree “On the introduction of martial law in Ukraine”, adopted on February 24 by the Verkhovna Rada. This document empowers military administrations to assist in the organization of mobilization and communicate to the population the order of the military commissar to announce mobilization.

By spreading this message, Russian propaganda wants to prove that, as they say, the war is staged in Ukraine, but in general the state of war has not been declared. Like, there is no war, and mobilization is also impossible. Thus, propagandists deliberately hide the fact of a full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine.

Fake In Odesa schools, children are recruited to the front

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that in Odesa they have already begun to recruit schoolchildren for the front under the guise of summer volunteer work. The authors attach a screenshot of a Google form (allegedly spread by the school administration), where, they say, children are asked if “they have a desire to work in the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the summer”. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case, and they determined that the information about the trip of children to the front was false. In Ukraine, children are not recruited to serve in the army - those liable for military service from 18 to 60 years old are subject to mobilization. At the same time, the Google form contains many spelling errors indicating the use of third-party services, such as a translator. For example, in the column from the full name in the screenshot, the Name, Last name and letter O is shown (from “patronymic” - in Russian). The description of the survey itself is also misspelled: “we ask for your opinion on improving the work of the school”. It is most likely that this survey was compiled using Google Translate.

Propagandists systematically spread fakes and manipulations on the topic of “total mobilization” among young men and women, because they are allegedly mobilized because there is no one else. Thus, the authors of the messages seek to convince that the Ukrainian leadership violates its own laws and mobilizes children, women, and students.

Fake Ukrainian refugees in Estonia are forced to join the local army

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that the Estonian authorities are forcing Ukrainian refugees to join the local army, threatening deportation. Like, if the Ukrainian refugees do not stand up in defense of Estonia, they will be returned back to Ukraine. The authors allegedly refer to the statement of the Embassy of Ukraine in Estonia - this is not true.

The case was noticed by the experts of the StopFake project, who determined that Ukrainian refugees in Estonia are not mobilized or sent to the front. The propagandists simply came up with such information. Fact-checkers turned to the Ukrainian Embassy in Estonia for comment, where they were also told that the information about the mobilization of Ukrainian refugees into the Estonian army is not true. In addition, analysts checked a special website in Estonia created for Ukrainian refugees. Among the published information, they did not find any evidence of mobilization into the Estonian army.

By spreading such a fake, propagandists want to undermine the authority of Ukraine's brother countries. Allegedly, they really use the Ukrainians, for example, by mobilizing them into their own army. Thus, Russian propaganda demonizes Ukrainian partners and seeks to cause mistrust towards them.

We recall that earlier we refuted a fake, which also had the goal of defiling the vision of Ukrainian partners and exposing them with bad intentions. We are talking about the case that the Polish authorities allegedly would use Ukrainians as cheap labor in order to subsequently provide a good life for the Poles.

Fake Mass mobilization of students is carried out in Ukrainian universities

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular in the Polish segment of TikTok. Reports say that a mass mobilization of young students has begun in Ukrainian universities. The authors published a video in which an allegedly Ukrainian student is forcibly taken away by law enforcement officers from the audience. It is not true.

The Center for Countering Disinformation says the video was filmed more than seven months ago at the Shehyni checkpoint on the border with Poland. This premises can be seen in one of the BBC News Ukraine reports about students going abroad. The student did not want to leave the checkpoint, so he had to be escorted out by customs officials. That is, the video was filmed not at the university premises, but at the customs, and no one among the students was forcibly mobilized.

Propagandists systematically spread fakes and manipulations on the topic of “total mobilization” among young men and women, because they are allegedly mobilized because there is no one else. Thus, the authors of the messages seek to convince that the Ukrainian leadership violates its own laws and mobilizes children, women, and students.

Let us remind you that the analysts of Detector Media previously denied the fake that allegedly draft notices in Ukraine began to be sent using SMS messages.

Fake In Ukraine, they began to send draft notices in SMS messages

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric distribute photos of SMS messages with the Law of Ukraine on mobilization, and claim that the Ukrainian authorities have allegedly begun testing a system for issuing draft notices to mobile phones. And ignoring SMS is regarded as evading military service. It's fake.

The case drew the attention of specialists from the VoxCheck project. On the air of the Kyiv TV channel, Fedir Venislavskyi, a member of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, said that the draft notification of mobilization in messengers is only being discussed so far. And if it is developed, they will send notifications to Telegram and Viber, and not via SMS, as propaganda writes. It is also important to clarify: if such a message comes in the future, it is not an official call to the military registration and enlistment office.

The Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov noted that it is now technically impossible to implement notifications in messengers until there is a high-quality register of military servicemen, and a verified phone number is not linked to the register identifier.

Russian propaganda systematically parasitizes on the topic of mobilization. By spreading such fakes, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and the army, and sow panic among the people. Previously, Detector Media denied cases that military registration and enlistment offices handed out draft notices and took away cars in favor of the army, and also began handing out draft notices to women.

Fake Military registration and enlistment office representatives encircling Ukrainian villages hand out draft notices and take away cars in favor of the army

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric are distributing a video in which the Ukrainian military allegedly forcibly seize cars “for the needs of the army” from residents of the village of Stare Selo (Old Village), Rivne region. Some telegram channels also write that the military registration and enlistment office representatives have surrounded one of the villages in the Rivne region and are distributing draft notices. The video shows a confrontation among policemen, people in camouflage and civilians. It's fake.

This case was noticed by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. They determined that the event recorded on the video took place in the village of Stare Selo (Old Village) on April 7 and the event did not concern the service of draft notices or the confiscation of cars for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the press service of the National police in the Rivne region, the National police, together with the National guardsmen and representatives of the Regional security service, conducted 9 searches at the places of residence of those involved in criminal proceedings opened on the facts of illegal mining of amber, illegal handling of weapons and ammunition. In the video, we see how “the police seized 5 kilograms of amber, vehicles and other material evidence relevant to the case”.

By spreading this fake, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and the army. Analysts of Detector Media have repeatedly analyzed cases related to Ukrainian mobilization. For example, they refuted the case that the Ukrainian media allegedly published an infographic that shows the percentage of mobilized citizens in the regions of Ukraine.

Fake Near Odesa, they organized a “concentration camp for those who do not want to fight with Russia”

Such a message was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that a concentration camp has allegedly been organized near Odesa for those who do not want to fight with Russia. Like, this is evidenced by “intelligence data” of the occupying authorities. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the fake, and found out that the information about the “concentration camp” was not true. The representative of the Odesa military administration, Serhii Bratchuk, said that there were no concentration camps on the territory of the Odesa region. He noted that in Ukraine there are only camps and military training grounds, where citizens are preparing with the desire and motivation to destroy the enemy.

In addition, as analysts explain, there are no photo or video materials testifying to the existence of the so-called “concentration camp”. According to analysts, the information is simply fictional.

By spreading this fake, the propagandists are once again promoting the message of total mobilization in Ukraine. Like, there is no one to fight, so everyone is mobilized, and those who do not want to are transferred to concentration camps. Thus propagandists demonize the Ukrainian authorities, who allegedly mock Ukrainians.

We recall that earlier Detector Media refuted the fake, which said that the Territorial recruitment and social support centers were intensively recruiting female chemists and biological specialists, and explained the case about the alleged preparation of Ukrainian women and their children for mobilization. We also refuted the fake, in which the propagandists claimed that in Ukraine they “dug a ditch on the border with Moldova in order to stop the flight of men from mobilization”.

Fake Ukrainian media published an infographic showing the percentage of mobilized citizens by region

Such a message was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Ukrainian media have published an infographic that allegedly indicates the number of people mobilized since the beginning of 2023 in certain regions of Ukraine. According to these data, the largest number of mobilized is in the Odesa region. The Odesa region is followed by Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions. The authors of the messages add that, allegedly, the current Ukrainian authorities “destroy Russian-speaking Ukrainians” in this way. It's a lie.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to the case, they investigated that the Ukrainian media did not publish such infographics, while there is no data on the total number of the mobilized in open sources. As the checkers explain, the infographic contains a list of areas where one area is misspelled. Instead of “Mykolaiv” you can see “MIkolaiv”. Information on mobilization in the regions is indicated only in a few areas. For example, the situation in Kyiv, Transcarpathians, Cherkasy and other regions is not indicated, although mobilization continues throughout Ukraine. Analysts also failed to find Ukrainian media that would distribute such infographics. Therefore, analysts are convinced that the information on the infographics was invented and the Ukrainian media did not distribute the infographics.

Analysts of Detector Media have repeatedly analyzed cases related to Ukrainian mobilization. For example, we refuted a fake about the alleged forgery of a document of a minor by one of the Territorial recruitment and social support centers. We also explained a case about a false document that was distributed by the Russians, claiming that young people from 15 to 18 years old are forbidden to travel abroad.

Fake Ukrainian territorial center for recruitment and social support “strongly recruit female chemists and biologists”

Such a message was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that an increased mobilization of women has begun in Ukraine, first of all, women with a chemical or biological education are mobilized. The authors of the messages refer to the “results of intelligence” of the occupier. At the same time, the authors note that Ukraine is preparing to use chemical and biological weapons. It's a lie.

The experts of the StopFake project got down to the case, they investigated that in Ukraine they do not plan to carry out mandatory mobilization of women or the mobilization of women of certain specialties. According to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov, as of the end of 2022, 59,786 women served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, of who: about 19 thousand are civilian workers (in the field of medicine, office work, communications, finance and administration), and the rest are military personnel. Also, about 5 thousand women are directly involved in hostilities. That is, everything happens of its own accord and there is no question of any “forced mobilization”.

At the same time, analysts called the thesis about the use of chemical or biological weapons false. Experts have not found any evidence of the likely use of chemical or biological weapons.

In October 2022, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on the voluntary procedure for taking women into military registration. According to the law, women who have received a medical or pharmaceutical specialty and are fit for age and health are subject to military registration. The rest can register voluntarily. Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Maliar explained that there is no mobilization of women in the country. Until 2026, even Ukrainian women with a medical specialty do not have to be registered.

We recall that Detector Media previously also refuted fakes on the so-called mobilization of women. For example, the fake that women and children should allegedly prepare for mobilization.

Fake In Ukraine, they “dug a ditch on the border with Moldova to stop men fleeing from mobilization”

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Ukraine has dug a ditch on the border with Moldova, which should “stop the mass escape of men from mobilization”, the Border guard service of Ukraine itself told Moldovan colleagues. It is not true.

The case was noticed by the experts of the StopFake project, who investigated that the Border guard service did not make such statements. At the same time, they explain the construction of fortifications on the border with Moldova as the need to increase attention to this area due to the situation in Transnistria and the possibility of provocations there. The Moldovan border guards also commented on the situation and stated that, among other things, this would aggravate the fight against an attempt to introduce smuggling from Ukraine to Moldova. Analysts stressed that there was no talk of stopping the “mass flight of men from mobilization” as the reason for the appearance of the structures.

Fake The Poltava Territorial recruitment and social support center forged the documents of a minor in order to send him to the front

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports state that employees of the Territorial recruitment and social support center in Poltava allegedly forged the documents of a minor in order to send him to the front. In support of this, the authors of the messages distribute scans of the passport and military ID of the minor. According to the information in the passport, the young man was born on July 14, 2006, and he is now only 17 years old. However, in the military ID, he was already 4 years older - in the column “date of birth” 2002 is indicated. It is not true.

The case was noticed by the experts of the StopFake project, who investigated that the scans were edited using a graphic editor. Using a Google image search, StopFake analysts managed to find a scan of the same military ID that was used to create the fake. It turned out to be a document of a man born in 1992. The signature of the military commissar, as well as the series and number of the military ID match the data indicated on the fake military ID. The attackers also partially changed the date of birth: “July 4, 1992” was corrected to “July 14, 2002”. StopFake journalists are sure that this story is fiction.

By spreading this fake, the propagandists are once again promoting the message of total mobilization in Ukraine. Like, there is no one to fight, so they mobilize minors. Allegedly, the Ukrainian authorities are indifferent to the Ukrainians, which does not even take into account the tricks and carelessness of the Recruitment and social support centers, which mobilize “everyone in a row” and even dogs.

We recall that earlier Detector Media denied a fake, which said that Ukrainian underage boys were not allowed to go abroad because they would soon be mobilized, and explained the manipulation of the so-called combat training of Ukrainian children. In addition, analysts explained why Ukrainian teenagers cannot fight and denied the thesis that “women and their children should prepare for mobilization”.

Fake Teenagers are fighting in Ukraine

The telegram channels distribute a video where supposedly teenagers (14-15 years old) load mortars, aim and shoot. The reports claim that the Ukrainian army does not hide the fact that teenagers are taking part in hostilities. It is not true.

In the video, distributed in telegram channels, one can see an adult soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine. StopFake fact-checkers checked the video using software and identified the military man. In personal correspondence, he provided fact-checkers with proof of his age - a passport photo.

Russian propaganda systematically manipulates the participation of Ukrainian children or teenagers in hostilities. In this way they use inhuman enemy tactics. Like, Ukrainians don't even feel sorry for their children. Periodically, they spread fakes about combat training or mobilization of teenagers.

Fake In Ukraine, the age limit for mobilization has been increased to sixty-two

Information is being disseminated on social networks that Ukraine seems to have completely exhausted its mobilization resource. Like, the twelve wave of mobilization begins, but there is no one to mobilize. Allegedly, therefore, since the beginning of March, Ukraine has increased the age limit for the mobilization of Ukrainians to sixty-two. The corresponding order was allegedly sent to the territorial recruitment and social support centers. It is not true.

There were no changes in the age of Ukrainians who could be mobilized. According to the legislation, men and women up to sixty years old are subject to mobilization. Senior officers can be mobilized up to sixty-five years old. There are no “waves of mobilization” in Ukraine. The mobilization was announced on February 24, 2022, and since then the term of the relevant law has been extended several times. So far, the duration of martial law and mobilization has been extended until May 20, 2023.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to sow panic among the population, discredit the Ukrainian authorities and the Ukrainian army. They say that the situation at the front is bad, because they will take everyone into the army. More details.