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Fake Zelenskyi allegedly mobilizes minors

Russian telegram channels are disseminating information that a female serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine born in 2006 died at the front. That is, at the time of her death she was not even 18 years old. As evidence, Russian propaganda uses a photo of the supposedly military badge of the “deceased woman”.

In fact, this information is not true. The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security writes that the badge in the photo is fake. Personal badges indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the serviceman, his blood type, Rh factor, as well as a personal number assigned in accordance with his registration number. In addition, the name of the formation in which the soldier is serving is indicated on the badge. However, they never indicate the date of birth, much less the date of death, as on the “token” distributed by propagandists.

By spreading this disinformation, Russian propaganda seeks first of all to demonize Zelenskyi. Moreover, such rhetoric by Russians aims to cast doubt on the advisability of Ukraine to defend itself, because supposedly “the youngest are already going into battle”. After all, in Ukraine teenagers are not mobilized, and only citizens over the age of 18 are liable for military service.

• Read also: The first teenager from an orphanage mobilized into the Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly died in the war

Fake Propagandists are distributing a video allegedly filmed by a Ukrainian volunteer about how the Ministry of Defense issued him a draft notice along with a gratitude letter

Propagandists are distributing a video on anonymous telegram channels where a Ukrainian volunteer allegedly received a gratitude letter and a draft notice to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Ministry of Defense. However, this is fake.

Fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found out that the sample of a gratitude letter is clearly regulated, but the gratitude letter on the video has a completely different design and does not contain the necessary information about the order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine. In addition, the text of the gratitude letter  contains grammatical, spelling, punctuation and lexical errors, and there is no official seal on it.

Also, the draft notice in the video is drawn up with errors: it has an incorrect template and application number, the photo also lacks a draft notice number, the outdated name of the city is used, and also it contains grammatical errors and does not have a seal.

Propagandists spread such fakes to discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine.  Detector Media has previously refuted other Russian fakes regarding mobilization in Ukraine.

Fake In the Chernihiv region, young girls are allegedly being recruited into the Territorial Defense Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Pro-Kremlin telegram channels are disseminating information that the 119th separate territorial defense brigade in the Chernihiv region has allegedly begun recruiting into its ranks “girls aged 16 to 30 who will be deployed in frontline positions”. Claiming this, propagandists refer to a message from the official page of the 119th separate territorial defense brigade on the social network Facebook.

In fact, this information is not true. The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council writes about this. The mentioned message talks about conducting classes with the civilian population, in particular, on the rules of handling weapons. It does not talk about recruiting girls to the 119th separate territorial defense brigade.

With this fake, Russian propaganda nourishes the message that “women, children and pensioners are about to be mobilized into the army”. However, according to the legislation of Ukraine, under martial law, men from 18 to 60 years old are considered liable for military service. In addition, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated on December 19, 2023 that he would not sign the law on conscription of women. Previously, we denied information that the Russian military allegedly captured a pregnant Ukrainian serviceman.

Fake In Odesa, a serviceman was allegedly detained for attempting to kill a “military commissar”

Such information is distributed by pro-Russian telegram channels. Like, the military wanted to take revenge on the “military commissar” (an employee of the Territorial center of procurement and social support), who forcibly mobilized him more than a year ago. The man allegedly remembered the identity of the one who sent him to his death, and all this time he lived with the goal of killing him. Returning home, the soldier allegedly tracked down an employee of the Territorial center of procurement and social support, but hesitated to blow him up with a grenade and was detained on the spot.

In fact, this information is not true. On February 20, 2024, a man in military uniform who threatened to detonate a grenade was actually detained at the Pryvoz market in Odesa. However, there is no confirmed information on the Internet that in this way he wanted to take revenge on the representative of the Territorial center of procurement and social support, who allegedly sent him to the front. This is nothing but an invention of Russian propaganda.

Thus, Russia once again discredits the mobilization process in Ukraine and uses this fake to nourish the message that “mobilized men will sooner or later start tracking down and killing Territorial centers of procurement and social support workers who sent them to the front”.

Let us remind you that there are no military commissariats in Ukraine anymore, so it is incorrect to use this phrase. They were renamed into Territorial centers of recruitment and social support.

• Read also: An employee of the Territorial center of procurement and social support allegedly called the wife of a soldier a “katsap woman”.

Fake Women were allegedly abandoned to fight near Avdiivka

A video is being circulated online where several women in military uniform claim that they were sent to fight near Avdiivka because of the decision of the Zelenskyi regime. They say that the reason for this is Zelenskyi’s desire to create a “picture” for the Munich Security Forum. However, the video is most likely staged.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to this. Firstly, the women in the video are unlikely to actually be military personnel - makeup, long hair and manicure usually interfere with the performance of combat missions. Also, they do not have the equipment that is necessary during the battle. In addition, there are no identifying marks on their uniforms.

Secondly, in the video the Ukrainian language of the woman trying to speak it is noticeably “broken”. This may indicate that she is not a native speaker.

Thirdly, the video appeared for the first time on a TikTok profile, which was probably created specifically for the distribution of this video. This is the only message on this page that indicates its inorganic appearance. The video is being circulated exclusively by pro-Russian anonymous telegram channels and pro-Russian groups on Facebook, but even users of these channels express doubts about its authenticity.

Propagandists spread such fakes to discredit the Ukrainian government and Zelenskyi personally, especially against the backdrop of active public discussion of possible changes in the mobilization process. Detector Media has already written about other Russian inventions regarding mobilization in Ukraine.

Fake Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov allegedly announced the issuance of draft notices in Diia

In the Russian segment of social networks, they are spreading the claim that Mykhailo Fedorov announced the issuance of draft notices in Diia. The publications refer to Mr. Fedorov’s interview with the business publication Forbes Ukraine. When asked why it is impossible to enter a military ID in Diia, he replied that “theoretically it can be done”. It's a lie.

The VoxCheck analysts investigated the case and found that in the interview itself, the minister said that they most likely do not plan to enter the military ID into the application. But in general and in theory this is technically possible. Mykhailo Fedorov explained that they are working on the military ID project separately - it is about an information system based on the Ministry of Defense.

Subsequently, the press service of the Ministry of Digital Development clarified and said that there would be no military ID or draft notices in the Diia application. That is, no one announced anything; these are speculations of Russian propagandists.

Fake The Ministry of Defense allegedly encourages women to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “to quickly lose weight”

Information is being spread online that the Ministry of Defense has launched a campaign to recruit women into the army: “serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine helped me lose weight, contact the nearest Territorial center of procurement and social support, you deserve to be the best!”, says this video. At the same time, the video itself was allegedly published on the “TikTok account” of the Ministry of Defense. It's a lie.

The VoxCheck specialists analyzed the case and came to the conclusion that the video was fake and compiled from any footage. Moreover, the video does not serve as a video campaign for recruiting women into the army. After all, the Ministry of Defense doesn’t even have a TikTok account. The video about weight loss was also not found on other social networks of the ministry.

In general, only doctors and pharmacists must register with the military from October 1, 2023; however, military registration does not mean mobilization or the establishment of restrictions on travel abroad. The Ministry of Health notes: registration is necessary only to summarize data on the existing reserve of doctors in the country. The travel of this category of women is unlimited. To register for military service, this category of women will have three years - until December 31, 2026.

Manipulation Ukraine seems to have to mobilize women and children

Pro-Russian resources write that Ukraine needs to mobilize women and children. In asserting this, they refer to the head of the Special Staff of Ukraine in the Bundeswehr, General Christian Freuding, who allegedly made a corresponding statement. They say this can be explained by the large losses at the front on the Ukrainian side.

In fact, this information is distorted. This was reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. In an interview with the German broadcaster RND, General Freuding did talk about the need to mobilize more conscripts to replenish the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but he did not say anything about “mobilizing women and children”.

In addition, during a press conference on December 19, 2024, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated that he would not sign the law on the mobilization of women.

Russian propaganda is once again speculating on the topic of mobilization, which is sensitive for Ukrainians. It should be noted that this spread of misinformation occurred against the backdrop of public discussions on the mobilization bill. More materials on this topic can be found here.

Message SBU “recruits” men for mobilization attracting sex workers

Anonymous telegrams claim that Human Rights Watch (HRW) has recorded cases in which the Ukrainian Security Service recruited female sex workers to “increase the pace of mobilization”. The point is that in this way the SBU “caught” men. As evidence, the messages add a video from a human rights organization.

The VoxCheck analysts took up this case and found that the human rights organization did not issue such a statement. For example, no such publications were found on the pages of Human Rights Watch social networks. As for the video itself, its design differs from those published by HRW. That is, it is most likely that the video design was compiled, it was presented only for the organization’s video. And some fragments of the video itself can be found in the public domain.

Read also: Greek Catholic believers were allegedly “freed” from mobilization.

Fake In Ukraine, they allegedly want to ban the sale of push-button mobile phones

Information is being spread online that Ukraine plans to ban the sale of push-button mobile phones. Several Russian resources published messages on this topic. They say that Ukrainians are now massively buying push-button mobile phones so as not to receive electronic draft notices through the Diia application.

However, this information is false. There are no bills on the Verkhovna Rada website banning the sale of push-button mobile phones, deputies did not declare their intention to submit a corresponding bill, and the Ukrainian media did not write about it. This was reported by fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project.

There are similar messages online related to feature phones. In particular, users sell collectible or push-button phones for spare parts. However, such advertisements do not indicate mass demand for them.

Propagandists spread this misinformation, citing another fake about allegedly sending draft notices in the Diia application. However, the distribution of them in this application was repeatedly denied by the Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov. “There will never be any draft notices”, he assured on December 24, 2023.

Fake Oschadbank is allegedly blocking the cards of evaders - residents

Information is actively spreading online that the Ukrainian Oschadbank has begun to block the accounts of draft evaders - residents. Users share a screenshot of their phone, which shows what appears to be an SMS message from Oschadbank saying: “Your card is blocked due to failure to appear at the Territorial center of procurement and social support. You can find out more information at the Territorial center of procurement and social support where you are registered”. The image initially began circulating on anonymous Telegram channels and pro-Russian Facebook groups. However, this is fake.

The StopFake specialists contacted the press service of the State Oschadbank of Ukraine Joint Stock Company to find out whether Oschadbank really sends such messages to clients who did not appear at the territorial picking centers. Press service representative Leonid Ziabrev replied that this information was not true - Oschadbank does not send out such announcements. At the moment, blocking the accounts of draft evaders is impossible, since there are no legal grounds for this. However, in early February, Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Yehor Chernev said on a telethon that work is now underway on a new bill on mobilization, which may include measures of an “administrative and economic nature” to evade. However, administrative and criminal penalties are provided for violation of the procedure.

Propagandists spread such fakes to discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine, causing panic among the population and distrust in the actions of the government. Detector Media also wrote about other Russian fakes on the topic of mobilization in Ukraine. 

Manipulation 700 Ukrainian prosecutors allegedly received the status of combatants

Propagandists on social networks and Russian public pages are massively disseminating information that 700 prosecutors in Ukraine received the status of combatants during Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Dozens of social network users publish almost the same text and, as an illustration, use a screenshot from the Censor.NET page on the social network X. It, dated January 30, 2024, contains information about the recent mobilization bill. So, the authors of the publications believe that these two “news” are interconnected. In the texts of almost all publications on this topic, the following quote appears: “700 prosecutors received the status of a participant in combat operations? How? They have been booked from mobilization, after all. Rebus. How did 700 prosecutors, sitting in their offices and having reservations, receive the status? Ahhh, exactly. Slaves do not have to ask questions”. However, this is manipulation.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found that this information was untrue and had nothing to do with Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine or changes in the Ukrainian mobilization bill. The latter was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on January 30 this year and sent for consideration to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. However, the Ukrainian parliament has not yet voted for the discussed bill No. 10449, even in the first reading. Despite this, Russian propaganda is spreading a lot of false information about possible new mobilization rules in Ukraine. The information about “700 prosecutors” is also erroneous.

In fact, the first information that “700 prosecutors received combat status” appeared in March 2016, long before the full-scale invasion. Then we were talking about the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas (ATO). However, this information was also not confirmed then. Ukrainian media mentioned only one prosecutor, Hryshchuk, who actually defended the Donetsk airport; there was no such information about the other 699 civil servants. In the screenshot from 2016, only the property of some Ukrainian prosecutors could be seen, but there was no indication that they had a participant in combat operations status. Moreover, the round number 700 raises many questions, and the authors of the publications do not provide actual evidence of their words. Later, this topic began to be raised again in 2019 with complaints against the then newly elected President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

They are trying to tie the story about “700 prosecutors” to the modern context of Ukraine and the new draft law on mobilization, which is being actively discussed by society. Such publications cause many reactions, reposts and emotional comments about the present on the battlefield, corruption in Ukraine, “corrupt power” and ineffective defense enterprises. All this indicates that this news is another Russian manipulation technique with the aim of internally destabilizing Ukraine. Detector Media has already refuted other mobilization manipulations in Ukraine.

Disclosure A photo of a fake letter from the SBU to the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany is being distributed online

Pro-Kremlin telegram channels are distributing photos of a letter allegedly from the SBU to the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany with a demand to provide information about all adult men participating in the rallies for further sending their data to the ​​Territorial centers of recruitment and social support.

After verifying the letter at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Center for Countering Disinformation reported that this “document” was fake. The text of the letter contains signs of Photoshop; there is no electronic signature on the “document”, as well as errors in the formatting of the letter. In addition, the letter allegedly from the SBU was written on the letterhead of the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany, and this does not comply with the rules for organizing office work.

By spreading such fakes, Russian propagandists are trying to sow panic among Ukrainians abroad, in particular in Germany. It should be noted that this spread of misinformation occurred against the backdrop of a new version of the Mobilization Bill.

• Read also: In Ukraine they allegedly call on people to mobilize into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with their entire families.

Fake The Zhytomyr Regional Territorial Center of Procurement and Social Support allegedly sends out draft notices through Diia

Russian Telegram channels are distributing a screenshot of the message attributing it to one of the users of the Diia application. The message states that the specified person must appear at the Zhytomyr Regional Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support at the specified time and date. The electronic draft notices allegedly came from the head of this center, Serhii Martyshchenko. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. The Zhytomyr Regional Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support denied information about such agendas in Diia.

First, screenshots of these visible electronic draft notices appeared on the telegram channel “TRUKHA” (a Russian resource with a similar name to the Ukrainian one) on December 26, 2023. However, the Zhytomyr Regional Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support reject information about the draft notices in Diia and confirmed that this is another fake of Russian origin.

Several flaws indicate editing of this image. For example, the “urgent email” text in the second screenshot is in bold, which is not the case in the first. There is also an extra space between the “No.” and the numbers, as well as “electronic draft notice No. 0273” and the main text. The agenda must also have the signature of the manager, who is not in the screenshot. Errors in the arrangement of words, in particular in the phrase “Zhytomyr, Serhii Paradzhanov (Baranov) st., 4” also indicates editing.

Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, responsible for the development of Diia, previously emphasized that draft notices would not be sent through the application. Additionally, the redesign of the Diia application, unveiled at the Diia Summit on December 19, 2023, eliminated the Messages section, as shown in the fake screenshot. Users who have updated the application can find “Messages” in the general “Menu” tab.

This fake is a new attempt by the Russian side to introduce hostile sentiments into Ukrainian society. Detector Media has previously refuted Russian fakes about mobilization.

Fake They allegedly hand over draft notices on the receipts at Silpo

On social networks, propagandists are distributing an alleged photograph of a receipt from the Silpo supermarket with the message: “You have just received a draft notice. You have 48 hours to show up at the nearest Territorial center of procurement and social support”. It is stated that when paying by card, the buyer’s personal data may appear on the receipt, and in case of failure to appear at the Territorial center of procurement and social support, the person will face trial and blocking of the bank card. However, this is not true, and the photo of the receipt has been changed.

This was found out by specialists from the VoxCheck project. The stated blocking of bank cards for failure to appear at the Territorial center of procurement and social support is untrue. The primary source of this information is probably the telegram channel “Dnipro on the Agenda”, which disseminates satirical news about Ukraine. And the photo of the receipt used for this joke has been circulating online since at least 2020. It shows that the phrase about the Territorial center of procurement and social support was added, in particular, behind a font that differs from that used on the check.

In addition, VoxCheck checked their own receipt from the Silpo supermarket and confirmed that personal data did not appear on it when purchasing there, and neither did the draft notices.

Propagandists spread such fake news to cause panic among the population. They say that now it is impossible to go shopping without the permission of the Territorial center of procurement and social support. Detector Media also refuted other Russian fakes regarding mobilization in Ukraine.

Fake In Kharkiv, a man allegedly killed a Territorial center of recruitment and social support employee

Pro-Russian resources are disseminating information that a resident of Kharkiv allegedly killed a Territorial center of recruitment and social support employee because he sent his son to the front without a medical examination and a conclusion of the Military and medical commission of Ukraine. The guy was allegedly detained and immediately mobilized, despite the fact that he suffered from asthma. This allegedly happened “in front of the mobilized father”, so he decided to get even with the Territorial center of recruitment and social support employee by throwing his body on the railway tracks to simulate suicide.

The “news” being circulated is distorted and inaccurate. This is stated by the Center for Countering Disinformation and Information Security. In fact, the conflict occurred between two civilians in the village of Dubivka, Kharkiv region, after drinking alcohol, the Kharkiv region police reported. A domestic dispute arose between the 70-year-old suspect and his 57-year-old friend, which did not end simply with words. One of the men grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the other man several times in the neck. The victim died on the spot.

The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office established that the suspect took the body of the murdered man to the railway station and dumped the corpse on the track to make the version of the alleged “friend commit suicide” more credible. However, the railway workers discovered the body and reported it to law enforcement agencies. There is no official confirmation that the deceased was a serviceman, an employee of the Territorial center of recruitment and social support, or had any connection at all with the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

This fake by the Russians is another manifestation of discrediting the mobilization process in Ukraine. They say that Ukrainians are now killing the Territorial center of recruitment and social support workers because they exceed their authority - this is another confirmation of this. Previously, we have already refuted the information that the Ukrainian military commissar was allegedly killed while serving draft notices.

Disclosure Someone sends dangerous spam lists to Ukrainians' emails

The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security reports a new tactic for cybercriminals. Attackers specifically accompany the dangerous file with text containing general phrases that may seem familiar to business correspondence:

“Hello, I am sending documents at your request. Please provide the incoming correspondence registration number.


Mobilization department.”

The names from which the letters come are ostentatiously invented, for example, Konotopenko Radyvoi Ratyborovych. The signature “mobilization department” can confuse and force one to click on the file.

Here are tips from the Center on how to protect yourself from cybercriminals:

- under no circumstances open files received from unknown addresses;

- install an antivirus and keep it activated;

- make backup copies of important documents and files to restore them in case of loss.

Fake In Kyiv, exit from the city is allegedly blocked “due to total mobilization”

Pro-Kremlin media are introducing information that all exits from the city have begun to be blocked in Kyiv. According to anonymous sources, traffic across the Dnipro along the bridge to Vyshhorod and the South Bridge has allegedly been blocked. This happens because “Ukrainians do not want to serve in the army”, so the city authorities decided to increase the recruitment of people into the army in this way. It's fake.

The VoxCheck specialists were able to analyze the case and explained that in Kyiv they do not block exits from the city. Now the main bridge to Vyshhorod is under repair and instead of it a pontoon crossing has been in operation since January 17, 2024. That is, movement was not limited, but the method of movement was simply changed due to repair work. And the South Bridge has also been closed to private cars since June 22, 2022.

Pro-Kremlin resources continue to promote the topic of mobilization, hinting at the decline of the military, the lack of personnel, that Ukraine needs to “resort” to radical decisions and mobilize women. Anonymous telegrams accuse Ukraine of being a “military meat grinder”, explaining that now it will be impossible to escape a “grave”: neither for children, nor for elderly people or women.

Message In Ukraine they “did not declare a state of war” so as not to mobilize people’s deputies

In the Ukrainian segment of TikTok they are distributing a video in which they say that a state of war is not specifically declared in Ukraine, because then deputies and civil servants would be fired, and subsequently those fit for military service would be mobilized.

The VoxCheck analysts explained this stuff: “state of war” is rather a diplomatic term and characterizes the process of a state’s foreign policy in the world. While “martial law” describes the country’s domestic political agenda. And in order to be in a “state of war”  there are no mandatory official documents that would confirm this. For example, the UN Resolution On Aggression in 1974 writes that an invasion or attack by the armed forces of a state on the territory of another country, bombing or blockade of ports is qualified as an act of aggression - in international law, an act of aggression is considered a “primary” or “mother” crime. To briefly explain, if Russia had not attacked (had not committed aggression; had not used the armed forces of its state against the sovereignty of another state), then Ukraine would not have had to defend itself from Moscow’s crimes.

Moreover, politician and diplomat Andrii Shevchenko, in a commentary for Detector Media, explained that there is a war going on in Ukraine and this is understandable without announcements. And he added that international law is not focused on words or statements, but on actions (Russia carried out a large-scale military attack on Ukraine). Therefore, from the point of view of international law, what is happening is an obvious war and a violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine.

And as for the general mobilization, it occurs precisely during the period of “martial law”, or more precisely at the moment this state is declared. And according to the law “On mobilization preparation and mobilization”, people’s deputies, in particular, have a deferment from conscription for military service during mobilization.

Fake Ukrainian women who “have not given birth before the age of 25” should allegedly register for military service

In the social networks of the Russian segment, they are distributing a story from TSN, where they say that due to the adopted amendments to the law “On mobilization reparation and mobilization”, women who “have not given birth before the age of 25” must register with the military. Moreover, the so-called story said that the Verkhovna Rada seemed to have expanded the list of specialties for women who would be required to register with the military. It's a lie.

The VoxCheck analysts worked on this case and explained that the plot was primarily compiled. After all, the recording itself was created using artificial intelligence technologies. However, earlier there were indeed discussions around the bill on recruiting, mobilization and service: then MP Mariana Bezuhla, known for her scandalous messages on social networks about Valerii Zaluzhnyi and calls for his dismissal, published possible legislative norms on her Facebook. They stated, in particular, that women fit for military service were registered as liable for military service. At the same time, during martial law, women are recruited to combat positions only voluntarily.

However, during a big press conference on December 19, 2023, Volodymyr Zelenskyi  said that he would not sign a bill with clauses on the mobilization of women. But even in these legislative innovations there was not a single clause about “women who did not give birth before the age of 25”. This is simply a fiction of Russian propaganda. The mobilization bill is being finalized; it had previously been submitted to Parliament - without changes to the mobilization of women - but was subsequently withdrawn for revision.

In general, only doctors and pharmacists must register with the military from October 1, 2023; however, military registration does not mean mobilization or the establishment of restrictions on travel abroad. The Ministry of Health notes: registration is necessary only to summarize data on the existing reserve of doctors in the country. The travel of this category of women is unlimited. To register for military service, this category of women will have three years - until December 31, 2026.

Fake In Ukraine, women are allegedly mobilized and sent to attack

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric in the media are disseminating information that despite the fact that the mobilization bill has not yet been adopted, women are already being sent to the front, especially those aged fifty. They say that most often nurses are mobilized, who, according to the authors of messages on this topic, then work in front-line hospitals, and sometimes are even used as attack aircraft. Propagandists claim that the supply situation for mobilized women is dire and therefore hold online fundraisers to meet their needs. The authors allegedly attached a screenshot of a message about such a collection. However, this is fake.

Analysts from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They discovered that the photograph in the post, presented as evidence of the forced deployment of nurses to assault teams, was in fact of volunteers. They produce equipment for the military, without reference to gender.

In addition, Bill No. 10378 does not mandate the mobilization of all women. In the bill “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine to improve certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military service”, which the Cabinet of Ministers submitted to the Verkhovna Rada on December 25, there are no ideas about mandatory mobilization for all women. Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Roman Kostenko said that the Ministry of Defense proposed making registration mandatory for all women, but the majority of deputies rejected this idea. “90% of our committee is also against returning to this issue... I think that this issue will be resolved when a comprehensive plan for mobilization in Ukraine is developed, and we will not return to it again”, Kostenko said.

Earlier, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, expressed a similar opinion, arguing that women can only be mobilized with their consent. Even President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that he would not sign a law providing for the general mobilization of women.

On January 11, the Cabinet of Ministers withdrew the bill on mobilization for consideration. So, women with related military specialties can register for military service at their own request. At the same time, women with medical and pharmaceutical education must register with the military by the end of 2026. Although theoretically they could be called up for military service or involved in defense work (currently no such cases have been recorded), the information that nurses are being forced into assault teams is unfounded.

The screenshot attached to the message shows the name of the author - Nataliia Lychman. She is the leader of the Crazy Needles volunteer group, which makes camouflage nets, suits, first aid kits, pillows and balaclavas for the military. Lychman actually posted these posts on January 12th. In one of the distributed screenshots, she reports that the detachment is sending equipment to the 56th brigade, and in another she asks to donate money to purchase fabric. There is no mention on her page that the equipment is intended specifically for women.

On January 13, a video appeared on Lychman’s page where military personnel (only men are visible in the video) are walking in camouflage suits made by the detachment. Also, videos of gratitude for the help were recorded by servicemen from other units, usually men. There are women stormtroopers in Ukraine, but they are all volunteers.

Another screenshot shows women in camouflage suits, but these are Crazy Needles volunteers, not military personnel. Members of this detachment can be recognized from previously posted photographs. This photo was also used by a representative of the Pishchanski People charity foundation, indicating that these were Crazy Needles volunteers.

Propagandists spread such fake news to cause anxiety and panic among the population. Like, everything is so bad that we have to mobilize women. It also deepens mistrust of Ukrainian government institutions and officials.

Fake Valerii Zaluzhnyi allegedly created a petition for the “mobilization” of people’s deputies of the Verkhovna Rada

A video is being distributed on social networks where the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi allegedly says that he created a petition to “mobilize” people’s deputies. And also in the video, as he added, if by January 5, 2024 the petition does not gather a sufficient number of votes, Valerii Zaluzhnyi will supposedly “resign from office”. It's a lie.

The VoxCheck analysts looked into this stuff and explained that the video was compiled. The audio recording itself with the words about the creation of the petition was created using artificial intelligence, and then superimposed on an existing video of Zaluzhnyi. Also, on the website of the Office of the President or the Verkhovna Rada there are no petitions created by Valerii Zaluzhnyi.

Using a special tool called AI Speech Classifier, experts were able to find out that with a 98% probability the audio recording was created using AI technologies.

Among other things, we recommend reading in more detail about the use of artificial intelligence technologies, in particular deepfake ones in spreading the pro-Kremlin agenda.

Fake The Ukrainian government allegedly wants to “cancel” the international passports of citizens abroad

In the Russian segment of social networks, information is being spread that Ukraine wants to “cancel” the foreign passports of its citizens who are abroad. “There is no point in making new passports for survivors. Because Zelenskyi’s dictatorship simply cancels them”, the publications claim. It's fake.

The VoxCheck analysts sorted out this stuffing, explaining that the information is not true, because in official sources there is no mention of the cancellation of valid ID cards or international passports. As experts explained, for the first time such information was heard online against the backdrop of bill No. 10378 on mobilization submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. It provides that Ukrainian men from 18 to 60 years of age who are abroad will be able to apply for a passport, in particular a foreign one, and for other consular services at diplomatic institutions of Ukraine, only if they have military registration documents - a military ID, temporary certificate of military service or registration certificate.

But on January 11, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers officially withdrew the bill to improve mobilization; it was removed from consideration. However, even in the withdrawn bill and other official sources there is no mention of the cancellation of valid passports of Ukrainian citizens or international passports. There is also no information that citizens located abroad will be prohibited from receiving or continuing the validity of such documents. After all, the same bill dealt only with the procedure for obtaining consular services.

Manipulation More than 50 thousand mobilized people have allegedly died from the Chernihiv region

Pro-Russian resources are disseminating information that the head of the Chernihiv state military administration, Viacheslav Chaus, at a press conference following the results of 2023, said that more than 50 thousand mobilized from the Chernihiv region have already died in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In fact, this information is not true, reports the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. At the press conference, Chaus reported on the demographic situation in the region and noted that the decrease in indicators by 50 thousand residents is due to displaced persons since the beginning of active hostilities in other regions of Ukraine or abroad. That is, the information about the alleged disclosure by the head of the Chernihiv state military administration of the number of people mobilized in the region is a fiction of Russian propaganda, since Chaus did not make any statements on this topic.

In addition, exact data on the distribution of those mobilized by region is not published in open sources, as well as information on the number of killed and wounded defenders of Ukraine. The last is a state secret that will be disclosed only after the end of the great war.

Russian propaganda continues to speculate on the topic of mobilization in Ukraine, which has become sensitive for Ukrainians, since this topic concerns almost every family. The purpose of spreading this disinformation is to intimidate the Ukrainian people, saying that compared to the Chernivtsi region, the numbers throughout Ukraine should be tens of times higher. More exposures of fakes and manipulations by Russians on the topic of mobilization in Ukraine can be found here.

Fake Ukrainian recruiting officer was allegedly killed while serving a draft notice

Propagandists broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric on social networks and the media are distributing a video that allegedly depicts the murder of a Ukrainian recruiting officer while delivering a draft notice. They say that this footage was “shared by the National Police of Ukraine”. They add that this can be considered “the beginning of the civil war in Ukraine”. It's fake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that the video being distributed did not indicate where this incident occurred, which the territorial center of recruitment and social support was being referred to, or when it happened. Such propaganda methods are used specifically to make it more difficult to identify the video and verify its authenticity. Also, the video itself is of very low quality, trimmed (consisting of 2 seconds) - this method is also often used to make it impossible to prove the falsity of the message.

The StopFake specialists also checked the official communication channels of the National Police in recent days and found neither the publication of this video nor information about the murder of a territorial center of recruitment and social support representative. This also indicates that the information being disseminated is fake.

Shortly after the appearance of this dubious video, the National Police published a refutation explaining what exactly it indicated forgery: “the published fragment of the video does not reflect signs characteristic of a shot from a firearm; the inscriptions on the vest of the person in the video are illegible, probably written in foreign letters, and employees of the territorial center of recruitment and social support, while on duty, wear camouflage clothing and without reflective vests; The “watermark” on the video is a fake of the Ukraine National Police mark and does not correspond to how the official video is marked. In addition, the National Police noted that they had not received any reports of the murder or injury of a territorial center of recruitment and social support employee.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to show that public outrage in Ukraine supposedly goes beyond limits. Russian propaganda often uses the topic of mobilization in Ukraine to create fakes and manipulations. Detector Media has repeatedly refuted them.