Spilnota Detector Media

Fake Teenagers are fighting in Ukraine

The telegram channels distribute a video where supposedly teenagers (14-15 years old) load mortars, aim and shoot. The reports claim that the Ukrainian army does not hide the fact that teenagers are taking part in hostilities. It is not true.

In the video, distributed in telegram channels, one can see an adult soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine. StopFake fact-checkers checked the video using software and identified the military man. In personal correspondence, he provided fact-checkers with proof of his age - a passport photo.

Russian propaganda systematically manipulates the participation of Ukrainian children or teenagers in hostilities. In this way they use inhuman enemy tactics. Like, Ukrainians don't even feel sorry for their children. Periodically, they spread fakes about combat training or mobilization of teenagers.

Fake In Ukraine, the age limit for mobilization has been increased to sixty-two

Information is being disseminated on social networks that Ukraine seems to have completely exhausted its mobilization resource. Like, the twelve wave of mobilization begins, but there is no one to mobilize. Allegedly, therefore, since the beginning of March, Ukraine has increased the age limit for the mobilization of Ukrainians to sixty-two. The corresponding order was allegedly sent to the territorial recruitment and social support centers. It is not true.

There were no changes in the age of Ukrainians who could be mobilized. According to the legislation, men and women up to sixty years old are subject to mobilization. Senior officers can be mobilized up to sixty-five years old. There are no “waves of mobilization” in Ukraine. The mobilization was announced on February 24, 2022, and since then the term of the relevant law has been extended several times. So far, the duration of martial law and mobilization has been extended until May 20, 2023.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to sow panic among the population, discredit the Ukrainian authorities and the Ukrainian army. They say that the situation at the front is bad, because they will take everyone into the army. More details.

Fake In Mykolaiv, military registration and enlistment office employees arrange competitions for the delivery of draft notices

Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels distribute a photo of an alleged “honor board” on which they post the results of handing over draft notices. The reports claim that employees of one of the Territorial recruitment and social support centers in Mykolaiv are allegedly competing for weekend vacations in a cottage. The competition is ostensibly called the Safari draft notice. It's fake.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project did not find any evidence that this photo is related to Mykolaiv and the Territorial recruitment and social support center. The Mykolaiv regional recruitment and social support center denied the possibility of holding such competitions among workers.

To create a fake, black-and-white photos of poor quality were used, which complicates their verification. In the photo, men are in civilian clothes, although the employees of the Territorial recruitment and social support center must be in military uniform. The fact checker suggests that these photos are generated by artificial intelligence. Actually, the use of the word “safari” in the title immediately associates negatively with the messages that men are being hunted in Ukraine.

Russian propaganda systematically parasitizes on the topic of mobilization, moreover, they use a network of agenda telegram channels for this. Propaganda uses the facts of real violations in the mobilization process to give credibility to its messages, in particular, regarding the combat training of teenagers, the mobilization of women, etc. The propagandists also claimed that the Territorial recruitment and social support center  is an illegal structure, so the draft notices are also issued illegally.

Manipulation In Kharkiv region, they conscript officials

In the pro-Russian telegram channels, reports are being circulated that allegedly in the Kharkiv region they began to mobilize employees of the local administration. As evidence, they cite a photo of the draft notice signed by the mayor of the city of Pervomaiskyi, Mykola Baksheiev. The reports suggest that the Ukrainian army is suffering very heavy losses and is doing so much “bad business” that they have begun to mobilize officials in defiance of the law. Allegedly, such draft notices will soon be issued by heads of state-owned enterprises. This is manipulation.

There is no evidence that the draft notice was handed over to the official. In addition, government employees may be exempted from mobilization, but this is not mandatory. As the VoxCheck fact checkers explain, the photo circulating on the network has a new design of the draft notice. According to the latest changes in legislation, the mayor has the right to issue a draft notice, but this does not mean that it was issued to an employee of the local administration. Receiving a draft notice does not mean that a person is immediately mobilized and sent to the front. The first thing the Territorial recruitment and social support center requires is to verify the citizen's data and determine their suitability for service.

Russian propaganda once again parasitizes on the topic of mobilization and appeals to the emotionally complex topic of losses at the front in order to demoralize Ukrainians. Earlier, propagandists said that a military enlistment office was deliberately set on fire in Kharkiv. The propaganda also said that the Territorial recruitment centers are illegal structures, so handing over draft notices by them is also illegal.

Manipulation Ukrainian teenagers undergo combat training

There are reports in foreign media that allegedly youth organizations like the Nazi Hitlerjungend (Hitler youth) are being created in Ukraine. Like, Ukrainian girls and boys are taught to shoot and prepared to kill Russians. It seems that they wear uniforms with crosses, very similar to those that were during the Second World War. The messages refer to the American news channel News Nation. This is manipulation.

Chris Cuomo's report for the American news channel News Nation is about Ukrainian teenagers studying at a military academy, not about youth organizations. Russian propaganda laid out the plot and gave it a second context. EU vs Disinfo analysts note that there is no evidence that Ukraine involves minors in hostilities. This is confirmed by international human rights organizations.

Russian propaganda constantly nourishes the narrative about Nazism and fascism in Ukraine with various fakes. Like, even the Germans are already asking Ukrainians not to use Nazi symbols. They also systematically manipulate the topic of adolescent mobilization. Thus, propaganda uses the tactics of the inhuman enemy and justifies the war in Ukraine.

Message Ukraine seeks to destroy ethnic Hungarians, therefore recruits them into the army en masse

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The report says that Ukraine is allegedly engaged in ethnic cleansing of Hungarians in Transcarpathia, that is, genocide. They say that Ukraine sends ethnic Hungarians to the front, and does not “touch” others. The authors of the messages add that, at the same time, the Ukrainian leadership wants to get rid of ethnic Hungarians in the territory of Transcarpathia to the detriment of Hungary.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project investigated this case and found that no facts confirm that representatives of national minorities in Ukraine, in particular Hungarians, are disproportionately called up to the Ukrainian army. A citizen of Ukraine liable for military service can carry it out on an equal basis with everyone, regardless of whether such a person belongs to the category of national minorities or not. In addition, the Hungarian authorities did not make any official statements about the so-called genocide of the Hungarians in Transcarpathia or “ethnic cleansing”.

This message is beneficial for propaganda, as the authors want to nourish the narrative that Ukraine itself is allegedly engaged in genocide. Thus, propagandists want to hide their own war crimes, the murder and genocide of Ukrainians, and at the same time whitewash themselves.

"Detector Media" previously denied the fake that Russia would transfer the alleged Transcarpathian prisoners of war to Hungary in order to achieve justice.

Fake Ukrainian underage boys are not allowed to go abroad because they will soon be mobilized

Such a fake was spread on social networks, in particular in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. Reports say that Ukrainian children are not allowed out of Ukraine, in particular, underage boys. The authors of the messages add that this is how the Ukrainian authorities prepare children for mobilization, because the war will be long-term - until the last Ukrainian. As evidence, the authors refer to another telegram channel of the Ukrainian segment, in which Ukrainians allegedly complain that their young children are not allowed through the checkpoint, and customs officials deny any explanation. It is not true.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project drew attention to this case and determined that in fact children are released from Ukraine abroad, they are not subject to mobilization. At the same time, the telegram channel quoted by the propagandists does not exist at all. Fact-checkers are convinced that the screenshot was taken using a graphics editor.

The fake screenshot shows the so-called channel messages, for example: “My daughter and I were let through, our son is gone”. Analysts say that “... our son is gone” is an automatic translation from the Russian phrase “There is no son” (that is, they did not let the son go). In Ukrainian, this phrase should have sounded “My daughter and I were let through, but our son was not”.

By spreading this fake, the propagandists are once again promoting the message of total mobilization in Ukraine. Like, there is no one to fight, so even minors are mobilized. At the same time, they are promoting the previously widespread thesis about “war against the last Ukrainian”, which confirms the alleged indifference of the Ukrainian authorities and the so-called Western curators to the Ukrainian people.

Fake In Kharkiv, a military registration and enlistment office was deliberately set on fire

A video allegedly of fires in the “military registration and enlistment office” of the Shevchenko district of Kharkiv is being distributed on social networks. They say that Kharkiv “military personnel” cannot withstand the “hot” mobilization campaign. The reports note that allegedly the building was deliberately set on fire by “partisans”. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the Kharkiv anti-corruption center managed to identify the video from social networks. The results of the check indicate that this is a video of a fire in Moscow back in 2014. Then the house where the builders lived burned down. That is, this video has nothing to do with either Kharkiv or the Territorial recruitment and social support centers (former military enlistment offices).

Russian propaganda deliberately spreads fakes and manipulates the topic of mobilization in Ukraine. Thus, they put emotional pressure on Ukrainians. Previously, propagandists claimed that the Territorial recruitment centers were illegal structures, so handing draft notices by them was also illegal.

Message In Ukraine, they “hunt for men”

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Like, in Ukraine there is a “hidden” mobilization. There are “colossal” losses at the front, so men are “caught” on the streets to be sent to the front.

In fact, mobilization in Ukraine has been going on since February 24th. This law has been extended several times. According to the latest changes, martial law and general mobilization will continue until May 20, 2023. However, propagandists systematically manipulate the topic of “hidden” mobilization, using the technique of substitution of concepts. Russian propaganda also uses real facts of violations in the mobilization process to reinforce its messages and make them more credible.

Systematic mobilization manipulations discredit the Ukrainian army and affect Ukrainians emotionally. Earlier, propagandists said that the Office of the President wants to send everyone to the war, so the female deputies were banned from traveling abroad and are stepping up mobilization.

Fake In Kyiv, volunteers for Nazi brigades are openly recruited

Such information appeared in the Kremlin propaganda media and telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. The reports claim that in the Kyiv region they announced a recruitment into nationalist groups reorganized into brigades under the general name “Offensive Guard”. Like, this is akin to the creation of military formations in the system of the Ministry of internal affairs in case of any internal conflicts in the Ukrainian elite. The propagandists also dubbed the offensive guards Nazis, once again trying to nourish the narrative that Ukrainians are Nazis. However, this is not true. 

The fact checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case. In Ukraine, they really announced the formation of new brigades, but they have nothing to do with Nazism. “Offensive Guard” is a project of the Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine aimed at strengthening the National guard, the National police and the State border service of Ukraine during the upcoming liberation of Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea. However, such fakes are beneficial to propagandists in order to once again spread the narrative that Ukrainians are Nazis, so Russia is doing everything right by denazifying Ukraine. Russian propaganda regularly creates such fakes and manipulations to nourish the narrative about the rise of Nazism in Ukraine. In particular, propagandists said that Ukrainians allegedly decorate Christmas trees with swastika toys or shout Nazi greetings at weddings.

Fake Poles are recruited into Ukrainian troops

Such a fake was spread on social networks, in particular, on a telegram channel broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. Reports say that in Poland they began to openly recruit Ukrainian tank troops. Like, the Polish authorities are trying to recruit a crew for the German Leopard tanks, which will come to Ukraine. As evidence, the propagandists attach a video clip showing this “announcement”. The authors of the message cite the slogan allegedly depicted on it: “Protect Polish homeland. Be a tanker. Protect Poland in Ukraine”. There is no such announcement, it's not true.

Analysts of The Insider project investigated this case and found that for the first time information about such a poster appeared in the telegram channel of the Russian segment. The video clip itself was filmed at the Centrum station of the Warsaw metro. For the fake poster, they used the corporate identity of the “Become a soldier of the republic” campaign, which started in 2018. However, the authors of the messages did not take into account the corporate logo of the campaign, which was still not placed on the poster. So the fake announcement was just overlaid on the video. As for the campaign itself, it is aimed at recruiting people for contract service in the Polish army, so it has nothing to do with recruiting volunteers to participate in the war. So there was no such poster with an appeal.

By spreading this fake, propagandists nourish the narrative that everything is bad in Ukraine, that there is no one to fight, so the Ukrainian leadership resorts to such tricks and wants to recruit foreigners. Now the authors of the messages want to convince the readers that Poland wants to cut off our territories and thus, by mobilizing the Poles, will try to return them.

Fake Territorial recruitment centers are not legal, so handing draft notices is not legal either

Such a fake was spread on social networks, in particular in the Ukrainian segment of Facebook. The report says that the draft notices are handed over illegally, because they were once issued by military registration and enlistment offices. Like, the Territorial recruitment centers are an illegal structure. The author’s messages were picked up by users of the social network, who began to spread complaints, saying that Ukrainians are being given draft notices illegally, so it is impossible to mobilize those liable for military service. It is not true.

The fact-checker of the “Beyond the News” project drew attention to the case, they managed to find the primary source where the Facebook user really spoke about this. However, as experts say, the territorial recruitment and social support centers were created on the basis of the military registration and enlistment offices and are their legal successors. This is stated in part two of the Final provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine on improving certain issues of performing military duty and keeping military records” dated March 30, 2021. Consequently, the fulfillment of military duty by citizens of Ukraine is ensured by state bodies, local self-government bodies, military units established in accordance with the laws of Ukraine and territorial recruitment and social support centers.

On February 23, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the implementation of these norms. That is why the recruitment centers are a completely legal structure that has the right to hand over draft notices to those liable for military service.

Message Female deputies were banned from going abroad, the Office of the President wants to send everyone to war

Anonymous telegram channels write that the Office of the President has banned female deputies and civil servants from traveling abroad. Like, this indicates that in the near future women will be sent to serve in the army on an equal basis with men.

In fact, Russian propaganda manipulates changes in legislation. The decree of the president of Ukraine and the resolution of the cabinet of ministers of Ukraine concern professions, not gender. That is, the restrictions apply to officials in general, both men and women. Now they will be able to cross the border only in the case of a business trip or under certain personal circumstances (visiting minor children, death of a relative, etc.).

Propagandists are also manipulating the mobilization of government employees. According to the current legislation, the mobilization of women is voluntary. Men working in the public sector may be exempted from mobilization by decision of the body in which they work (reservation of an employee by position). Consequently, in the event of a change in the legislation, only the presence of public sector employees in Ukraine for the period of martial law is regulated. Features of the mobilization of public sector workers have not changed.

Previously, propagandists talked about the forced mobilization of women, children and even dogs.

Message In Ukraine , air raid sirens to be turned on to make it easier to hand draft notices to men in shelters

A network of telegram channels controlled by Russian intelligence is spreading the message that now in Ukraine the authorities will turn on air raid sirens more often than usual, taking advantage of the fact that Belarus is holding another joint military exercise with Russia. It seems that the Ukrainian authorities do not care whether there is a threat of shelling from the territory of Belarus or not. And the sirens are turned on so that the men go to the shelter, and at the end of the alert, representatives of the “military registration and enlistment offices” will hand out draft notices. It's fake. Air raid alert sounds throughout Ukraine when Russian missiles are launched or threatened, including from Belarus.

The channel network, which presents itself as Ukrainian, constantly uses the topic of mobilization in Ukraine to whip up panic and increase social tension. Along with reports that draft notices would now be distributed in shelters, another channel from this network reported that Ukraine has massively violated the rights of the mobilized and conscripts, and that it was necessary to apply to the ECHR (European court of human rights) about this - and to get “20-30 euros” guaranteed. . Also, in these telegram channels, they constantly state about the pressure that the Office of the President allegedly exercises on the media in order to force them to keep silent about the mobilization.

Mobilization has been going on in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, and as with any general mobilization, many violations occur during the war, including the rights of mobilized or conscripts. But this is written about in the Ukrainian media, lawyers talk about the duties and rights of both representatives of recruitment centers and those who are being served with a draft notice. This is a complex topic manipulated by Russian propaganda, including writing dozens of reports that draft notices were handed out to people in shelters and churches, without giving any evidence of this.

Fake Against the backdrop of Russian aggression, Estonia will mobilize schoolchildren

Such a message was circulated on telegram channels and pro-Russian media. It says that the Estonian Ministry of Defense will replenish its reserve with the help of high school students. Like, Estonia will teach its children “how to die for Ukraine”, that is, will plan to send children to war in Ukraine. However, this is a lie.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case and found out that the headlines about “the replenishment of the Estonian army with schoolchildren” appeared in the Russian media after the proposal of the Minister of Defense of Estonia Hanno Pevkur to make national defense a compulsory subject for high school students.

The minister himself emphasized that there was no talk of conscripting schoolchildren into the Estonian army, and that it was only about introducing a compulsory thematic lesson in high school. Pevkur is sure that young people need to know how to protect themselves when conducting hostilities.

Russian propaganda repeatedly manipulated statements on sending children to the front. Thus, propagandists want to nourish the narrative that there is no one to fight in Ukraine, so children have to be sent to the front, even from other countries. Detector Media has already analyzed disinformation stuffing that teenagers are handed draft notices or they are mobilized for war.

Disclosure Ukrainian women and men abroad will be mobilized, it was stated in the document of occupiers

Such a document was shared by propagandists in their telegram channels and the Kremlin media. It says that Ukraine is preparing to deport women and men who are abroad and allegedly asks the Ukrainian Embassy in the EU to provide information about people of military age. After the deportation, all women and men are mobilized. In particular, such an appeal was allegedly received by the Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia.

As experts from the Center for counteracting disinformation explain, the Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine did not send such appeals to the Ukrainian Embassy in Latvia and other European countries. The document is fake and has nothing to do with the official position of Ukraine.

By sharing such a document, propagandists want to sow panic among Ukrainian refugees in Europe. The propagandists also create the appearance that the situation at the front is extremely bad, because the Ukrainian authorities supposedly have to return people from abroad and mobilize even women.

Fake In Ukraine, teenagers are handed draft notices

This is the message propagandists share on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. It says that the draft notices allegedly began to be handed over even to teenagers, because all the reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already been exhausted. Like, they are “still children” who Ukraine transfers to the front. The authors of the message add to the publication a likely draft notice, supposedly issued by one of the territorial recruitment and social support centers. However, this is not true.

As the StopFake fact checkers explain, the draft notice spread by the propagandists is actually fake. First of all, the “document” does not correspond to the official model: it has the wrong column names, and some information is completely missing from it. Also, the name of the “military commissariat” is constantly used in the fake draft notice, however, starting from 2021, military registration and enlistment offices in Ukraine are called “territorial recruitment and social support centers”. Fact checkers are sure that the so-called document was created using special editors.

By spreading such messages, propagandists are once again trying to promote the narrative that there is no one left to fight in Ukraine, so even children allegedly have to be mobilized.

Fake In Ukraine, Slovaks are to be mobilized

Slovak social media circulated reports that allegedly the district administration in Banská Bystrica (probably other district administrations) was given the task of conducting “comprehensive exercises to carry out tasks after the declaration of martial law and orders to mobilize the armed forces of the Slovak Republic”. In particular, such a message was published by the Bádatel resource. This is manipulation.

According to Infopost.Media, the Slovak police denied the information. Usually, mobilization exercises are organized twice a year to test the defense capability of Slovakia. They have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine.

According to the police, the fake news about the mobilization in Slovakia is being spread by Russian propaganda as they are trying to cause panic in countries that support Ukraine with the alleged threat of being drawn into the war. Also, these fakes are spread in order to create a general information chaos and distrust of law enforcement agencies among the population.

In Ukraine, propagandists systematically manipulate the topic of mobilization, in particular, they talk about the forced mobilization of women, children, and even dogs.

Fake In Ukraine, dogs are being mobilized

Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels spread the news that allegedly “after the mobilization of women” in Ukraine, they began to mobilize dogs. Allegedly, dog owners must put them on military registration from February 1, 2023. This applies to Shepherds, Labradors, Boxers, Rottweilers and other “big, strong” dogs. In case of violation of this requirement, the alleged owner of the dog will be punished. It's fake.

In the Law of Ukraine “On mobilization training and mobilization” there is not a word about the mobilization of animals. One of the sources of the fake is the telegram channel of the Zaporizhzhia collaborator Rohov. He writes that “dog draft notices” are allegedly carried by “dogs of the Zelenskyi regime”. Rohov also distributed a photo of the announcement, which was allegedly sent to him from the South of Ukraine. The Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center checked these reports. On fake leaflets, the abbreviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was used in Russian language, not in Ukrainian. The phones given there are used by the National Police Department in the Transcarpathian and Rivne regions, although leaflets are allegedly distributed in the South. These contacts are freely available.

Obviously, such fakes are spread primarily through the occupant telegram channels (list is  here) in order to convince the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the “hopeless” situation in Ukraine. Also, Russian propaganda is trying to ridicule the “absurdity” of the orders of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and once again parasitizes on the topic of mobilization.

Manipulation The office of the President began to mobilize more

A number of telegram channels, operating under the control of Russian intelligence, began to distribute photos of documents glued on various houses in the capital. This is a printout of the order for mobilization, signed by the head of the Holosiyivskyi territorial center for recruitment and social support (TTsKSP). The document states what people who have received the draft notices, people who have not yet registered, and people who are going to change their place of residence should do during the general mobilization. All photos of the documents were taken in the Holosiyivskyi district of Kyiv.

The photos are real. Telegram channels of the GRU network write that these documents indicate that “The President's Office is stepping up mobilization”. This is manipulation.

Firstly, even though the president signs the mobilization order, all mobilization activities are under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Secondly, the general mobilization has been carried out in Ukraine since February 24, did not stop and was last extended in November 2022 until February 18, 2023. Thirdly, as reported in the Kyiv City State Administration, such announcements are the usual informing of the population. “TTsKSP have the right to bring information about planned events to citizens. This is the usual work of the TTsKSP. Such announcements should not be taken in a different context”, and they also add that the announcement at the entrances of houses is “informing the population that the mobilization process in the country continues and a reminder for those who have already been given draft notices to come to the military registration and enlistment office”. The Kyiv state city administration did not explain why it was about these announcements that they appeared only in one district of the capital.

Earlier, Kremlin propaganda has repeatedly spread fakes about mobilization in Ukraine.

Fake In Ukraine, there are certain places where draft notice will be handed out by regions

Telegram channels massively disseminate information that there is a list of places where draft notices will be handed out in each of the regions. Like, from January 11, 2023, draft notices will be handed out anywhere in Ukraine, because the law does not regulate the place of their delivery. Anyone can view the list of places where this will take place in order to avoid serving the draft notices.

In fact, information about clearly defined territories where draft notices will be handed out is fake. Local recruitment and social support centers did not report this either on their official pages in social networks or on official websites. So, there is no reason to believe this information. As the fact-checkers of the “Brekhunets” (Liar) project, the message about the delivery of draft notices dated January 11, is also not true. In Ukraine, mobilization has been going on for 10 months, starting on February 24, 2022. Every man of military age can get a draft notice.

According to fact-checkers, public administrators on social networks disseminate such messages deliberately, realizing that they are manipulating socially important information. Such manipulations help the authors of telegram channels to increase their audience. In addition, such messages also shake the situation in society.

Fake Women and children should prepare to be conscripted

Social networks and enemy telegram channels spread information about Ukraine's preparations for the mobilization of women and children. Like, advertising with a call to join the territorial defense units contains hints that they will mobilize “everyone in a row”: both women and children. However, this is not true.

In fact, this is an unfounded statement. Such ads do exist and feature a crying baby and the slogan “Protect your children”. The advertising banner also featured the hotline number of the command of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Actually, volunteers from 18 to 60 years old, both women and men, can join the territorial defense. Everything happens on a voluntary basis. We are not even talking about general mobilization.

Message In Ukraine there is a "war to the last Ukrainian", even the unborn

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Like, both the President and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are ready to send absolutely everyone to the front, even unborn children. In the messages, the propagandists manipulate the words of the President about the readiness of Ukrainians to defend their country and a video in which a pregnant Ukrainian woman talks about receiving a draft notice. Allegedly, the President's message has just such an embodiment.

The mobilization of women in Ukraine is voluntary. Military registration is required only for workers in the medical field. Pregnant women and women on maternity leave (to care for a child before the child reaches the age of three or in some cases the age of six) are exempted from mobilization in accordance with the law. Obviously, the woman received the draft notice by mistake.

The propagandists used the emotional video to promote several disinformation narratives at once: the mobilization of women in Ukraine, the incompetence of the Ukrainian authorities, and the weakness of the Ukrainian army.

Message In liberated Kherson, all men of military age are to be conscripted

Since November 11, such messages have been distributed by anonymous telegram channels. They say that with the arrival of Ukraine in Kherson, mass mobilization will begin, all men of military age, despite their state of health, will be taken into the Ukrainian army.

Such information does not correspond to reality, since conscription activities throughout Ukraine are carried out according to the same algorithm.

Currently, Ukraine does not intend to carry out additional conscription. Considering that a war is going on in Ukraine, the course of mobilization will depend solely on the situation at the front, explained Anna Maliar, Deputy defense minister.

Russian propagandists are inciting fear among civilians in the Kherson region that mobilization is one of the methods of “reprisal” and “cleaning” for the fact that people lived under Russian occupation. Like, those who allegedly collaborated with the Russians should wait for filtration, and, accordingly, torture, and all other men of military age should expect conscription.

Such messages are intended to sow doubts about the legality of the general mobilization, to cause distrust in the authorities of Ukraine and the Ukrainian army in the liberated territory, and to show that life was better under Russian occupation in the Kherson region and there were no dangers to the civilian population.

Fake None of the Ukrainian deputies "exchanged warm offices for trenches"

Pro-Russian blogger-propagandist Yehor Myslyvets reproached this. Some Russian deputies allegedly unlike Ukrainian people's deputies, decided to go to the front.

For six months, none of the officials has gone to protect their country, and does not explain why they are not doing it. It is not true.

As reported by Stop Fake fact-checkers, several current and former people's deputies personally went to defend the country both as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and in the ranks of territorial defense.

Moreover, the Ukrainian mass media repeatedly wrote about such examples. Among those who defend Ukraine from the Russian army are deputies from the faction of the "Holos" party Roman Kostenko and Roman Lozynskyi, people's deputies from the faction "European Solidarity" Mykhailo Zabrodskyi, Volodymyr Vyatrovych, and Andriy Parubiy.

The former parliament speaker Oleksandr Turchynov and the general prosecutor and ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Yuriy Lutsenko became soldiers.