Spilnota Detector Media

Message In liberated Kherson, all men of military age are to be conscripted

Since November 11, such messages have been distributed by anonymous telegram channels. They say that with the arrival of Ukraine in Kherson, mass mobilization will begin, all men of military age, despite their state of health, will be taken into the Ukrainian army.

Such information does not correspond to reality, since conscription activities throughout Ukraine are carried out according to the same algorithm.

Currently, Ukraine does not intend to carry out additional conscription. Considering that a war is going on in Ukraine, the course of mobilization will depend solely on the situation at the front, explained Anna Maliar, Deputy defense minister.

Russian propagandists are inciting fear among civilians in the Kherson region that mobilization is one of the methods of “reprisal” and “cleaning” for the fact that people lived under Russian occupation. Like, those who allegedly collaborated with the Russians should wait for filtration, and, accordingly, torture, and all other men of military age should expect conscription.

Such messages are intended to sow doubts about the legality of the general mobilization, to cause distrust in the authorities of Ukraine and the Ukrainian army in the liberated territory, and to show that life was better under Russian occupation in the Kherson region and there were no dangers to the civilian population.

Fake None of the Ukrainian deputies "exchanged warm offices for trenches"

Pro-Russian blogger-propagandist Yehor Myslyvets reproached this. Some Russian deputies allegedly unlike Ukrainian people's deputies, decided to go to the front.

For six months, none of the officials has gone to protect their country, and does not explain why they are not doing it. It is not true.

As reported by Stop Fake fact-checkers, several current and former people's deputies personally went to defend the country both as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and in the ranks of territorial defense.

Moreover, the Ukrainian mass media repeatedly wrote about such examples. Among those who defend Ukraine from the Russian army are deputies from the faction of the "Holos" party Roman Kostenko and Roman Lozynskyi, people's deputies from the faction "European Solidarity" Mykhailo Zabrodskyi, Volodymyr Vyatrovych, and Andriy Parubiy.

The former parliament speaker Oleksandr Turchynov and the general prosecutor and ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Yuriy Lutsenko became soldiers. 

Disclosure The Russian mass media received a manual on how to cover "partial" mobilization

It was prepared in the administration of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, reports the publication "Meduza", which received such a method from its sources.

According to "Meduza", the document states that Russia won wars "only in the whole world" and only when Russians believed in "people's war".

The mass media should convey the main thesis that "the people of Russia should unite before the threat of NATO." The Kremlin claims that the alliance intends to "dismember and rob" Russia. Therefore, it is forbidden to "put the entire burden of responsibility on the contractors and the people's militia of Donbas."

The manuals contain information that Russia is supposedly at war not with Ukraine, but with NATO. Therefore, by conveying such theses to ordinary Russians, it is planned to reduce the level of dissatisfaction with mobilization.

Obviously, the methods didn`t work. According to British intelligence, Putin's quick recognition of mobilization problems in Russia shows its ineffectiveness.

Fake Partial mobilization of students is carried out in the Vinnytsia region

Such a statement is spread by propagandists along with a fabricated document. It says that the head of the Vinnytsia regional police department allegedly announces a so-called partial mobilization for students. Like, students of secondary and higher professional educational institutions fall under the mobilization. However, this is not true.

According to the Bukvy publication they received a message from a Russian who distributed the so-called document. However, such a document does not really exist.

Adviser to the head of the Office of the President Mykhailo Podoliak said earlier that Ukraine does not plan to announce additional mobilization against the backdrop of Russian fake "referendums" and the so-called partial mobilization in Russia. “We have already created reserves through the territorial defense system and actively use these reserves. We do not plan to announce additional mobilization today. We have everything and we are ready for more Russian military”, Podoliak said.

Manipulation There are no rallies in Ukraine because all the participants would have been given draft notices

Such messages are distributed in pro-Russian telegram channels. In particular, this was stated by propagandist Anatolii Sharii whose party is banned in Ukraine. This is manipulation.

Sharii noted that on the video of the rallies in Russia, he did not see a single person falling under the announced mobilization. In his opinion, there are no such rallies in Ukraine, otherwise all those present would have been given draft notices randomly.

In fact, since the 21st of September, just in Russia at rallies against mobilization the police disperse and beat the protesters and shoot. Already on the first day of protests in different cities of Russia at least 1,176 people were detained. The detainees are handed draft notices to the military enlistment office, the Russian service of the BBC reports.

There are many women among the protesters, they come out with posters “No to war!” and “Our children are not fertilizer!”.

In addition, military registration and enlistment offices were set on fire in several regions of Russia. In the military registration and enlistment office of the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation, the head of the draft commission was shot.

At the same time, rallies were also held in different cities of Ukraine, at which participants demanded the return of prisoners of war who had not yet been released from Russian prisons. No arrests were recorded at rallies in Ukraine, there is no evidence that any of the protesters were handed draft notices.

Fake In Kharkiv, women are "conscripted" into the ranks of the Armed Forces

Propaganda channels in social networks disseminate information that “draft notices” are issued to women because “there are no men left in the city.” The head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kharkiv region, Volodymyr Timoshko, called it nonsense on the air of the telethon.

Since the beginning of the summer of 2022, Russian propaganda through social networks has been promoting the thesis of agendas for women. In the Mykolaiv region, even forged documents were distributed to argue the lie.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has developed a bill to reduce the list of women's specialties subject to military registration from October 1. The initiative has already been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, and now the relevant committee is working on it.

The Ministry explained that now there is no urgent need for the mobilization of women. At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine still need specialists in medicine, radio engineering, and food technology.

Women with minor children under 18 years of age are not subject to conscription due to mobilization. Note that registration is not mobilization.

In wartime, women can be recruited for military service and in the military reserve only under contract and on a voluntary basis. All female employees do so voluntarily and/or under contract.

Message Gays are recruited into the Ukrainian army because there is no one to serve anymore

The Russian media repeatedly manipulates the topic of LGBT military personnel. This time, messages are being spread that there is no one to fight in Ukraine anymore, so gays, lesbians, and transgender people are being recruited. Russian society is characterized by intolerance and homophobia, considering representatives of the LGBT community to be "perverts", people not worthy of respect. LGBT people in Russia are often discriminated against, for which the perpetrators, according to the law, cannot be brought to justice. When talking about LGBT people, propagandists pay attention exclusively to their sexual orientation, erasing the fact that homosexual people can be specialists in various fields just like heterosexuals. In particular, in the military.

LGBT people have been serving in the Ukrainian army for a long time and, in particular, have been defending the borders of Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, in 2014. The Constitution of Ukraine stipulates that "all people are free and equal in their dignity and rights. Human rights and freedoms are inalienable and inviolable". During the draft, the military commissions do not ask about sexual orientation, because people are not selected for the army based on it. On the contrary, the fact that additional attention will be paid to it can be considered discrimination.

In Ukrainian society, as well as in the army, there are still certain problems with bullying or intolerance towards LGBT people. Despite this, Ukrainian LGBT soldiers fulfill their duty to protect the state. Manipulations of Russian propaganda about the fact that in Ukraine "there is no one to serve" is a wish that is passed off as reality.

The fake about Ukrainian "gays in the army" is not new. Earlier, Russian propagandist Olga Skabeyeva voiced on the air of her program that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr ZeZelenskyon the orders of US President Joe Biden, sent "columns of Ukrainian homosexuals" to Donbas.

"Media Detector" previously refuted the myths about the LGBT+ community, which are widespread in the Ukrainian media and society, and also told how LGBT activists oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Fake An updated list of diseases that are not accepted into the army

An updated list of diseases with which conscripts are deemed unfit for service is being circulated on social networks. The fact-checkers of the "Brekhunets" project noted that the specific laws in this regard have not changed since April, and the changes made do not concern the list of diseases. In particular, on March 18, changes were made to the Regulation of military medical examination in the Armed Forces. The modifications introduced on April 21 to the law "On mobilization training and mobilization" were related to the separation of powers between central executive bodies regarding state policy in civil protection.

The list of citizens who are not subject to conscription is defined in Art. 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization." The regulation on military medical examination in the Armed Forces specifies a list of diseases in which conscripts may be temporarily or not recruited into the army in peacetime and/or wartime.