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Fake In Ukraine, dogs are being mobilized

Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels spread the news that allegedly “after the mobilization of women” in Ukraine, they began to mobilize dogs. Allegedly, dog owners must put them on military registration from February 1, 2023. This applies to Shepherds, Labradors, Boxers, Rottweilers and other “big, strong” dogs. In case of violation of this requirement, the alleged owner of the dog will be punished. It's fake.

In the Law of Ukraine “On mobilization training and mobilization” there is not a word about the mobilization of animals. One of the sources of the fake is the telegram channel of the Zaporizhzhia collaborator Rohov. He writes that “dog draft notices” are allegedly carried by “dogs of the Zelenskyi regime”. Rohov also distributed a photo of the announcement, which was allegedly sent to him from the South of Ukraine. The Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center checked these reports. On fake leaflets, the abbreviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was used in Russian language, not in Ukrainian. The phones given there are used by the National Police Department in the Transcarpathian and Rivne regions, although leaflets are allegedly distributed in the South. These contacts are freely available.

Obviously, such fakes are spread primarily through the occupant telegram channels (list is  here) in order to convince the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the “hopeless” situation in Ukraine. Also, Russian propaganda is trying to ridicule the “absurdity” of the orders of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and once again parasitizes on the topic of mobilization.

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