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Disclosure Ukraine repels from 5 to 40 powerful DDoS attacks daily

This was announced by the head of the State service for special communications and information protection of Ukraine Yurii Shchyhol. In December 2022, the State Service for Special Communications stopped and blocked 395 such attacks. Today, on January 18, specialists from the State Service for Special Communications stopped a cyberattack by Russian hackers on the resources of the Ukrinform news agency.

In total, in 2022, the government's CERT-UA Computer emergency response team registered 2,194 cyber attacks. A quarter of them are against the government and local authorities. The energy sector, the security and defense sector, telecoms and developers, the financial sector, and logistics were most attacked. In addition, in December the system recorded 170,000 attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in government information resources protected by services. Most often, Russian military hackers send out malware that steals credentials or destroys information systems.

The State service for special communications and information protection also investigates attacks in the private sector - about 200-300 cyber incidents per day. They are examined mainly in semi-automatic mode.

Earlier, Detector Media talked about phishing attacks on Ukrainians. In particular, the scammers promised Ukrainians six thousand hryvnias of “New Year's” assistance; collected information about Ukrainian refugees and migrants; urged Ukrainians to apply for supposedly receiving financial assistance. More details.

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