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Manipulation In Ukraine, "widows' maidan" is anticipated

Pro-Russian telegram channels and Russian resources wrote that supposedly in different cities of Ukraine there were protests by wives and relatives of the dead servicemen. Like, the Ukrainian authorities instructed the media to hush up information about these protests. This is manipulation.

In fact, in this way, the relatives of the captured servicemen demanded that the prisoners be exchanged according to the “all for all” scheme. This event was covered by the Ukrainian media.

In the messages, propagandists also mentioned military personnel who were considered missing. However, they emphasized that the majority of these military men allegedly died, and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “intentionally” did not inform their relatives about this. They also manipulated the distribution of Ukrainians by region of residence. They say that the inhabitants of the West of Ukraine do not understand why their relatives should fight for Donbas.

Russian propaganda uses the emotionally vulnerable state of Ukrainians whose relatives are at the front to further destabilize the internal situation in Ukraine. Earlier propagandists have already said that allegedly the Ukrainian authorities are lying, that there are no losses in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, although the Armed Forces of Ukraine are losing people “left and right” in the interests of the West. To enhance the effect, propaganda combines these messages with messages about mobilization, saying that the Office of the President increases it. More details.

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