Spilnota Detector Media

Fake Territorial center of recruitment and social support workers allegedly got into a fight with a teenager

Pro-Russian telegram channels are distributing a video in which allegedly Territorial center of recruitment and social support employees are fighting with a teenager on the street. Propagandists label this video as “a failed violent mobilization” because a passerby stood up for the guy.

In fact, this video has nothing to do with the mobilization process in Ukraine, the StopFake project reports. It shows two men in olive-colored jackets advancing on a teenager before another man wearing a white hoodie attacks them from behind. However, not a single person in this video was dressed in military uniform or had any identification marks or other elements that would indicate that they were military personnel, and Ukrainians at that.

Thanks to Google's reverse search function, StopFake journalists were able to establish that this video has been circulating online since at least May 2020. And it was filmed not in Ukraine at all, but in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Then the Belarusian websites that published it wrote that the incident filmed took place in Minsk in the Malynivka microdistrict, where two drunk men came into conflict with a 15-year-old teenager.

With this fake, propagandists aim to once again discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine and assert that everything is so bad at the front that they are already starting to mobilize even minors.

Previously, we denied information that the Territorial center of recruitment and social support workers beat up an ethnic Hungarian in western Ukraine.

Manipulation Ukrainian refugees will allegedly be forced out of the EU and sent to war

Pro-Russian telegram channels are spreading information that Ukrainians will be forced out of the countries of the European Union and sent to fight. In reporting this, propagandists refer to an allegedly corresponding statement by Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski on the air of the Polish radio RMF24.

In fact, Sikorsky's words were manipulated. He stated that conversations about the extradition to Ukraine of those evading their duty to serve are being conducted at the level of the European Union. Thus, it is not about all Ukrainian refugees, but about men of military age who are evading military service. In addition, no decision has been made on them, at least not yet, because this issue is still debatable.

The Polish Foreign Minister also stated that “it is possible to set such conditions for the stay of Ukrainians in the EU that will encourage them to fulfill their responsibilities to protect the Motherland”. However, it was not said here that all Ukrainian refugees would be sent to war as Sikorski spoke exclusively about men liable for military service.

With this stuffing, propagandists seek to fuel the narrative about the alleged “war until the last Ukrainian”. Previously, we analyzed such fakes and manipulations. For example, they recorded lies about the alleged mobilization of all childless Ukrainian women and about the alleged call for entire families to mobilize into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Fake Ukrainians allegedly call for updating their data in the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support with a poster of Galicia the SS division

Russian resources are disseminating information that a billboard was allegedly placed in Ukraine depicting the 14th SS Volunteer Division Galicia with the caption “Yesterday it was them, and today it is you”. The billboard allegedly encourages Ukrainians to update their data in the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support. Propagandists add video of the poster's location as evidence.

However, this information is not true, according to the StopFake project. Journalists geolocated the place where the video being distributed was filmed - it turned out to be near Lviv - and asked for comment from the company that places billboards at this address. The Bravo advertising agency responded that they were indeed approached by customers who identified themselves as “employees of the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support” of the Ground Forces. However, as soon as it became known that this information was false, the billboard was backgrounded, and all information about the orders was transferred to the SBU. In addition, at the request of StopFake, the Lviv Regional Military Administration responded that no one ordered such an information campaign.

In the end, the official information campaign “Update your data in the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support”, which was presented by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, looks completely different, and in it, military personnel from different combat units honestly admit that they are also afraid, but overcome their fear. At the same time, no references to historical events are used in this campaign.

This is not the first time that Russian propaganda uses the theme of the SS division Galicia in its information war, manipulating historical facts. We have already refuted the information that the Ukrainian post office issued stamps dedicated to the SS division Galicia, and also that in the video message of Volodymyr Zelenskyi we noticed the chevron of the SS division Galicia.

Fake Israelis with dual citizenship are allegedly having their passports taken away in Ukraine for mobilization

Propagandists claim that several hundred dual Israeli and Ukrainian citizens are unable to cross the border because their passports have been seized by border guards. They say that in order to return the documents, they need to update the data at the territorial acquisition center, after which they can be mobilized. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to this. They found the original photo, edited by propagandists. The photo was published back in 2017 by the Svyatoshynskyi department of the Kyiv State Migration Service of Ukraine and indeed contains handwritten information about the state of readiness of the ordered passports.

Moreover, such actions by border guards would not make sense, since Ukraine does not recognize dual citizenship. Accordingly, citizens with dual citizenship of Israel and Ukraine in the legal field are considered only citizens of Ukraine and are subject to the corresponding rights and obligations. That is, men liable for military service with dual citizenship do not have the right to leave Ukraine. This was explained by the representative of the State Border Service Andrii Demchenko.

Propagandists are spreading such fakes in order to once again disrupt the mobilization campaign in the country.

Fake Video of the “mobilization of women” in the Territorial center of recruitment and social support

Propagandists are distributing on telegram channels, where they spread pro-Russian rhetoric, a video in which men in military uniforms are leading an actively resisting woman somewhere. Publications are signed with the words “The Territorial center of recruitment and social support has taken on women”, hinting at the allegedly forced mobilization of women in Ukraine.

In this case, propagandists simply used a video with a different context to create a fake. In fact, the distributed video shows a conflict between a woman and employees of the State Border Service of Ukraine, which occurred in Transcarpathia, as experts from the StopFake project found out.

Press secretary of the Mukachevo border detachment Lesia Fedorova, in a comment to the Suspilne, clarified that the incident occurred on June 30, 2024 on the outskirts of the village of Nyzhnia Apsha, Tiachevskyi district. The driver of a Mercedes-Benz Vito minibus, while in a queue of cars at the checkpoint, drove into the oncoming lane and tried to evade the check.

“The woman ignored the legal demands of the border guards, arguing her refusal by not wanting to stand in line because she was in a hurry to go on vacation. During communication with the 19-year-old border guard, the woman behaved rudely and dismissively, using obscene language and offensive sayings. Then, having made a maneuver dangerous to the life and health of the serviceman, she fled the scene at high speed”, said the press secretary of the Mukachevo border detachment. Border guards pursued the car that violated the rules, and, despite the woman’s resistance, detained her and took her to the border unit, where they drew up a report on an administrative offense under Art. 185-10 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses.

Mobilization in Ukraine is one of the main themes that Russian propaganda actively uses to spread disinformation and destabilize the situation in the country. In particular, Russian propaganda not only disseminates information about abuses during mobilization, presenting them as a “common occurrence”, but also creates outright fakes and staged videos to demoralize Ukrainians. The narrative that there are already not enough men in Ukraine and therefore women are being mobilized is also one of the common ones.

Fake Kyiv university students are allegedly sent to dig trenches instead of practice

Information is being spread online that at one of the Kyiv universities, instead of practical training, students are sent to “dig trenches in Irpin”. This is evidenced by a notice on the wall of the university.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project explained that the announcement is fake, because there is no announcement about the relevant practice on the website of the educational institution or on social networks.

According to the information on the “announcement”, it is about the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. After all, the facade of the educational institution and the university’s coat of arms were depicted on the leaflet.

However, the student groups listed in the announcement do not exist. Moreover, on the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture website in the section “Agreements with practice bases” there are no military units. In addition, the contracts indicate that the party receiving students undertakes not to use the labor of education seekers in jobs and positions that “do not correspond to the practice program and future specialty”.

Fake Mobilized prisoners allegedly sell drugs in the Sumy region

Pro-Russian telegram channels are disseminating information that the Military Law Enforcement Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly detained several drug buyers in the Sumy region. After the arrest, the buyers stated that they had purchased drugs from mobilized prisoners from three brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 150 OMBR, 32 OMBR and 53 OMBR. Propagandists add relevant photographs as “proof”. However, this is fake.

VoxCheck project specialists found photographs based on messages from propagandists on the Facebook page of the Military Law Enforcement Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As it turned out, the creators of this fake showed photographs not from the Sumy region, but from the Nova Poshta branch in Kramatorsk, where military law enforcement officers, together with a canine squad and employees of the National Police, inspect postal items.

As a result of two such reviews, on June 21 and 22, 2024, bags of a green plant substance similar to cannabis were found. Another photo from the message was taken on June 20 during an inspection of the personal belongings of another serviceman in the Donetsk region - then a paper parcel with a powdery white substance was found in his possession.

In all of these cases, the drugs were found on military personnel and not on civilians, as reported. Finally, the Military Law Enforcement Service reports make no mention of the individual or group of individuals from whom the substances were purchased. Accordingly, there is no reason to assert that they received these shipments from mobilized prisoners from the three mentioned brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Fake On the Ukrainian-Polish border they allegedly began to detain women to search for evaders among their family members

Russian telegram channels are disseminating information that on the border of Ukraine with Poland, employees of the State Border Service are detaining Ukrainian women in order to search for evaders in their families. As “proof” of this, propagandists attach a corresponding video from the Hrushiv-Budomierz checkpoint, in which women communicate with a border guard.

However, this information is not true. The Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council, having verified the information in the State National Security Service, reported that in fact, technical malfunctions arose at the Hrushiv-Budomierz checkpoint several days ago, which led to problems with border crossing. However, thanks to the coordinated work of the relevant specialists, the registration of citizens resumed on the same day. That is, the propagandists took advantage of the technical delay that arose at the mentioned checkpoint and presented it as a “search for evaders in families”.

By spreading this fake news, Russian propagandists are trying to intimidate Ukrainian society.

Fake Territorial center of recruitment and social support employees allegedly beat up an ethnic Hungarian in western Ukraine, Euronews story

A report from the Euronews TV channel is being distributed on social networks. It claims that in western Ukraine, the Territorial center of recruitment and social support workers beat an ethnic Hungarian when they tried to mobilize him.

Fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project established that Euronews did not publish such a video. It was assembled from videos that were not connected to each other.

Through a reverse photo search, it turned out that for the fake Euronews video, propagandists used excerpts of individual videos from open sources. Thus, the footage of the Territorial center of recruitment and social support employees was taken from the report Investigation. Info for April 2024. The video does not mention representatives of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine.

Fake Ukrainian authorities are allegedly mobilizing seventeen-year-old female students

Propagandists are distributing information in English and Russian on social networks about seventeen-year-old female students who are allegedly preparing for mobilization and “meat assaults”. However, this is fake.

Fact-checkers from Reuters drew attention to it. They found out that the fake was created on the basis of an event on June 11 at the military institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, at which they honored the memory of deceased graduates - Major Oleksii Chubashev and Senior Lieutenant Oleksandr Marchuk. It was attended by military personnel, chaplains, cadets and others.

However, propagandists in their messages decided to focus attention specifically on the female cadets. In a comment received by Reuters fact-checkers from the university press office, it turned out that all cadets present at the event were already 18 years old and there was no campaigning before joining the army.

In addition to the English-language segment of social networks, propagandists also spread this fake news on Russian-language anonymous telegram channels, however, with sexualized overtones. They back this up with a fictitious quote from an unnamed officer about the importance of “feminine qualities” in the Armed Forces.

Russian propagandists spread such fakes in order to discredit Ukraine. They say that they mobilize children, which means Ukraine violates international law, because it lacks strength. In addition, in this way, Russian propagandists spread misogyny and sexism, noting the professional qualities of military personnel in Ukraine, but other subjective things. All this is being done to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Fake The head of the Vinnytsia Territorial center of recruitment and social support allegedly “banned” the sale of wigs to men

Information is being spread online that supposedly in Vinnytsia the head of the local shopping center and joint venture banned the sale of wigs to men so that they would not try to hide from mobilization by dressing up as women. As proof, publications add a photo of the “announcement” from the Territorial center of recruitment and social support.

VoxCheck analysts investigated the case and found out that the head of the Vinnytsia regional Territorial center of recruitment and social support did not give such an order.

In fact, checking the “announcement” photo in Forensically using the ELA tool showed that the photo contained signs of editing. So, the announcement text was created and added to the photo using a photo editor.

Moreover, a reverse photo search on Google showed that for the fake they used a photo of the Topwigs wig store for 2019, which is located in Kyiv. After all, in this advertisement in the photo it is said about a paid fitting of wigs.

Fake KNUCA students will allegedly build fortifications for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

On social networks, pro-Russian resources are spreading information that students of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture will build fortifications for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As “proof” of this, propagandists add a photo of an advertisement that allegedly appeared within the walls of the university and claim that these are the results of the “unsuccessful” Global Peace Summit, which took place on June 15-16, 2024 in Switzerland. However, this is fake.

Ukrinform specialists report that the ad was fabricated in a graphic editor and written with grammatical errors without a specified date. To create the fake, propagandists used a photograph that first appeared in 2012 on the social network VKontakte, which is banned in Ukraine. In a comment to Ukrinform, representatives of KNUCA noted that the unreliability of the publications also confirms that the student groups indicated in the “announcement” really do not exist in the educational institution.

This fake is aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian education system, including in the eyes of future applicants from the temporarily occupied territories who would like to receive an education in the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. Previously, we analyzed a fake report about the mobilization of 1000 students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. 

Fake Territorial center of recruitment and social support representatives hand out draft notices at Prom.ua goods delivery points

Russian propagandists spread information that Ukrainian men are given draft notices near Prom.ua goods distribution points. As “proof” they add screenshots from a review site about these stores, where outraged users allegedly complain about the arbitrariness of the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support.

However, this information is not true, VoxCheck experts write. Firstly, the Prom.ua company does not have its own delivery points for goods - delivery is carried out by logistics companies or the goods can be picked up at pick-up points of online stores selling goods on Prom.ua.

Also in both screenshots above you can see the text First independent review site in Ukraine. This is the site OtzyvUA.net. Considering that responses to angry comments are written about the company Prom.ua, to create a fake, propagandists used the section of the site with reviews of this particular company. In the first screenshot one can see the complaint “Lawlessness of the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support!” from a user with the nickname Maryna on May 28. However, such a response does not really exist. There is one review on the platform for May 28 from another user, and it does not concern the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support.

In the screenshot of the propagandists below, under the fake response, there is another one, with the topic “WILD AND CREEPY. NO WORDS” dated May 14 from a user with the nickname Serhii. This review is real, between it and the review for May 28 there are nine other user reviews that are not in the screenshot from the propagandists' post. This means that the fakers took a screenshot of the response from the site, which was immediately after the response “WILD AND CREEPY. NO WORDS” and replaced it with a fake one, which describes “rude actions of Territorial centers of recruitment and social support representatives”. This is also confirmed by the fact that both the fake comment and the real one, which was immediately after “WILD AND CREEPY. NO WORDS”, wrote a user with the nickname Maryna and rated the service one star out of five.

The second screenshot shows a complaint with the subject “given a draft notice” for May 27 from a user with the nickname Vika. There is no such response either. There are no reviews at all on the OtzyvUA website for Prom.ua dated May 27. The fake review had one star rating for the quality of the store's work, two responses, three preferences from other users and contained the address - Stolychne Highway in Kyiv. According to these characteristics, only one response is suitable - dated May 22, and it does not mention the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support and the issuance of draft notices. That is, the propagandists took a screenshot of the original response for May 22, changed the date and text, and wrote a complaint about the alleged distribution of them. This is confirmed by the fact that the text of the service’s response to the original and fake review begins the same way: “Hello, Vika! It’s a pity that you have such an opinion about Prom”.

Moreover, VoxCheck specialists analyzed all reviews on Prom.ua on the platform for 2024 and did not find a single mention of agendas, front and Territorial centers of recruitment and social support. Previously, we refuted the information that Territorial centers of recruitment and social support employees announced an evacuation from Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, and then handed out draft notices.

Disclosure “Military police offers cooperation”: Cyber ​​police and the Center for Countering Disinformation discovered Russian IPSO

Online, on behalf of the alleged National Police of Ukraine, information is being spread that the “military police” are offering Ukrainians a reward for their cooperation in identifying evaders.

However, this information is not true. The National Police of Ukraine did not make any such proposals, according to the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council. Also, there is simply no “military police” in Ukraine.

Such messages are an element of the Russian information psychological operation (IPSO) and are aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine. The Center urges Ukrainian citizens not to call the numbers indicated in these messages and not to follow links from unknown sources. At the same time, Russia can use real telephone numbers of Ukrainian government authorities.

For its part, the Cyber ​​Police of Ukraine recalls the importance of verifying facts, information and statements that are disseminated through various communication channels.

Previously, we analyzed the manipulation that the Ukrainian authorities allegedly purchased several hundred SUVs so that “the police would catch the Ukrainians”.

Fake In Ukrainian psychiatric clinics, Military Medical Commissions are held for further mobilization of patients

Social networks in the Russian segment provide a photo of a sign allegedly placed in the hospital, which asks relatives of patients to attend the military medical commission. Allegedly, these people will be mobilized into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

StopFake analysts write that the news was made up, and the sign was changed in the photo editor. This photo was published back in 2021 on the page of the Kyiv City Psychoneurological Dispensary No. 2. Instead of inviting relatives to attend the Military Medical Commission, the piece of paper actually contains the inscription “Registration”.

And according to the order of the Ministry of Education No. 490 “On approval of Amendments to the Regulations on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, citizens with the following categories of mental and behavioral disorders are excluded from military registration: severe persistent mental disorders; mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances: alcohol or drugs. Consequently, the vast majority of patients at the psychoneurological dispensary would not be subject to mobilization in any case.

Fake From June 1, men are prohibited from entering ATB without a military ID

Ads are being circulated on social networks allegedly from the ATB-Market supermarket chain, which states that from June 1, men over 18 years of age are prohibited from entering the chain’s stores without a military ID.

VoxCheck analysts found that the ATB-Market network reported that they had not published such an advertisement. There are numerous inaccuracies in the ad text.

Moreover, Territorial center of recruitment and social support employees, police officers and border guards have the right to check a military ID, but not store employees. Also, the announcement did not indicate the reason for introducing a corresponding ban on entering the store.

Fake The head of the Icelandic delegation “transferred” to Ukraine a batch of “restraint devices for detaining evaders”

Propagandists continue to claim that on June 2, during the visit of a delegation from Iceland to Kyiv, they handed over “a batch of equipment to increase the efficiency of mobilization”, including “detainment restraints”. The reports are supplemented by so-called photographic evidence from the meeting of officials.

Propagandists cite the words of “the head of the delegation, Bjarni Benediktsson, a female”, who allegedly said: “I am sure that the equipment being transferred will help speed up the recruitment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Beat our common enemy, thank you for protecting the entire civilized world. Sometimes you have to, even if you don’t want to, you have to because I can’t!”

But StopFake fact-checkers investigated the case and found out that, first of all, Bjarni Benediktsson is a man; he became Prime Minister of Iceland on April 9, 2024. And in the photographs, Katrin Jakobsdottir is the previous Prime Minister of Iceland. She met with the President of Ukraine in March 2023.

There was no talk of any transfer of “restraint devices for detaining evaders”; this was an invention of Russian propaganda.

Fake Ukrainians allegedly set fire to a Warsaw skyscraper

Russian propagandists are spreading information that Ukrainians allegedly set fire to the Spektrum Tower skyscraper in Warsaw. They say that Western countries are silent about the participation of Ukrainians and justify this by faulty electrical wiring. The Ukrainians themselves, according to propagandists, are taking revenge in this way for the fact that Poland and the Baltic countries are deporting them back to the war. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found out that on May 8, 2024, a fire occurred in the Spektrum Tower office building in Warsaw. However, the State Fire Marshal's Office did not then release the cause of the fire or the names or nationalities of those who may have been involved. The Polish media did not report this either. Additionally, the VoxCheck team has not received a response from the Polish police regarding this event.

On May 20, 2024, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced that Polish law enforcement authorities had detained 9 suspects who were most likely members of a Russian spy ring and involved in arson attacks in Poland. However, Tusk did not note that it was Ukrainians who were involved in the fire at Spektrum Tower in Warsaw.

It is also important to note that Poland and the Baltic countries are not deporting Ukrainians to the war, as the Russians claim. The Ambassador of Poland to Ukraine at one time emphasized that the Polish authorities will not force men of military age to return to Ukraine forcibly.

Propagandists spread such fakes to discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees in Europe. Detector Media also refuted other fakes on this topic.

Fake A spontaneous memorial was allegedly created on Tysa to the men who died while trying to cross the border

Russian propagandists are distributing images allegedly taken on the banks of the Tysa River. They say they show a spontaneous memorial intended to commemorate the men “shot by border guards” while illegally crossing the Ukrainian border. In the water one can see flowers, paper boats, as well as the inscriptions “Tysa - Sticks” and “Forgive us all”. Propagandists also claim that these images were published by the news agency Reuters. However, this is not true.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to the case. They found that although the images contained Reuters watermarks, they were not found on the agency's website. A search for the name of the photographer listed in the posts containing the images, Horatiu Negrescu, did not return any results. Moreover, there are no sources confirming the existence of such a “memorial”. The screenshot distributed by propagandists indicates that images from the Tysa River were published on the Reuters website on May 26 and were included in the Photos of the Day section. However, this section appears on the site only on weekdays, and May 26 was a Sunday, therefore, the image for that day was not published. On Monday, May 27, the column included three photographs from Ukraine, showing the consequences of the shelling of the Kharkiv region and the actions of the Ukrainian military. Thus, there is no reliable evidence that these photographs were taken near the Tysa River - it is likely that the attackers created the photographs anywhere and added the Reuters logo in Photoshop.

Propagandists spread such fake news to discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine and cause panic among the local population. Detector Media also refuted other fakes on this topic.

Fake Ukrainian men over 18 are allegedly not allowed into ATB supermarkets without a military ID

Information is being spread on social networks that from June 1, men over 18 years old without a military ID will not be allowed into ATB supermarkets. They say this is evidenced by an advertisement launched on the screens of a store in Zhytomyr. This message was also picked up by Russian propagandists. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the Beyond the News project drew attention to him. They found out that no restrictions were introduced for visiting ATB stores. In addition, in their refutation they referred to the official statement of ATB on the fake:

“The fabricated ad is another attempt by low-quality communicators to hype up a brand on a top topic. We ask everyone to be careful, not to fall for such provocations and check the information on the company’s official information channels!” - Serhii Demchenko, director of communications at ATB, said.

Propagandists spread such fake news to discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine and cause panic among the local population. Detector Media also refuted other fakes on this topic.

Fake Ukraine allegedly began mining the banks of the Tysa River

Propaganda telegram channels are disseminating information that Ukraine has allegedly begun mining the banks of the Tysa River in order to prevent the escape of military personnel abroad.

The Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council verified this information with the speaker of the State Tax Service of Ukraine Andrii Demchenko and reported that the “news” about the mining of Tysa is another fake of Russian propaganda. At the same time, according to Demchenko, to strengthen the border, Ukraine is increasing the number of border guards and using technical surveillance equipment, including video cameras and drones.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that propagandists have spread such disinformation, and its goal is to destabilize the situation in the country. Also, with the help of such fakes, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit state institutions and cause mistrust on the part of Ukrainians. Previously, we refuted information that Ukrainians were allegedly being shot on the Tysa River while fleeing mobilization.

Fake In Odesa, three Territorial center of procurement and social support workers were allegedly found dead

Information is being spread online that three Territorial center of procurement and social support representatives were found dead in Odesa. First, they allegedly beat a civilian man and dragged him into a car. However, later, when the man came to his senses, he allegedly killed the servicemen. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to this case. They found out that the original source of this information systematically spreads fake news about Ukraine and does not provide any evidence for its theses. Reputable Ukrainian or Western media do not have information about the three dead Territorial center of procurement and social support workers. There is also no such information on the website and social networks of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Odesa region and on the page of the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The original source claims that this “news” was allegedly shared with him by a subscriber whose relative works in the police, but he does not provide any details that can confirm the veracity of these words. Ukrainian media or law enforcement agencies. However, there is information that in May 2024, a resident of the Dnipropetrovsk region attempted to murder a Territorial center of procurement and social support employee. According to the investigation, representatives of the district Territorial center of procurement and social support stopped the suspect to check his documents in the city of Synelnykove. In response to this, the man suddenly pulled out a knife and wounded one of the servicemen. That is, this case was not hidden or kept silent. The media also informed the public that in the Cherkasy region unknown persons threw an explosive device into the yard of a Territorial center of procurement and social support employee, a sergeant of the Armed Forces. There was also a case in Chernivtsi, when a person liable for military service attacked and hit a representative of the Territorial center of procurement and social support, which provoked a retaliatory strike.

With this fake and others like it, Russian propaganda is trying to disrupt mobilization in Ukraine. More fakes on the topic of mobilization can be found here.

Fake Employees of Territorial centers of recruitment and social support allegedly train Kyiv schoolchildren

A video is being circulated online in which a Kyiv woman claims that the Territorial center  of recruitment and social support representatives are training children in Kyiv schools before they go to war. However, this is fake.

In fact, the video shows practical training on the subject “Defense of Ukraine”, the VoxCheck project reports. According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of February 26, 2020, the subject “Defense of the Fatherland” in Ukrainian schools was renamed “Defense of Ukraine”. The Ministry of Education and Science also issued recommendations for teaching “Defense of Ukraine” in general secondary education institutions in 2023/2024. According to them, the goals of training are, in particular, to prepare students for the defense of Ukraine, professional orientation of young people to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, ensuring their own safety and the safety of other people in emergency situations in peacetime and war.

In the lessons from “Defense of Ukraine”, it is recommended for students to conduct practical classes, in particular at the bases of military units, Territorial centers  of recruitment and social support, medical and health institutions and educational institutions. The Territorial centers  of recruitment and social support, as well as local governments, can indeed be involved in the organization and conduct of such events. The classes themselves may include drill techniques and movement without weapons, rehabilitation exercises to restore the body in the field, the basics of self-defense, etc.

“Defense of Ukraine” can be taught by graduates of pedagogical higher education institutions of the relevant specialty, reserve officers with military or other higher education, and also, in the absence of reserve officers, sergeants, reserve soldiers with higher education. And here it is important that for teachers the Ministry of Education and Science proposes to wear military uniforms (without insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine), specialized ones, and also medical uniforms. That is, the video depicts a teacher, and not a representative of the Territorial center  of recruitment and social support.

Similar practical classes for students are held in other cities of Ukraine. Completing them does not mean joining the army, since in Ukraine it is prohibited to mobilize citizens aged 18-25 if they are not liable for military service - have not served in military service or do not have military education. In the end, there is no information in any Kyiv or authoritative national Ukrainian publications that Territorial centers  of recruitment and social support trains schoolchildren.

It’s just that now the approach to teaching the “Defense of Ukraine” course in grades 10-11 is being updated and trainers for teachers from the program are being recruited. Read here who can become a coach. One can fill out the selection form until June 4, 2024.

Previously, we refuted the information that Rustem Umierov allegedly called for the mobilization of 16-year-old teenagers, and also analyzed the fake news about the alleged mobilization of 1000 students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Fake The Reserve+ database is allegedly being sold on the darknet

On social networks, in particular Threads, a photo is being circulated that allegedly shows data from the “leaked” Reserve+ database. It contains information about 1 million people, and it seems to be already being sold on the black market.

In fact, this is a fake photo, write experts from the VoxCheck project. If one carefully examines the screenshot, one will notice inaccuracies indicating that the “leaked Reserve+ database” is fake.

For example, in the “military rank” column one can see such ranks as “sergeant major”, “warrant officer” and “senior warrant officer”, but they were abolished long ago in Ukraine; a different list of ranks has been in effect since October 2020.

Also, the “table” contains an error where it says “lifetime”. Even if this is really a mechanical error, then in Ukrainian the correct word will be “service life”. There are also errors in design. For example, the name of a military unit is indicated in different ways: both together with the instruction “military unit” and only the unit code. Some surnames are written entirely in capital letters, while others are not. There is also a sharp transition between the column with names and phone numbers.

In the end, according to the tax identification number, fact-checkers from VoxCheck found that some of the people on the list are over 60 years old, and accordingly, they do not need to update the data, because they have been removed from the military register. This can be checked using the Public Services Portal and entering the identification code from the table. It is also unclear why the addresses and phone numbers were blurred, because if the data is true and has already been leaked to the darknet, then there is no point in hiding it.

Fake In Ukraine, it seems that they are going to take hostage the relatives and friends of members of the Olympic team

Russian media are disseminating information that Ukraine plans to “take hostage” relatives and friends of athletes who are members of the Olympic team. In particular, they quote the acting Minister of Sports of Ukraine Matvii Bidnyi, who allegedly proposed that athletes traveling to the Olympics leave a trusted person of military age, and if the athlete does not return, this person will immediately be mobilized and sent to the front.

However, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine did not make such statements. Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to this. They also found out that not a single Ukrainian media, official departmental communication channels or government websites reported such a proposal from Matvii Bidnyi. This information can only be found in propaganda media.

Moreover, such a proposal, according to StopFake, is absurd, since in Ukraine, due to martial law, there is a general mobilization of all citizens liable for military service, which does not exclude the category of “relatives or friends of an athlete”. During martial law in Ukraine, all men 18-60 years old are subject to mobilization. Some workers of critical companies, government agencies and athletes may be protected from mobilization. Athletes participating in international competitions may also be allowed to travel abroad. However, not everyone receives reservations, and many athletes voluntarily went to defend the country from the first days of a full-scale war.

Matvii Bidnyi, to whom propagandists attributed this “suggestion”, spoke about the mobilization of athletes as follows: “... It is important to understand that men must defend Ukraine so that we have a future, in particular a sports one. This applies not only to men, because at the front women also fight. In the sports environment, we do not see anyone hiding from mobilization. A draft notice will come - everyone will fulfill their duty”.

Propagandists spread such fakes in order to disrupt the mobilization process in Ukraine and strengthen their message about the “politicization of sports”. Detector Media also refuted other fakes on the topic of mobilization.