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Message Female deputies were banned from going abroad, the Office of the President wants to send everyone to war

Anonymous telegram channels write that the Office of the President has banned female deputies and civil servants from traveling abroad. Like, this indicates that in the near future women will be sent to serve in the army on an equal basis with men.

In fact, Russian propaganda manipulates changes in legislation. The decree of the president of Ukraine and the resolution of the cabinet of ministers of Ukraine concern professions, not gender. That is, the restrictions apply to officials in general, both men and women. Now they will be able to cross the border only in the case of a business trip or under certain personal circumstances (visiting minor children, death of a relative, etc.).

Propagandists are also manipulating the mobilization of government employees. According to the current legislation, the mobilization of women is voluntary. Men working in the public sector may be exempted from mobilization by decision of the body in which they work (reservation of an employee by position). Consequently, in the event of a change in the legislation, only the presence of public sector employees in Ukraine for the period of martial law is regulated. Features of the mobilization of public sector workers have not changed.

Previously, propagandists talked about the forced mobilization of women, children and even dogs.

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