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Fake In Ukraine they want to make women aged 18 to 60 liable for military service

Russian propaganda media add that in Ukraine they are supposedly going to make not only men, but also all women aged 18 to 60 years old, liable for military service. According to Russian propaganda, the basis for this has already been prepared in the law on the electronic register of military personnel signed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

“In the near future, the borders will be closed to women in Ukraine”, Kremlin resources write.

The case was studied by StopFake analysts, who said that Law No. 10062 does not talk about establishing military service for women, or including them in the register of those liable for military service.

The law itself is called “On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding improving the procedure for processing and using data in state registers for military registration and acquiring the status of a war veteran during martial law”, that is, first of all, the purpose of the law is to simplify the mechanism for granting a military operations participant status.

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