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Fake In Copenhagen, Russian “partisans” allegedly set fire to a warehouse with aid for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Propaganda resources are spreading information that members of the pro-Kremlin Resistance movement set fire to a warehouse of the volunteer organization Autukrania biler til Ukraine in Copenhagen. The fire allegedly destroyed bulletproof vests, thermal imagers, helmets and transport that the volunteers planned to hand over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to the propagandists, the size of the “Resistance” is rapidly growing, which allows its participants to effectively resist the process of providing aid to Ukraine. This allegedly concerns dozens of cases of destruction of military and humanitarian aid, as well as logistical, infrastructural and other objects in Germany, Bulgaria, Poland and Moldova, in one way or another connected with the war in Ukraine.

However, this news is a fabrication, writes the StopFake project. Previously, the propagandists misspelled the name of the organization whose staff was allegedly destroyed in the fire. Auta Ukrainaa (not Autukrania) and Biler til Ukraine are two different organizations. In addition, only the second of them is actually based in Denmark. Both organizations provide assistance to Ukraine - the Finnish Auta Ukrainaa mainly transfers humanitarian supplies for the military and IDPs, and the Danish Biler til Ukraine provides the Armed Forces of Ukraine with cars and trucks.

StopFake journalists also contacted representatives of Biler til Ukraine, and they denied the news about the arson. Information about the fire at the warehouse of this organization did not appear in any Danish media. After all, the organization really does not operate in Copenhagen, but in another city in Denmark.

Also, it is likely that the information about the activities of the so-called resistance movement in Europe is made up. In some cases, it is more likely to be sabotaged by the Russian special services, rather than some mythical underground fighters.

Earlier we documented a Russian fake claim that Ukrainians in Romania destroyed a fuel composition that NATO troops used to conduct proxy operations in Ukraine.

Fake Nestlé allegedly sends contaminated water to Ukraine as humanitarian aid

Russian anonymous telegram channels spread the news, allegedly due to the fact that Nestlé Waters France is suspending the sale of mineral water due to problems with its quality - and the remaining products in the warehouse will be sent to Ukraine as humanitarian aid.

Before publication, they are milking the so-called statement of the organization from the social network X, which states that Nestlé Waters refuses to admit that “contaminated water” remained in the warehouse. Therefore, propagandists are trying to prove the opposite - supposedly Nestlé representatives are lying about the quality of water in order to get rid of defective products as quickly as possible.

VoxCheck specialists investigated this case and found out that the company had not made such statements at all, neither about stopping the sale of water, nor about denying the fact of “pollution”.

Analysts said that in February 2024, the international consumer organization foodwatch filed a lawsuit in France against mineral water producers Nestlé Waters and Sources Alma. Companies disinfected contaminated water using prohibited methods and thus sold ordinary tap water as mineral water. Nestlé admitted their guilt and stopped this practice.

But Nestlé Waters France did not publish the news about sending contaminated water to Ukraine and the Gaza Strip on its website, YouTube or X. Moreover, X’s account has been inactive since March 2022. That is, there cannot be a statement for July 2024, as indicated in the fake screenshot.

Fake The Olena Zelenska Foundation is allegedly involved in “child trafficking in Ukraine”

In the Georgian segment of Facebook, the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska is accused of taking children away from Ukrainians and selling them to British pedophiles. According to the author of the report, investigative journalist Jonathan Hill published this information in The Austin Crier newspaper.

Fact-checkers of the Myth Detector project explained that all accusations against Olena Zelenska are unreliable. After all, at first the information was disseminated on Russian and French propaganda sites and was based mainly on fake journalists and eyewitness accounts. There were no publications from the investigative journalist on this topic.

The Olena Zelenska Foundation is engaged in charity work and helps children and families affected by war in various humanitarian ways.

Fake The budget of the American child tracing organization was allegedly cut to help Ukraine

Russian propagandists spread such information. In some US stores, milk cartons allegedly posted notices about a missing boy named Elijah. This was supposedly done by the public organization National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC),  the captures are as follows: “We would have found Elijah if the government had not cut our budget to send aid to Ukraine”.

In fact, these photo ads are fake. This was reported by checkers from the StopFake project. NCMEC Communications Director Angeline Hartman responded to StopFake's request that the organization did not print such postcards, someone else used their logo without permission.

Response from NCMEC Communications Director to StopFake request:

Probably, a caption about Ukraine was added to the photo of the milk carton in a graphic editor.

In addition, NCMEC is financed by the US Department of Justice, whose task is to ensure law and order and justice within the country, so there can be no talk of any “budget cuts to help Ukraine”. Moreover, funding provided by the Department of Justice to NCMEC has, on the contrary, increased compared to 2021.

If in 2021 the Department of Justice allocated almost $37 million to the organization, then in 2022 this amount was already more than 44 million. In 2023, the organization received more than $51 million. The organization also has other sources of funding. Many resources are provided by private donors, including large corporations like Google and Zoom.

Thus, Russian propaganda seeks to fuel the narrative that “Western society is already tired of the war in Ukraine”. According to propagandists, such fakes can influence the minimization of international support for Ukraine. Previously, we refuted information that economist Robert Kiosaki allegedly called any financial injections into Ukraine pointless.

Manipulation Ukrainians are allegedly buying cars en masse with money raised by Lithuanians

From the very beginning of the charity campaign of the Lithuanian public broadcaster Radarom, propagandists in the Lithuanian segment of social networks began to spread information that the funds donated to Ukrainians did not bring any benefit after all. One of the most widespread reports in Lithuania claims that the purchase and sale of cars, especially premium ones, in Ukraine have increased significantly since the start of the war, which means that the warring country is trading on the support it has received. At the same time, they refer to statistics from Ukravtoprom. However, this is not true.

Lithuanian fact-checkers for the 15min.lt project drew attention to this. They found out that propagandists are silent about the fact that the growth of the automobile market began with the beginning of the war, when it was significantly depressed. It is also not mentioned that as many as a third of new cars were purchased by companies. According to Ukravtoprom, in 2023, almost 61 thousand units of new passenger cars were sold in Ukraine (most of which were purchased by companies) worth more than 105.5 billion hryvnia (about 2.5 billion euros). This is 1.6 times more than in 2022, when Ukrainians purchased 37,900 new cars, the lowest since the beginning of the century. When the war began, many off-road vehicles were purchased. According to these data, 103.25 thousand new cars were sold in 2021, and 37.89 thousand new cars were sold in 2022. Last year this figure rose to 75.99 thousand, and this year it is expected to increase to 86 thousand. Thus, neither last nor this year the same level as before the war is expected.

Ukrainian public figure in Lithuania Andrii Tapin also added that in Ukraine in 2023 there will be one new car for every 606 inhabitants. Last year, 31,000 new passenger cars were registered in Lithuania, or 1 car per 90 inhabitants. The difference is about 7 times.

Propagandists spread such disinformation to discredit Ukrainians and reinforce their “corrupt Ukraine” narrative. All this is so that foreigners stop supporting Ukraine.

Fake The mother of a dead Ukrainian soldier was allegedly given a symbolic gift of a meat grinder

Users of social networks and publications disseminating pro-Russian rhetoric are spreading false information that the mother of a deceased Ukrainian soldier in Avdiivka was allegedly given a meat grinder. A photograph in which the same mother allegedly “joyfully” holds an electrical appliance is added to such “news”. “The mother of the Ukrainian soldier who died near Avdiivka was presented with humanitarian aid in the form of a meat grinder. It’s very symbolic.”, the authors of the messages add.

After disseminating such information, StopFake decided to check whether the mother of a Ukrainian military man was really given humanitarian aid in the form of a meat grinder. It turned out that this information was false.

The description of the photo does not indicate who exactly and where “donated” such “humanitarian aid”, and there is also no link to the source of this “news”. StopFake tried to find the source of the photo using a Google image search, but found only messages from Russian websites and anonymous telegram channels.

StopFake later discovered that the original photo of the mother “joyfully” holding an electrical appliance was published by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation charity organization. It does not depict assistance to the mother of the deceased, but the distribution of food and humanitarian aid to residents of Novohrodivka, Donetsk region. Propagandists simply added a “joyful” woman with a meat grinder in her hands in a photo editor and came up with a false description.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to discredit Ukraine and devalue the importance of the lives of Ukrainian soldiers.

Message Olena Zelenska “deceived” the government of the United Arab Emirates

In the Russian segment of social networks, information is being circulated that the Olena Zelenska Foundation deceived the UAE government - after all, the country allocated 50 evacuation vehicles for humanitarian needs. At the same time, the foundation, together with the Ministry of Health, handed them over to military doctors, which anonymous people classify as an inappropriate use of assistance.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project explained that in this case there is not a single so-called deception. After all, the cars were transferred to hospitals in the front-line territories, and not directly to the military. The vehicles will be used by doctors in front-line areas to provide prompt assistance to the civilian population.

The recipient of the ambulances is the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, which carried out further distribution to those regions that most need special transport for medical evacuation and assistance. That is, on the Ukrainian side, it fulfilled the conditions for providing cars with a humanitarian function.

Manipulation Eight European countries allegedly sent humanitarian aid to the so-called Donetsk People's Republic

Pro-Kremlin media write that eight European countries sent 18 tons of humanitarian aid to the so-called DPR (Donetsk People's Republic). The publications say that assistance was allegedly provided, in particular, by Austria, Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland. However, this is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project examined the case and found that none of the European Union states officially sent humanitarian aid to the so-called DPR. The cargo was collected by the organization “SOS Donbas” - its members, as experts write, are mostly Russians living abroad. This organization not only supports Russia's illegal occupation of Ukrainian territory, but also opposes international military assistance.

At the same time, the propaganda materials distorted the context and presented the information as if it was official humanitarian aid from eight European countries. However, these are only the actions of a pro-Russian organization on EU territory. For example, on the website of such a “charitable” organization they write that they “provide support to the victims of the civil war in Donbas”. And also on their website one can sign a “petition against the supply of weapons to Ukraine”.

Message A humanitarian catastrophe allegedly began in Kherson without Russia

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric in the media and among Russian politicians claim that it is supposedly “terrible to live” in Kherson. They say that without Russian influence the city is experiencing a “humanitarian catastrophe”.

The analysts from the StopFake project drew attention to this message. They note that the humanitarian situation in Kherson and other front-line cities of Ukraine is difficult precisely because of Russian aggression and daily shelling from Russia. It continues to attack different areas of the city, damaging civilian infrastructure and killing ordinary people. Interruptions in energy, heat and water supplies are a consequence of Russia's actions. Since the de-occupation of Kherson in November 2022, the occupiers have tried to cause maximum damage to the city and its energy system. However, it was Ukraine that made efforts to restore infrastructure and support the local population. The StopFake specialists claim that there are many shops in the city, humanitarian aid distribution points and programs to support the local population.

By spreading such messages, propagandists want to devalue Ukraine’s efforts and shift responsibility for Russia’s crimes from the aggressor to the victim of aggression. Detector Media has repeatedly refuted other fabrications of Russian propaganda regarding the situation in Kherson.

Disclosure Russian bots are spreading panic online about rising costs of living in Ukraine

In the Ukrainian segment of social networks, Russian robots spread information that prices in Ukraine are constantly being raised and they are profiting from Ukrainians. Allegedly, prices are rising and people will soon begin to starve. It is not true.

As the fact-checkers at the Center for Strategic Communications note, such comments about price increases in Ukraine are written by Russian bots commissioned by the Russian Digital Army group. They pretend to be Ukrainians and spread messages that Ukrainians will soon starve.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, cause panic among Ukrainians and distrust of the authorities. In fact, prices in Ukraine are rising due to the war that Russia started, but Ukrainians work and donate to the army. Earlier, Detector Media reported on the message that people in the country are starving and must stand in line for free lunches.

Fake Zelenskyi “bragged” about a lot of money in Romania

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Volodymyr Zelenskyi, while on a visit to Romania, allegedly boasted about the large amount of money that Ukraine “received from Western leaders”. The authors refer to the president’s interview with Romanian journalists. It's a lie.

Analysts of the StopFake project investigated this case and found out that Zelenskyi did not say this in an interview. At the very least, there are no phrases that would hint at “bragging about Western money”. The fact-checkers add that during the president’s conversation with journalists, they discussed the war in Israel and how this could affect the war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian president responded, in particular, that one cannot compare one war with another, and whoever starts these wars is “crazy”. In addition, he gave answers about the Russian-Ukrainian war itself. He said that Ukraine has enough fears about money and weapons, but, in his opinion, the war is now in its last and most difficult phase.

The fact-checkers suggest that Russian media misinterpreted a quote from the Ukrainian president, where he noted that there are fears about money and weapons. At the same time, Russian propaganda passed it off as “bragging”.

Fake Ukrainians in Lviv stole 14 tons of American humanitarian aid

Users of the Russian segment of the Facebook social network share a video in which the Minister of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk says that the occupiers allegedly stole 14 tons of humanitarian aid including food and medicine in Lviv. These are, in particular, 653 trucks. However, local residents are allegedly wondering how occupiers appeared in Lviv, and believe that the local authorities were engaged in looting. Facebook users also note that this US humanitarian aid for the sum of 34 million dollars arrived from Poland to Lviv. This is fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the VoxCheck project. Iryna Vereshchuk did indeed talk about the looting of humanitarian aid by the Russian occupiers, but in the Zaporizhzhia region, not in Lviv. On March 31, 2022, she reported: “12 buses for the evacuation of people loaded with humanitarian aid arrived in Melitopol. Unfortunately, humanitarian aid was taken away by the occupiers. This is 14 tons of food and medicine”.

Also, Russian propaganda snatched information about 653 trucks with humanitarian aid from the message of the State Border Service. The department's website states: “The Customs Service together with the Ministry of Defense discovered 653 cases of non-receipt of humanitarian aid”, in particular, they did not receive “such cargo as plates for bulletproof vests, night vision devices, thermal imaging cameras, drones, motor vehicles, etc”.

Russian propagandists combined all this with information about the abuse of humanitarian aid in Lviv, which became known as a result of an investigation by NZL.media/

Thus, agitprop tries to discredit the Ukrainian government, which, they say, constantly steals and sow discord among Ukrainians. Earlier, we refuted the fake that 342 million euros of European humanitarian aid was stolen in Ukraine.

Fake The Ukrainian Defense Forces announced the fundraising for the car, and then put it up for sale

Information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that the AFU fighters announced a fee for the car, and then resold it. They explain that one of the teachers, who was mobilized to  the Armed Forces of Ukraine, just started the fundraising. And then he allegedly posted a photo of the car on a sales website. A screenshot of the car on the site is added to the publications. It's a lie.

The case was processed by VoxCheck fact-checkers, who found out that the military man reported that the car was purchased with volunteer funds and subsequently it was not put up for sale. It is the school teacher Ruslan Koliak, who announced the fundraising. On his pages on social networks, in particular on Facebook, he published a post with the collection. Analysts add that this page is real and genuine. Because they have captured a lot of educational and entertaining content from the publications. Subsequently, the teacher reported on the purchased car in subsequent publications. The fighter managed to collect money for a Mitsubishi Outlander car. Experts checked whether this car is for sale on Ukrainian sites. It turned out that there are no advertisements on the websites for the sale of a Mitsubishi Outlander car of exactly the same color as the car bought by Ruslan Koliak. That is, the authors simply came up with a situation with the “resale” of the car.

Rhetoric about the misuse of humanitarian aid is beneficial to the Kremlin in order to fuel distrust of the Ukrainian military. Like, there is no point in helping if the Ukrainian Defense Forces allow the theft of resources. By the way, read similar cases on the topic: In Ukraine, they allegedly resell Japanese tactical first aid kits for humanitarian aid. Or, Ukrainian military equipment was sold on the Polish car market. Also, check out the fake, which claimed that the protesters in France used weapons that were previously handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Fake Japanese tactical first aid kits for humanitarian aid are being resold in Ukraine

This information was disseminated on social networks, in particular in the Ukrainian segment of Facebook. Reports say that Japan allegedly donated 200 thousand units of first aid kits for free to the Ukrainian defense forces. The authors convince us: it turned out that these same first-aid kits were found for resale in Ukrainian pharmacies at a price of 2,640 per set. It's a lie.

Fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project analyzed this case and found out that the authors of fake publications did not indicate any details about the so-called resale of tactical first aid kits. For example, a probable place of resale or just photo evidence in the publications was not found. That is, this is just a stuffing of information, because the authors did not provide any evidence. The fact-checkers emphasize that at present there are also no official reports about the transfer of exactly 200,000 first-aid kits by Japan to Ukraine. And through a reverse Google search, they were able to discover how the same resale information was published a year ago. Obviously, as in the first case, so in the second - this is not true.

By spreading this fake news, propagandists seek to demoralize the military, who allegedly do not receive proper medical care. It’s as if Ukraine is stealing everything and using it for its own selfish purposes. Moreover, the rhetoric about the misuse of humanitarian aid is beneficial to the Kremlin in order to fuel distrust of Ukraine among its foreign partners. They say there is no point in increasing aid if Ukrainian officials allow resources to be stolen.

By the way, the fact-checkers also wrote how Japan has helped Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion: their non-governmental organization Peace Winds Japan donated more than a million units of medical supplies to Ukraine. And in July 2022, Japan provided Ukraine with 60 tons of medicines, among which there were indeed tactical first aid kits. However, not in the amount of 200 thousand.

Manipulation Supermarket chain Novus sells military energy drinks

In the Ukrainian segment of Facebook, a video is being circulated where the Novus supermarket chain allegedly sells a batch of Ukie energy drinks, which was allegedly intended for the military. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the VoxCheck fact-checker. The video does not show the entire inscription placed on the bank with the energy drink. In fact, it says: “Monthly, a free supply of Ukie energy drinks is donated to the military”. Consequently, the energy producer gives a batch free of charge every month, but nowhere is it indicated that this particular batch in the Novus supermarket chain was intended for the military. Producers of the energy drink “First Private Brewery” also talked about the campaign in their social networks. The author of the video manipulated by showing only part of the inscription.

Thus, they are trying to sow discord among Ukrainians, saying that some people profit during the war. Earlier, we refuted the fake that Ukrainian military equipment is being sold at the car market in Poland.

Fake Cars donated by Latvia as humanitarian aid are being sold in Ukraine

Propagandists are spreading information that Latvian cars which were donated as humanitarian aid are being resold in Ukraine. Like, cars confiscated from Latvian drunk drivers can already be found in the car markets of Lutsk and Rivne. The authors of these posts even add a “screenshot” from the video, supposedly proof of the veracity of this information. It's fake.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found a video from the “screenshot” in the TikTok and found out that there was no inscription “Confiscated from Latvia” on it. In addition, the authors of the video do not say that the cars in the video were brought from Latvia and do not indicate the date the video was shot. The account on which it appeared is dedicated to auto-selection and car reviews.

VoxCheck analysts remind that on February 16, 2023, the Latvian Saeima decided to confiscate cars from drunk drivers. The seized cars are handed over as humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian military. As part of this initiative, eight cars have already been handed over, and on March 14, the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia decided to hand over another eighteen state-owned cars.

Thus, Russian propagandists want to accuse Ukrainians of neglecting the help and sympathy of foreigners. Like, ungrateful Ukrainians are begging for everything out of Europeans in order to resell it later. For the same purpose, propagandists wrote about how Ukraine allegedly plundered European humanitarian aid worth 342 million euros.

Fake Kharkiv regional military administration employees resell humanitarian aid from France

Such a message was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that the Kharkiv OVA (regional military administration) is allegedly reselling generators that France provided to Ukraine as humanitarian aid. As proof, the authors of the messages provide a screenshot of the sale of generators of the same brand in one of the online stores. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to the case and investigated that there is no evidence to confirm that the site sells generators from the humanitarian aid cargo provided by the Kharkiv OVA. On the official page of the head of the Kharkiv OVA, Oleh Syniehub, fact-checkers found a message dated January 20, 2023, which stated that France had transferred 188 generators as part of the “Light and Warmth for Ukraine” project. As the experts explained, they plan to use them in the new Invincibility points.

The fact-checkers examined the photographs published by the head of the Kharkiv OVA and found out that various brands of generators can be seen in the general photo, including the Kohler brand, which the propagandists cited as an example in the screenshot. Experts say that they were unable to find an advertisement for the sale of the Kohler generator, the screenshot of which was used in the message. However, on the official website of the Kohler company in Ukraine, they found several ads for the sale of a generator of this brand. Fact-checkers are convinced that this does not prove in any way that Kharkiv OVA is selling generators specifically for humanitarian aid as on the pages of various online stores there is a wide selection of generators from Kohler.

We recall that earlier Detector Media also explained the manipulation in which it was claimed that people in the Kharkiv region allegedly do not receive humanitarian aid.

Manipulation In Kharkiv region, people do not receive humanitarian aid

Telegram channels spread messages that there is a problem with humanitarian support in the Kharkiv region. Allegedly, problems arise in different settlements after the de-occupation. Volunteers seem to be unable to deliver aid for various reasons. They also write that the Kharkiv regional military administration reported that they had received a large batch of humanitarian aid from the UN, but people did not receive anything. Like, the products hit the shelves of stores. This is manipulation.

On the website of the Kharkiv regional administration, information is published on the provision of humanitarian assistance to the population. In particular, over the past week (January 16-22), about fourteen thousand food packages were handed over to the communities of the region. The website of the Humanitarian coordinating center has a map for tracking humanitarian assistance to the population. As the Kharkiv anti-corruption center notes, there may indeed be problems with receiving humanitarian assistance in some settlements of the occupied territories. However, Russian propaganda distorts the real state of affairs, in particular, humanitarian aid from the UN. It contained mattresses, bed linen, solar lamps, dishes, hygiene products and other household items, and not food, as the propagandists claimed.

Thus, propagandists are trying to create the illusion that Ukraine not only does not help people in the de-occupied territories, but is more comfortable with “hell for civilians”. Like, people are allegedly arrested for organizing sporting events or baking bread during the occupation; or they do not issue humanitarian aid and punish others for receiving it from the occupiers.

Manipulation The Minister of Justice of Ukraine uses an official car that was stolen in Germany

Such messages are distributed in social networks to foreign audiences. The messages also provide a link to a website that allegedly confirms the car theft story. Social media users linked these messages to the war in Ukraine and donations for the needs of the Ukrainian army. Like, after this Ukrainians do not deserve help. This is manipulation.

This story has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine and the current minister Denys Maliuska. In the photo in the messages you can see Oleksandr Lavrynovych, Minister of Justice of the Yanukovych era (2010-2013). The story that his company car was stolen in Germany and legalized in Ukraine was spread back in 2011. The fact checker of the dpa.factchecking project drew attention to the spread of the old story.

Fake Nuns with Russian passports were hospitalized in the Rivne region

Such information appeared in social networks, in particular, in the Ukrainian segment. Reports say that after the Security Service of Ukraine raided a local monastery in November, rumors began to circulate in the Rivne region that three nuns with Russian passports had been admitted to a local hospital. Like, there are Russian women among the novices of the monastery. However, this is not true.

According to fact-checkers of Brekhunets (Lier), the representative of the monastery, nun Savatiia, assured that there were no Russians among their inhabitants, the novices were Ukrainians. The Directorate of the Security Service in the Rivne region also does not confirm the information that people with Russian passports were found among the nuns in the Koretskyi Holy Trinity Convent.

Message Invincibility points are ineffective and dangerous

Immediately after the appearance of invincibility points, which were introduced for Ukrainians suffering from the lack of light and heat due to Russian shelling, Russia launched a disinformation campaign against them. At first, Russian propagandists and anonymous telegram channels wrote that the points were not effective at all, and even “provoked” the enemy to strike, because they were unprotected and they had a lot of people. Then - that three people have already died at the invincibility point in Kharkov - although this is a refuted fake. Now, telegram channels supervised by Russian military intelligence are spreading unconfirmed information that men are issued a draft notice at points of invincibility.

Fake In Italy, Ukrainian refugees are being evicted from hotels

The Russian media and social networks are spreading information that allegedly Italy has tightened its policy towards Ukrainian refugees. In support of this, a video from an Italian TV news story is being distributed about how the police massively evict Ukrainian refugees who refused to voluntarily leave the hotel. This is manipulation.

The video of the Italian TV channel tells about the situation with Ukrainian refugees, but it is taken out of context. They are not talking about any "harder conditions". Moreover, Ukrainian refugees in Italy were given separate housing instead of a hotel. That is why the authorities asked the Ukrainians to leave the hotel for separate apartments. However, some Ukrainians did not want to move to new housing, since it is located in another settlement. Because of the move, you need to look for work and school again, to change language courses and so on. Also, some refugees are being treated at a local hospital. That is, it was about the fact that Ukrainian refugees, for certain reasons, do not want to move to another city, and not move out of the hotel.

Fake Humanitarian aid has not been provided in Kharkiv region for the third week

Such information is disseminated by Russian propaganda media and telegram channels. Allegedly, in the communities of the Kharkiv region, humanitarian aid has not been given for three weeks. Like, people are being starved, the authorities said to tighten the belts, not to walk and not to ask for anything. The reports do not indicate specific villages where there is allegedly a problem with the issuance of humanitarian aid. This is not true.

As the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center notes, the situation with the distribution of humanitarian aid is different in different communities. Even in communities located nearby, there may be a different intensity of the issuance of assistance. However, on the pages of different communities almost every day there are messages about receiving humanitarian aid. There is a Unified Humanitarian Coordination Center in the region that helps to direct humanitarian aid to communities where the needs are more urgent.

Manipulation Ukrainians will be punished for receiving Russian humanitarian aid in the occupied territories

Such messages are spread by pro-Russian telegram channels and Twitter accounts. Allegedly, such a crime is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. The propagandists also refer to the "law on collaborationism", which supposedly came into force on August 16. It is not true.

Ukrainian legislation does not provide for liability for receiving Russian humanitarian aid in the occupied territories. According to StopFake, the new bills, on the contrary, are designed to include humanitarian aid in the list of activities that are not considered collaborationism, if there is no cooperation with the Russian occupiers.

There is no single “law on collaborationism” in Ukraine yet. On March 15, separate rules on liability for cooperation with the occupiers came into force. There is also no single punishment for collaborators yet. Depending on the circumstances, it can be different: from a ban on holding certain positions to life imprisonment.

Disclosure German edition spreads Russian propaganda about “speculation with the help of the West” in Ukraine

German fact-checkers of Correctiv found out that Unser Mitteleuropa (Our Central Europe) published a false article alleging that the director of the Economic Security Bureau, Vadym Melnyk, admitted that "Ukraine is selling military aid" to the West and "mass appropriation of Western funds." It seems that he said this in an interview with the Ukraine 24 channel.

Neither the Correctiv publication nor the editors of the Media Detector could find Melnyk's interview with the Ukraine-24 channel of July 5, where he stated this. Also, no other sources contain such a statement by Melnyk. The article in the German edition is, in fact, a literal translation of the news of the Russian media that was massively distributed on July 6. It was in them that Melnyk's statement was quoted and noted that he told the Ukraine-24 channel about this, and there is no link to the interview in both Russian and German media.