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Fake In Copenhagen, Russian “partisans” allegedly set fire to a warehouse with aid for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Propaganda resources are spreading information that members of the pro-Kremlin Resistance movement set fire to a warehouse of the volunteer organization Autukrania biler til Ukraine in Copenhagen. The fire allegedly destroyed bulletproof vests, thermal imagers, helmets and transport that the volunteers planned to hand over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to the propagandists, the size of the “Resistance” is rapidly growing, which allows its participants to effectively resist the process of providing aid to Ukraine. This allegedly concerns dozens of cases of destruction of military and humanitarian aid, as well as logistical, infrastructural and other objects in Germany, Bulgaria, Poland and Moldova, in one way or another connected with the war in Ukraine.

However, this news is a fabrication, writes the StopFake project. Previously, the propagandists misspelled the name of the organization whose staff was allegedly destroyed in the fire. Auta Ukrainaa (not Autukrania) and Biler til Ukraine are two different organizations. In addition, only the second of them is actually based in Denmark. Both organizations provide assistance to Ukraine - the Finnish Auta Ukrainaa mainly transfers humanitarian supplies for the military and IDPs, and the Danish Biler til Ukraine provides the Armed Forces of Ukraine with cars and trucks.

StopFake journalists also contacted representatives of Biler til Ukraine, and they denied the news about the arson. Information about the fire at the warehouse of this organization did not appear in any Danish media. After all, the organization really does not operate in Copenhagen, but in another city in Denmark.

Also, it is likely that the information about the activities of the so-called resistance movement in Europe is made up. In some cases, it is more likely to be sabotaged by the Russian special services, rather than some mythical underground fighters.

Earlier we documented a Russian fake claim that Ukrainians in Romania destroyed a fuel composition that NATO troops used to conduct proxy operations in Ukraine.

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