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Manipulation Supermarket chain Novus sells military energy drinks

In the Ukrainian segment of Facebook, a video is being circulated where the Novus supermarket chain allegedly sells a batch of Ukie energy drinks, which was allegedly intended for the military. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the VoxCheck fact-checker. The video does not show the entire inscription placed on the bank with the energy drink. In fact, it says: “Monthly, a free supply of Ukie energy drinks is donated to the military”. Consequently, the energy producer gives a batch free of charge every month, but nowhere is it indicated that this particular batch in the Novus supermarket chain was intended for the military. Producers of the energy drink “First Private Brewery” also talked about the campaign in their social networks. The author of the video manipulated by showing only part of the inscription.

Thus, they are trying to sow discord among Ukrainians, saying that some people profit during the war. Earlier, we refuted the fake that Ukrainian military equipment is being sold at the car market in Poland.

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