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Меседж Ukraine is the world leader in “black transplantation”

Propagandists actively disseminate information that Ukraine is the world leader in illegal transplantation. Like, in Ukraine they sell organs online and offline. In support of this message, they come up with a number of fakes. For example, in 2014, the OSCE stated that bodies of people without internal organs were found in mass graves in the war zone. Like, they were confiscated by illegal transplantologists. In addition, propagandists note that in June 2023, representatives of the Ministry of Health of one of the NATO countries allegedly agreed with Ukraine on the supply of a refrigerated wagon with human organs and body parts that are most often used in transplantation, in particular, eyes, some types of bones, fabrics. hearts and livers.

Analysts at The Insider drew attention to the message. They found that, in fact, in 2014, the OSCE stated quite the opposite. In particular, the then OSCE Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Human Trafficking, Madina Dzharbusynova, said that her words were taken out of context by the Russian media. This concerns her statements in response to statements by several Russian NGOs during the OSCE Human Dimension Meeting about a possible seizure of organs for sale in eastern Ukraine. At the time, Dzharbusynova also cited a response from a Ukrainian spokesperson who said the allegations would be investigated once Ukraine gained greater access to the region. The Special Representative stressed at the time that the OSCE had no evidence of organ harvesting in the Donbas.

As for the fake about the refrigerated car, it was first circulated in Russian telegram channels, blaming the Turkish Ministry of Health for this collusion. In fact, organs cannot be harvested in advance, since even in refrigerators they can be stored for a very short time. For example, the liver - a maximum of 15 hours, and the heart - 6. In addition, even if such organs are sent immediately, the trip through Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria will last almost a day, taking into account the necessary stops. Donor tissues are rarely used for bone transplantation - patient tissues, synthetic grafts, or animal bone tissue are used for this.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want not only to justify Russia's crimes against Ukraine, but also to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and everyone who cooperates with them. Detector Media has previously written about how Russian propaganda uses the topic of transplantology, presenting Ukraine as a country of lawlessness.

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