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Фейк In Ukraine, a man without a leg was allegedly considered fit for military service

Users of social networks and media figures spreading pro-Russian rhetoric began to spread false information that in Ukraine a man without a leg was allegedly declared fit for military service. A photograph of the temporary certificate of the person liable for military service with the corresponding decision is used as “evidence”. They say that even with one leg, a Ukrainian was recognized not as disabled, but as “limitedly functional”. The fake document notes that the man was “recognized” fit for service with a diagnosis of “amputation stump of the right lower limb above the level of the upper third of the leg”. Such a document, apparently, was allegedly signed by the head of the Desnianskyi regional territorial center for recruitment and social support in Kyiv, Dmytro  Klabukov.

After disseminating such information, StopFake decided to check whether a man with such a diagnosis could really be considered fit for military service. As it turned out, this information is not true.

Firstly, the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine” contains a clear list of diseases, conditions and physical disabilities that determine the degree of suitability for military service. Article 63 of this list also contains a diagnosis that propaganda added to the fake document - “unilateral amputation stump of the lower limb above the level of the upper third of the lower leg”. With such a diagnosis, as noted in the Ministry of Defense document, a person is considered “unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration”. According to information as of December 11, 2023, this order is in effect.

Secondly, in the widespread “document” there is an incorrect wording regarding suitability or unsuitability for military service - “Fit for military service. Limited functionality”. The fact is that the said order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine stipulates that after a medical examination of conscripts, one of the decisions must be made: whether they are fit for military service; temporarily unfit for military service, needs treatment in...; requires referral for additional medical examination and repeated medical examination; unfit for military service in peacetime, limited suitability under martial law; unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration. If a person had health problems and was fit for military service, he would be written “limitedly fit under martial law”, not “fit for military service. Limited functionality”.

Thirdly, since the circulated photograph shows that the document was signed by the head of the regional territorial center for recruitment and social support and joint venture in Kyiv, StopFake decided to contact them for a comment on whether such a document was really signed there. The representative of the institution replied that this document looked like a fake. In particular, he drew attention to paragraph No. 7, which states fitness for military service for health reasons. It is in this paragraph that the diagnosis with which the man, as they claim, was considered fit, is indicated. In addition, the  territorial center for recruitment and social support representative added that, based on the information in the photograph distributed by propagandists, the man should have been excluded from the lists of those liable for military service “as a convicted person”  (based on the information in paragraph No. 8 of the document being distributed. - ed.).

Such fakes are spread to discredit the government and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as to cause panic among the population. They say that everyone is being drafted into the army because everything is bad at the front. Detector Media also wrote about other inventions of Russians on the topic of mobilization in Ukraine.

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