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Викриття How Russian propaganda created and distributed a manipulative video of Joe Biden using artificial intelligence

The authors of Wired examined how a Russian propaganda network used artificial intelligence to create a fake video of US President Joe Biden. This video, titled Bye Bye Biden, was widely shared on social networks and received millions of views. The video portrays Biden in a negative light, showing signs that he is allegedly suffering from senility, and makes the statement sound like he supports illegal immigrants more than US citizens. For the manipulation, they used deepfake technology, where the appearance of the actors changed to resemble Biden and former President Donald Trump.

The publication's specialists noted the inconsistency of the video, which indicates a hasty production of the video. For example, the characters' lip movements did not always match the voice acting, and their body language looked unnatural. The ambiguity of a deepfake makes it difficult for viewers to determine its authenticity. This is a “lie dividend” tactic — an increase in skepticism about the veracity of information due to the too high prevalence of fake materials. This tactic makes it harder for such content to be identified and removed on social media, allowing it to spread better.

The use of AI in disinformation campaigns is a growing concern. With the development and availability of AI tools, the potential for creating more convincing fake content increases, posing significant challenges to maintaining public trust and political stability.

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