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Фейк The actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region have become the most unjustified military operation in terms of the number of losses, Bloomberg

Anonymous Telegram channels are spreading a supposedly Bloomberg video story. It says that military analyst and retired general Bradley Gerik gave an interview for a podcast to Military.com: there he allegedly expressed the opinion that the results achieved in the Kursk region are “insignificant” and not worth the large material and human losses suffered by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this operation.

VoxCheck analysts explained that Bloomberg did not publish a similar story. Moreover, there is no such video on the official website of the publication, nor on the media's pages on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (X), TikTok and YouTube.

At the same time, retired General Bradley Gerik did not comment on the operation, all his quotes are made up. He never gave comments on the Military.com podcast. Although Military.com covered the Ukrainian offensive in Kursk, it did not refer to this analyst. The online publication believes that the operation in Kursk proved “Ukraine's ability to seize the initiative” and raised the morale of the fighters.

Read on Censor.NET: The US is allegedly involved in the operation in the Kursk region.

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