Spilnota Detector Media

Manipulation All Ukrainians should wear military uniforms so that the Russians are afraid of them, Zelenskyi said

This thesis was spread on social networks in the Russian segment. Reports say that during one of his public appearances, Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly said that all Ukrainians should wear military uniforms so that Russians would be afraid of them. Propagandists cultivate the opinion of the so-called total militarization of society, because Zelenskyi, in their opinion, strives to achieve one thing - thus reducing the population to “minimum critical indicators”. Among other things, the authors noted that such actions of the Ukrainian president were caused by allegedly excessive drug use. And they called him a “connoisseur of white powder”. This is manipulation

The VoxCheck fact-checkers investigated this case and found that the official’s words were taken out of context. First of all, it is about a meeting of the Ukrainian president with students who are studying sports. The event is dedicated to the Day of Physical Culture and Sports and is celebrated on September 9. Thus, one of the students asked how Zelenskyi maintains his physical shape and how this helps maintain psychological stability. And Volodymyr Zelenskyi replied that sport allows him to get rid of excess energy and then it is easier for him to negotiate with people, making rational decisions during the conversation. He also added that “we need to be in shape so that the Russians are afraid of us”. From the context it is clear that they are talking about physical fitness, health, etc. But nothing was said about military uniforms, as the propagandists tried to convince us of.

Propagandists often turn to the image of Zelenskyi and describe him in all sorts of ways. This is a traditional tactic of “disgraceful epithets”,which consists of using abusive or offensive words in order to form the “correct vision” of a phenomenon or process according to Russian propaganda. For example, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has already played such roles: a vain person who spends all budget funds only on himself; a punitive satanist destroying Ukrainian church property; a person with drug addiction, etc. Read more about this propaganda tactic here. Such “epithets” are intended to form a negative image of Zelenskyi among the public, allegedly reinforced by his actions.

And Russia is systematically engaged in distorting quotes. This helps it promote its own theses, and if they are “consonant” with the statement of authority, the information acquires legitimacy in the eyes of users of anonymous telegram channels. Read the latest denials of manipulation:

  • Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, “admitted” that even the presence of foreign weapons “does not change the situation at the front”.
  • Zelenskyi “called” the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive a failure. 
  • The Ukrainian Parliament decided to legalize medical cannabis so that people “endure pain, stress and injury”.

Fake The German satirical magazine Eulenspiegel dedicated its cover to the “outraged” Zelenskyi at the Polish president

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that the German satirical magazine Eulenspiegel recently published a cover featuring Zelenskyi outraged by the Polish president. At the same time, Andrzej Duda says on the cover: “it is obvious that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is a failure”. It is not true.

The fact-checkers from the VoxCheck project investigated this case and found out that the German magazine did not publish an issue with such a cover. The fake cover of the magazine states that this is the eighth issue, although the magazine of the eighth issue looks completely different - and this can be checked on the official website of the publication.

We have repeatedly debunked fake news regarding fake graffiti or covers on foreign magazines/newspapers or advertisements. Thus, propagandists seek to show that their rhetoric (for example, that Zelenskyi is hated by the whole world) is also repeated in the West. So it may seem to readers that the public is really dissatisfied with Ukraine. And especially when the authors use elements of popular culture, hinting that people are laughing at the situation in Ukraine and that the Ukrainian agenda for Europe is a reason to laugh.

Fake System of a Down bassist calls on Volodymyr Zelenskyi to seek treatment for drug addiction

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are distributing a video where on his Instagram the bassist of the rock band System of a Down, Shavo Odadjian allegedly calls on Volodymyr Zelenskyi to stop drinking alcohol and drugs. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the VoxCheck project. The video distributed by Russian propaganda shows the name of the Instagram account shavoodadjian. This page really belongs to Shavo Odadjian, but there is no such video on the musician’s Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. In the video message, Odadjian addresses a certain “Volodymyr”, but does not give his last name. Shavo Odadjian has an account on the Cameo website, where one can order videos from stars, most likely, Russian propaganda took advantage of this.

Also, at some point, the video message is interrupted and the inscription appears: “after watching this in rehabilitation, you will understand that your problems are nothing compared to what problems Thomas Bach and his dirty corrupt officials will have”, and below is a QR code. It leads to the channel in the Telegram OLYMPICS HAS FALLEN, which is promoting a series allegedly directed by Tom Cruise from Netflix about the scandals surrounding the International Olympic Committee and its leader Thomas Bach. There is no such series.

Russian propaganda systematically spreads fake news about Volodymyr Zelenskyi in order to discredit him. They say that the President of Ukraine is a drug and alcohol addict, so he makes decisions in a state of altered consciousness. Previously, we refuted the fakes that American boxer Mike Tyson and American actors Elijah Wood, Dean Norris and John McGinley, and actress Priscilla Presley called on Zelenskyi to seek treatment for alcohol and drug addiction.

Fake Zelenskyi delivered an ultimatum to Poland: if the grain embargo is not lifted, refugees will turn the country “into one big Maidan”

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly delivered an ultimatum to Poland: if Warsaw does not lift the grain embargo, hundreds of thousands of well-armed refugees from Ukraine will organize Maidans in all Polish cities. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. Volodymyr Zelenskyi did not threaten Poland - there is no information about the allegedly issued ultimatum in any of the official channels of the President of Ukraine. And among the quotes in the interview there are no such statements either.

Moreover, the majority of Ukrainian refugees are women and children. They are not “well armed” as Russian propaganda claims.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and create a quarrel between Ukraine and Poland. By spreading such fakes, Russian propagandists are trying to reduce the support and assistance of the Poles. Previously, we refuted the fake that NATO is preparing for the defeat of Ukraine and the occupation of the western part of Ukrainian territories.

Fake A security guard who accompanied Zelenskyi at the UN General Assembly started a fight in a New York bar

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric and Kremlin propagandists are distributing a video of an employee of Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s security service allegedly accompanying him to the UN General Assembly allegedly starting a fight in New York at a local bar, The Campbell Bar, not far from the UN building. In the low-quality video, we first see footage of the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to the United States, and then the crush of a group of men. Russian propaganda refers to the American publication USA Today, which apparently published this video. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. The video published by propaganda is a forgery. It is impossible to identify the men in the video, and the text accompanying the video is riddled with errors. Fact-checkers analyzed the bar in the video and compared it with The Campbell Bar - they are visually different. Also, the bar administration, authorized representative of the company Scott Gerber, said in a comment to StopFake: “This video is a fake. This was not the case at the Campbell Bar”.

Moreover, the American publication USA Today did not publish material about the fight that Zelenskyi’s security guard allegedly started. There is no information on this case on the publication’s website or on the company’s social networks.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the Ukrainian delegation in the United States and reduce Western support. Previously, we refuted the fake that Suspilne compiled a video of Zelenskyi’s speech at the UN General Assembly.

Fake Suspilne compiled a video of Zelenskyi’s speech at the UN General Assembly

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that on September 20, Volodymyr Zelenskyi spoke at a special meeting of the UN Security Council dedicated to Russia’s war against Ukraine. At the same time, propaganda telegram channels promoted messages that the Ukrainian president was not supported and was not listened to during his speech; that Western officials “ran away” from the Security Council meeting room in protest against Zelenskyi. But in support of this thesis, the authors added video evidence - supposedly an excerpt from the live broadcast of the United News marathon, where Ukrainian media workers allegedly resorted to editing. So, at one of the moments in which Zelenskyi was giving a speech, they inserted what seemed to be a shot from the audience, as the president was already sitting and listening to someone. That is, they hinted that the Ukrainians were deceived in this way, just to create the impression that the hall was full during the official’s speech. And the anonymous telegrammers summed it up: “such a product will only be useful to the Ukrainian viewer”. However, this is a lie.

In fact, Zelenskyi’s speech was broadcast live at the Marathon with a completely different translation. This can be checked by comparing two video excerpts - a fake one and one from a real broadcast. That is, at least Suspilne has nothing to do with the probable compilation of the broadcast. But we managed to find a video with exactly the same translation as in the propaganda passage. It was published on the official TSN YouTube channel. However, the fake legacy here also differs from the broadcast: it does not record the moment when, during the delivery of a speech, the synchronization with Zelenskyi sitting in the hall is superimposed. It’s easy to determine this by starting from a fake video and finding that moment already in the TSN broadcast. Most likely, the video was edited by the authors of the fake publications. Information about the “editing” of the live broadcast was subsequently picked up by the Kremlin media.

Thus, propagandists are trying to portray Zelenskyi as an unsuccessful politician, whose opinion is not listened to or who is ignored at international events, “running away” from the meeting room. Among other things, fake makers are also trying to convince people that the President of Ukraine has usurped and owns the entire Ukrainian media space: it is known that the public broadcaster is financed from the state treasury and should not be influenced by political forces. And if journalists allegedly indulged Volodymyr Zelenskyi and compiled the moment for broadcast, the Ukrainian authorities are ready to direct the agenda, seemingly in places beyond the reach of the state, and impede freedom of speech.

Message Zelenskyi is a secret agent of Britain carrying out only its instructions

This thesis was spread in pro-Kremlin media. The messages added that it was as if it had become clear that Volodymyr Zelenskyi was a protégé of Britain. Namely, he is a member of the secret British intelligence organization - MI6. The publications also promoted the opinion that all decisions of the Ukrainian president seem to be made in London. That is, they claim that Ukraine is under external influence.

Analysts from EU vs Disinfo began to analyze this case and found out that such a thesis is a conspiracy thesis, because the propagandists never provided any evidence that Zelenskyi belonged to that organization. But using the rhetoric of “external influence”, propagandists show that all political decisions in Ukraine are supposedly made by Western officials while Ukrainian politicians are subject to these decisions, without the right to appeal them. Any events occurring in Ukraine that are not in favor of Russia are allegedly caused by external control. This is how the authors strive to create an image of a puppet country that cannot exist on its own. Let's say Ukraine constantly needs “protection”.

But such messages are generally beneficial for Russian propaganda in order to deny the existence of statehood in Ukraine. They say that Ukrainian officials are not in charge there, but all powers are transferred to a third party, especially to Western politicians. Russia sees such actions as a potential threat to its existence and presents it as one of the reasons for a full-scale invasion - a fight against the “collective West”.

Manipulation Odesa residents went to a rally against Zelenskyi

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that a rally against Volodymyr Zelenskyi was organized in Odesa. They say they hate him, and the townspeople decided to demonstrate this by going to a rally. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project investigated this case and found out that the rally did take place, but not against the Ukrainian president, allegedly with the aim of expressing dissatisfaction with him. The peaceful protest took place as part of the demand to cancel tenders for the reconstruction of the buildings of the Kyiv District Court and the Theater for Young Spectators. People came out with posters: “First the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then everything else”, “Deputies, my taxes are for the Armed Forces of Ukraine”.  That is, people held a peaceful rally, calling for funds (from tenders) to be better directed to the Ukrainian Defense Forces. At the same time, propagandists used the context of the rally itself and distorted it: they explained that people were initially opposed to Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

Thus, Russian propaganda seeks to create the impression that the country is dissatisfied with the Ukrainian president and is striving for his speedy resignation. They say he is hated everywhere.

By the way, read the latest fake news on this topic, where Russia turns a blind eye to false works of mass art and pop culture. That is, those that were created by human hands. For example, a rally can also serve as an expression of the will of the Ukrainian people to take action. Or as if graffiti was created in The Hague, the capital of European justice, with the image of Zelenskyi hanging on the gallows; or about the fake cover of the allegedly British newspaper The New European, where the Ukrainian president is sitting on the lap of the Dalai Lama. Or about the fake cover of the numb Volodymyr Zelenskyi from the figure of the dictator Putin and Jesus Christ.

Fake During Volodymyr Zelenskyi's speech at the UN, most people left the hall

In the Russian segment of Facebook, information is being spread that during Volodymyr Zelenskyi's speech at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, most people left the hall. “The whole world is with them”, social network users add ironically. This is allegedly confirmed by two photographs: in one, Zelenskyi is standing behind the podium, and in the other, the hall is not completely filled. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. People did not leave the hall during Volodymyr Zelenskyi's speech on September 19. There is a video from the meeting on the official UN YouTube channel, which clearly shows that the room was filled only at the beginning of the session. The President of Ukraine spoke at the end of the first half of the six-hour session, immediately after the President of Turkmenistan. Immediately after his speech, the cameraman showed the hall not completely filled. Having compared the speeches of the King of Jordan, the presidents of Poland and Turkmenistan, the fact-checkers came to the conclusion that during Zelenskyi’s speech the number of people in the hall almost did not change.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit UN members and spreading the opinion that the West is tired of war, and Western partners are disdainful of the President of Ukraine. Previously, we talked about the manipulation that Zelenskyi would not be allowed to speak before the US Congress.

Manipulation Zelenskyi will not be allowed to speak before the US Congress

Russian propagandists are spreading information that Volodymyr Zelenskyi will not be allowed to speak in the US Congress on September 21. It seems that meetings between the President of Ukraine and representatives of the US authorities are planned in the White House and the Pentagon, and Congress at this time will consider the issue of assistance to Ukraine. When making such statements, Russian propaganda refers to an article by The Financial Times. This is manipulation.

The case was examined by fact-checkers from the Center for Strategic Communications and the No Lies Project. The Financial Times did indeed publish an article with the headline “Volodymyr Zelenskyi to meet Joe Biden in Washington in quest for more aid”. However, the material does not contain information disseminated by Russian propaganda, supposedly Zelenskyi will limit himself to a meeting with UN representatives.

Moreover, Volodymyr Zelenskyi will speak in the US Congress and this speech was initiated by representatives from the Democratic and Republican parties.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the United States and show that the West is allegedly so tired of the war that it does not even want to listen to Zelenskyi. Previously, we refuted the fake news that graffiti with “Zelenskyi the cannibal” was created in Berlin.

Fake Zelenskyi signed a law legalizing travel abroad for representatives of the LGBTQIA community

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Volodymyr Zelenskyi recently allegedly signed a law allowing members of the LGBTQIA community to travel abroad freely. In the publication, the authors add a screenshot of “news” from the Public website. It is not true.

The case was examined by StopFake analysts who first checked the authenticity of the screenshot itself and found that it was not real. The authors of the fake publication simply used another piece of news with an image of Zelenskyi and changed the name in the photo editor. In addition, on the official website of the president and in the special “Decrees” section there is no information about such a legislative initiative. If one searches there for the LGBTQIA community itself, there are only petitions with various calls, including for permission to travel abroad. And yet, petitions are an attempt by private individuals to appeal to the authorities and advocate for some initiatives. Volodymyr Zelenskyi has nothing to do with the creation of this petition.

The fact-checkers reminded that men aged 18 to 60 years are prohibited from leaving the country according to the Law of Ukraine “On mobilization preparation and mobilization”. If there are documents confirming the condition of such persons as incapable of military service, for example, this category of people can go abroad. But this, of course, is not the only condition. Transgender people also have the right to travel abroad if they have a number of documents. This is stated in the report of the LGBT rights center “Our World”. One needs to have a certificate of transgender transition, contact the civil registration authorities and get a new birth certificate and then a biometric passport. Human rights activists explained that without the appropriate documents and the conclusion of a medical commission - if transgender women have the gender “husband” indicated in their documents - such a person will be subject to mobilization.

Russian propaganda once again instrumentalized the LGBTQIA community and portrays people as weak, unlucky and wanting to “flee abroad” and not perform military service. In this case, the Kremlin appealed to the entire community—lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people, intersex people, and others—and thus hinted at the “frailty” of these people. That even Volodymyr Zelenskyi is allegedly ready to send them out of the country. But the presence of LGBT people in society, and in the army in particular, testifies to the opposite attitude towards the community in Ukrainian discourse.

For example, back in 2018, the association “Ukrainian LGBT Military for Equal Rights” was created in Ukraine. The founder of this organization was the then volunteer of the Donbas battalion, and now a fighter of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade, Viktor Pylypenko, who made his first coming out as a veteran combatant. The organization itself says that it has 300 LGBTQIA military personnel, including 20 couples, and these are only those who have an active social position.

Fake Graffiti with “Zelenskyi the Cannibal” was created in Berlin

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that graffiti with “anti-Ukrainian overtones” was painted on a residential building in Berlin. According to the authors of the fake message, graffiti depicting Volodymyr Zelenskyi eating the hand of a Ukrainian fighter. The hand itself is torn from the body and a Ukrainian chevron is depicted on it. And the inscription on Zelenskyi’s figure is cannibal. The authors refer to a number of German publications, in particular the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper and the national broadcaster Deutsche Welle, and add screenshots of supposedly news from the official pages of the publications. However, this is not true.

StopFake fact-checkers began to analyze this case and found out that such graffiti does not exist. But the German media did not come out with similar news and no mention of “Zelenskyi the cannibal” was found. Accordingly, propagandists used image editors to create images of graffiti. Experts also verified the authenticity of screenshots from fake publications - “news” on the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung website and “story” on the official Instagram account of Deutsche Welle with a photograph of graffiti. Thus, the compilation of photographs is indicated by numerous errors in the design of the German-language text. For example, propagandists wrote “Zelensky” and “Zelinsky”, although according to the German-Ukrainian transliteration the sound “z” is rendered by the letter “s”. Not all German-language publications adhere to these rules, but the Allgemeine Zeitung media workers use the “Selenskyi” form in their materials. On the contrary, Deutsche Welle resorts to international transliteration and is indicated as “Zelenskyy”. But they definitely don’t write like in the previous fake versions.

Regarding the publication of stories in Deutsche Welle, no information about “graffiti” was found on the website or other resources. It is most likely that this story was also made using Photoshop, since the same screenshot is constantly distributed in the Russian segment of social networks: this is indicated by the time of the probable publication of the story. All screenshots indicate that the stock was published 18 hours ago.

We have repeatedly refuted fake news related to fake graffiti or covers on foreign magazines/newspapers. Thus, propagandists seek to show that their rhetoric (for example, that Zelenskyi is hated by the whole world) is also repeated in the West. So it may seem to readers that the public is really dissatisfied with Ukraine. And especially when the authors use elements of popular culture, hinting that people are laughing at the situation in Ukraine and that the Ukrainian agenda for Europe is a reason to laugh.

Read the latest fakes on this topic, where Russia turns a blind eye to false works of street art and pop culture:

It’s as if in The Hague, the capital of European justice, they created graffiti depicting Zelenskyi hanging on the gallows. 

Or look at the fake cover of the allegedly British newspaper The New European, where the Ukrainian president was sitting on the lap of the Dalai Lama. 

And about the fake cover of the numb Volodymyr Zelenskyi from the figure of the dictator Putin and Jesus Christ, read here.

Manipulation Zelenskyi “admitted the failure” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive

Anonymous telegram channels disseminating pro-Russian rhetoric and Russian media claim that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly admitted the failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive. Like, he made such a statement in an interview with CNN. However, this is manipulation.

Analysts from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found that in the interview cited by the propagandists, one of the topics was counteroffensive. However, in response to a request to evaluate its pace, Zelenskyi said that it was “not a film with a happy ending” and that it “will not have a happy ending” because the country has already “lost a lot of people”. This quote was taken out of context by the creators of the manipulation. The president did not once call the counteroffensive a failure throughout the interview.

With this manipulation, Russia wants to strengthen its narrative about the “failure of the counteroffensive” and discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In addition, in this way she wants to force Ukraine and its population to make concessions. They say that the Ukrainian military cannot cope and it is time to end the war on Russia’s terms. Detector Media has more than once debunked other fakes related to the topic of the counteroffensive.

Fake Zelenskyi decided to shell Kostiantynivka to “put pressure on Blinken”

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric disseminate information that “most likely, the strike was carried out by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in order to beg for more weapons”. Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly decided to “put pressure on Blinken”. They also call Kostiantynivka a “large village”. It's fake.

The case was studied by fact-checkers of the Center for Strategic Communications. On September 6, 2023, the Russian military shelled the city of Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. As reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as a result of a missile attack by Russians on a market in Kostiantynivka, 16 people were killed and 33 were injured.

During a joint press conference with Danish Prime Minister Matte Frederiksen in Kyiv, Volodymyr Zelenskyi emphasized: “This is yet another deliberate terrorist attack by the Russian Federation”. He also commented on Russian statements about an allegedly Ukrainian plane that “got to the wrong place”: “This is an absolute lie. We understand what is happening there and what types (of weapons) they hit us with”.

Russian propaganda is trying to shift responsibility for the actions of the Russians onto the Ukrainians, saying that it was Ukraine itself that launched a missile strike on Kostiantynivka, in order to intimidate the citizens of our state. Also, in this way, Russian propagandists intend to encourage Ukrainians to put pressure on the authorities to stop the counter-offensive or demand peace negotiations. Earlier we wrote that the Russians disseminated information that the missile attack on Kostiantynivka was allegedly carried out by the Ukrainian military.

Fake The French publication Franc-Tireur published a cover with Zelenskyi near a house with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are distributing the cover of the supposedly French publication Franc-Tireur with the headline “The House That Zelenskyi Built”. It depicts Volodymyr Zelenskyi standing at the door of the building, and the bloody bodies of Ukrainian soldiers. It's fake.

The case was investigated by fact-checkers of the Center for Countering Disinformation. There is no edition with this cover, and the cover of issue 95 looks different on the magazine's website.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Russian propagandists systematically publish fake covers of famous foreign publications to show that the West is allegedly laughing at Ukraine, and Zelenskyi is to blame for the war because he does not want to stop it. Previously, we refuted the fake news that the American publication Chronicles published a cover story about Russia’s superiority over Ukraine in aviation.

Fake A protest rally was held in Odesa, people demanded “Ukraine without Zelenskyi”

In the Russian segment of Facebook and TikTok, a video allegedly from a protest in Odesa was distributed. People went to the rally allegedly to demand “Ukraine without Zelenskyi”. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the MythDetector project fact-checker. They found that the people in the video did not demand Zelenskyi's resignation, but took to the action against the allocation of funds from the budget for the repair of the Kyiv District Court and the Theater for Young Spectators. People gathered for the action in Odesa for several days in a row, starting from August 28. On September 2, they came out with posters “First the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then everything else”, “My taxes for the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, “The Armed Forces of Ukraine in the first place”. The Facebook users themselves who shared this video are posting posts broadcasting Kremlin narratives.

Thus, the Russian propaganda is trying to spread the opinion that Ukrainians do not support Volodymyr Zelenskyi, but rather demand his resignation. Like, they are dissatisfied with the president of the country and the decisions they make. Earlier, we talked about the manipulation that in Polish online stores Zelenskyi's book is sold in the section about the Nazis.

Manipulation In Polish online stores, Zelenskyi's book is sold in the section about the Nazis

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that the book with the speeches of Volodymyr Zelenskyi is allegedly sold in Polish online stores in the same section as books about the Nazis. “In the “You may like” section, the store automatically offers books about the Volyn massacre, the UPA and, unexpectedly, Mein Kampf”, the telegram channel says. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the VoxCheck fact-checker. The book on the screenshot from the online store belongs to the author Wojciech Rogachin and is called Zelenskyi  Biography, it was published by the publishing house Wielka Litera, it is about the life path of Zelenskyi. Also, on the screenshot distributed by the propagandists, the site allegedly says “Może i się spodobać” – “I might like it”, although the correct word would be “Może ci się spodobać” – “Perhaps you will like it”. Fact-checkers have established that, probably, Russian propaganda distributed a screenshot from the website of the Tania Książka bookstore. There are also differences in the recommended books, and in the price, and in the title of the headings. Moreover, the site does not sell Hitler's book Mein Kampf, but only a critical edition with comments by the Polish historian Eugeniusz Krul.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Poland and continues to promote the narrative that Volodymyr Zelenskyi is a Nazi, like all Ukrainians. Earlier, Detector Media denied the fake that a stamp with Zelenskyi in the image of Hitler was issued in Poland.

Manipulation Volodymyr Zelenskyi called Crimea Russian territory and said he was afraid to transfer hostilities to Russia

The Kremlin media are spreading information that Volodymyr Zelenskyi said in his interview that he is “afraid” to transfer hostilities to the territory of Russia, therefore he “will not attack the Russian Crimea”. Russian propaganda concluded that the President of Ukraine allegedly “hinted that he was ready to give up” the peninsula. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. Russian propaganda fabricated statements by Volodymyr Zelenskyi about Crimea by combining two different excerpts from an interview he gave to the 1+1 TV channel. The President of Ukraine did not make statements about the “Russian” status of Crimea, the “belonging” of the peninsula to Russia and about Ukraine's readiness to abandon Crimea.

Zelenskyi said that Ukraine does not need to transfer hostilities to the territory of Russia, because only the de-occupation of Ukrainian lands is important for the Armed Forces. And on the de-occupation of Crimea, Zelenskyi noted that the liberation of the peninsula and its demilitarization by political means would help Ukraine save the lives of its citizens.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and cause mistrust among Ukrainians. Earlier, Detector Media denied the fake that Zelensky had “usurped” power in Ukraine.

Fake American actress Priscilla Presley urged Volodymyr Zelenskyi to be treated for drug addiction

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are circulating a video message from American actress Priscilla Presley to Volodymyr Zelenskyi, in which she allegedly urges him to seek help for drug addiction. The actress allegedly posted the video on her Instagram page. It's fake.

The case was investigated by fact-checkers of the Center for Countering Disinformation. There is no video message to Volodymyr Zelenskyi of Priscilla Presley's social networks, and the only source where this video was distributed are pro-Kremlin telegram channels.

This fake is part of an enemy campaign to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Like, the president of Ukraine is a drug addict, so he makes a decision in a state of altered consciousness. Earlier, we refuted fakes that American boxer Mike Tyson and American actors Elijah Wood, Dean Norris and John McGinley called on Zelenskyi to be treated for alcohol and drug addiction.

Fake Zelensky's mother-in-law bought a villa on the Egyptian coast with Western humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Such information is disseminated in the Nigerian media segment. Reports say Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly purchased a villa for his mother-in-law, Olha Kyiashko. In the material, the media provide evidence of the purchase of the villa, in particular, they show the relevant documents on the purchase. They also add a “video of investigative journalist” Mohammed Al-Alawi. Subsequently, this information was disseminated by anonymous Russian propaganda telegram channels, reporting that Zelenskyi makes all purchases “from the pockets of taxpayers”. It's a lie.

First of all, the “material-investigation” includes many factual errors. The authors provide a photo of an alleged document on the purchase of real estate, where the future owner of the house is indicated. So the document says that he owns the house of Olha KIYASHKO, although according to the current standards of the state migration service, the transliteration on all documents would look like this - Olha KYIASHKO. The authors did not prove the authenticity of such a “document” and did not explain where they got it from. What the authors were asked more than once in the comments under the video. That is, the contract for the purchase of a villa, at least, does not exactly apply to Olha Kyiashko.

Moreover, regarding the “journalistic investigation video”, it was published on a YouTube channel created a few days before the information about the purchase was thrown out. And the post of the investigative journalist himself raises many questions. Since, upon request in the search engine, Mohammed Al-Alawi, the investigative journalist gives only a link to the material about the purchase of the villa and no additional information about this person. In general, the text is full of value judgments and false information.

Russian propaganda is trying to portray Ukraine as a cradle of corruption in order to devalue and level Ukrainian intentions to fight corruption and further European integration measures. Allegedly, Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate for misappropriated funds from Western partners. In addition, the fight against corruption is one of the requirements of European integration. By dispersing such fakes, propagandists are trying to show that corruption cannot be fixed in Ukraine, which is why it will be taken into the EU or NATO.

Fake The European Union abolishes visa-free travel for Ukraine

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread information that allegedly the European Union is abolishing the visa-free regime for Ukraine. The introduction of a special permit ETIAS is the abolition of visa-free travel and Zelenskyi is to blame for this. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the VoxCheck fact-checker. In fact, the introduction of ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) is a system of long-term permits for crossing the EU border, is not a visa-free abolition. It will come into force only in 2024, not only for Ukraine, but also for other countries that are not members of the EU. Volodymyr Zelenskyi is not associated with this decision.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to sow discouragement among Ukrainians, saying that the West is tired of Ukraine, and to discredit President Volodymyr Zelenskyi they say that  allegedly because of his actions and decisions, Ukraine's relations with the West are deteriorating. Earlier, we refuted the fake that Zelenskyi admitted that the United States started a war in Ukraine.

Fake American actor John McGinley urged Volodymyr Zelenskyi to be treated for drug addiction

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric published a video on Instagram and YouTube in which American actor John McGinley, who played the role of Dr. Cox in the TV series Clinic, allegedly urges Volodymyr Zelenskyi to start drug addiction treatment and take care of himself. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. Actor John McGinley does not have an Instagram account and did not publish his appeal to Volodymyr Zelenskyi. To create this fake, Russian propaganda used the cameo.com website, where one can order a celebrity appeal for a certain amount. The video only mentions the name Volodymyr, but there is no mention of Ukraine.

This is not the first time propagandists have been spreading the message that Volodymyr Zelenskyi has a drug addiction, and the whole world is trying to call him for treatment. Earlier, we refuted fakes that American boxer Mike Tyson and American actors Elijah Wood and Dean Norris called on Zelenskyi to be treated for alcohol and drug addiction.

Fake Volodymyr Zelenskyi is a war criminal

Pro-Kremlin media are spreading information that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi is allegedly a war criminal. Russian deputy Sheremet said that the whole world knows about this: “I am sure that in the near future we will see, I hope, Zelenskyi alive in the dock”. The President of Ukraine allegedly destroys peaceful infrastructure in order to justify the financial resources invested in the “terrorist” regime of Ukraine. It's fake.

The case was studied by the fact-checkers of the Center for Strategic Communications. Not a single institution recognized the President of Ukraine as a criminal. At the same time, Russian President Volodymyr Putin was recognized, and a warrant for his arrest was issued by the International Criminal Court. The strikes on the Kerch bridge, which Volodymyr Zelenskyi commented on, are used by the Russian military. This is a military target, illegally erected by the occupiers.

Thus, the Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the President of Ukraine and shift the responsibility for Russia's crimes to Ukraine. Russian propagandists use the tactics of reflection and bring charges against Volodymyr Zelenskyi the same as they bring against Putin. Earlier, we refuted the fake that Zelenskyi admitted that the United States started a war in Ukraine.

Fake The German edition of Eulenspiegel has published a cover with Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Andrzej Duda

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric distribute the cover of an ostensibly German edition of Eulenspiegel, which depicts Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Polish President Andrzej Duda and the text of the Volyn tragedy. It's fake.

The case was investigated by fact-checkers of the Center for Countering Disinformation. They determined that there was no issue with that cover, and that the barcode on the cover was from another issue.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to spoil relations between Poland and Ukraine and create the appearance that there is tension between the countries supporting each other. Earlier, Detector Media talked about the manipulation that Poland officially demands an apology from Ukraine because of the Volyn tragedy.

Fake In New York, they installed an advertising banner with Zelenskyi and the inscription that “he earned more than a Barbie movie”

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that a banner advertising Volodymyr Zelenskyi was installed in New York with the inscription: “I made 10 times more than a Barbie movie”. The authors add photo evidence to the messages. It is not true.

Fact-checkers of the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council determined that such a banner does not exist. The propagandists used a real photo of the banner and put a photo of Zelenskyi on it. Specialists of the Consulate General of Ukraine in New York confirmed to fact-checkers that the banner about Zelenskyi is not real, and explained what is now depicted on it: an advertisement for the Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter Exhibition.

Thus, propagandists seek to show that their rhetoric is also repeated in the West, so that people get the impression that the whole world is opposed to Ukraine and supports Russia.