Fake Female military personnel on Tinder looking for men who want to "burn Russian children" and "cut Russians"
Such information was disseminated on their telegram by Russian propagandists. As proof, they provide a screenshot of the profiles of three women in military uniforms on Tinder, the dating application. It seems that in the information box about themselves, the servicewomen noted: “I’ll meet a guy who likes to cut Russians”, “You suit me if you want to see Russian children burn”, “Raguli (persons of low culture) from the eastern regions, don’t disturb”.
One of the photos used in such publications allegedly belongs to 25-year-old Kseniia. But this is not true. StopFake recognized the owner: she turned out to be Shura Riazantseva (call sign is Yalta), who now serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Shura Riazantseva told StopFake that she does not have a Tinder profile, and the photo she posted on April 12 was taken from her Instagram page. She wears a beret of the Ukrainian Navy in this photo.
Since the start of the all-out war against Ukraine, Russian propaganda has been spreading fake photos and videos to promote the notion that the Ukrainian military and all Ukrainians in general are Nazis. Thus, they want to justify the war that Russia unleashed in Ukraine. During the occupation, the Russians kill the civilian population, including children, justifying their crimes, they say, this is how they carry out “denazification”, destroy the Nazis who threaten the Russians and Russia.