Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin disinformation about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin disinformation. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions.

On 24 October, on the 973th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Disclosure The occupiers opened a recruiting center for collaborators in the Zaporizhzhia region

As the press service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports, in the temporarily occupied cities of the southern part of the Zaporizhzhia region, representatives of the self-proclaimed authorities are searching for collaborators to create a "mass" for the so-called "spontaneous actions" in referendum support. The occupiers believe that such television stories will reduce the degree of dissatisfaction with the war among Russians. Despite the "material incentives", the local residents are not active enough, so the "mass" is brought from the occupied Crimea.

Fake A Ukrainian prisoner accused the Ukrainian Armed Forces of shelling Olenivka

Russian media and anonymous telegram channels write about this. He said that the goal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was to put psychological pressure on Ukrainian soldiers who "have already laid down their arms" or may become prisoners in the future. It is not true.

StopFake fact-checkers checked the quotes of the captive Serhii Volynsky, which are used by propagandists. In fact, he described the events in Olenivka as an explosion, not as shelling. Volynsky does note that the tragedy will affect the condition and psyche of the prisoners, but not in the context suggested by Russian propagandists. Volynskyi also says that he doesn't know the cause of the fire. There are no accusations against the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the prisoner's words.

Disclosure The Kremlin has developed a manual on how propagandists should write about the "special operation" in Ukraine

 “The Meduza” reports that it has received from its sources two manuals developed in the Kremlin for Russian propagandists and public figures. According to them, the basis of "Russian civilization" was the Orthodox faith, which teaches compassion, love of neighbor and, patience with others. "Special operation" should be compared with the Christening of Russ, and Putin with Alexander Nevsky. The manual’ authors write that the Christening of Russ, as well as the war in Ukraine, lay the "national foundations" as well as "the foundations of the Russia development for the next century." Allegedly, this is due to the "unification of society around the army and the strategic course of the president", and Russia's mission is "to protect the oppressed". One of the goals of the special operation is the "war against the godless," who "use women and children as human shields." They are characterized as "rapists, robbers and, murderers." The Kremlin proposes to use such theses to describe the Ukrainian military. He said, "there is no morality" for them, because most of them are "open Satanists and followers of philanthropic cults." The war was started by "the collective West, which is confident in its rationalism". Propagandists are recommended to use the alleged words of Alexander Nevsky that there is strength in the truth. However, Russian soldiers are convinced of their rightness, because they are continuing the work of their grandfathers - destroying Nazism. As a matter of fact, the theses about love for neighbor and tolerance proposed by the manuals are nullified by the atrocities of Russian soldiers in the occupied territories. Russia accuses Ukrainians and the whole world of Nazism, ignoring the fact that the Russians are the closest to Nazism today. More details. 

Message Ukraine will disappear from the map or world war will begin

Russian propagandists spread such messages by using, in particular, a quote from the American economist Jeffrey Sachs, who has pro-Russian views.

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation, the Kremlin media took the words of former US military officer Murphy Donovan out of context and spread false reports that the population of Odesa will come under Russian control on its own. Donovan's article generally talks about the importance of Odesa for Ukraine.

Fake The Pentagon justified Kyiv for the attack on the prison in Olenivka

Russian media write about it. They said that representatives of the Pentagon believe that the Armed Forces of Ukraine could have "unintentionally" struck the building of the pre-trial detention center in Olenivka. This was allegedly reported by a high-ranking official from the Pentagon. It is not true. Fact-checkers of the "On the other side of the news" project checked the quote. In response to journalists' questions, the American representative says that the last thing he would think about in the context of this event is the Ukrainian attack on Olenivka. He also suggests that such messages are an attempt by the Russians to "derail them from the information path", which is one more fake.

The Russians also claim that the colony in Olenivka, where Ukrainian prisoners of war were held, was fired upon by the Armed Forces of Ukraine with American HIMARS missiles. As evidence, they showed the fragments of rockets. However, the rocket fragments' origin is unknown. There is no evidence that these fragments were discovered in Olenivka. Military experts reported that the video from the colony shows damage from the fire. Such damage is not inherent in the principle of HIMARS’ operation. The Russians do not allow Ukrainian representatives to the scene of the tragedy, nor did the Red Cross and the UN representatives, who acted as guarantors of the withdrawal of the Ukrainian military from Azovstal and their safe detention. 

Manipulation The cover of Vogue with Olena Zelenska shows that the war in Ukraine is fiction

This is what social media users write about. Like, the presidential couple in a country where war is going on should have more important things to do than meetings with public figures, attending concerts, and photo shoots. Apparently, all this is just PR for the president and his wife. It does not.

Fact-checkers of the Logically project write that the statement about a "staged" war is the personal opinion of individual social network users, so it cannot be used to generalize public opinion.

Photographer Annie Leibovitz shot Elena Zelenska for the cover and feature story of the October issue of Vogue magazine. In the interview, the first lady talks about "women's voices of war that also need to be heard". Communication of the presidential couple with foreign celebrities and their interviews for foreign media is an important component of Ukraine's support in the global information space.

Disclosure Ukrainians get messages on the Signal about the "Polonization of Ukraine" and the "Ukrainian-Polish confederation"

 Facebook users told about the mailing. The reports say that allegedly Ukrainian politicians short-sightedly hand over national interests to Poland, and Poles "do not consider us as people, they are Polonizing and will soon "take away" the western regions". They are also trying to convince Ukrainians that "Ukrainian children will be stolen and turned into Poles"; the "absorption of Ukrainians by the Polish nation" is taking place; "our children will not remain Ukrainian in Polish schools"; it is already allegedly about a "Ukrainian-Polish federation or confederation, and in Poland, Ukrainians are increasingly not welcome." It is also alleged that ordinary Poles harass volunteers who collect money for Ukrainian refugees and want to return the western regions of Ukraine under their control, telling at their official events that Lviv is a Polish city." Bandera and the Volyn tragedy are also mentioned in the reports.

In the posts, topics and messages that affect the reader's emotional state are deliberately used. Messages are sent from Russian numbers. Subscribers with the numbers +7 (950) 869-0734 and +7 (908) 186-7552 are served by the operator T2 Mobile in the Rostov region of Russia. In this way, the Russians are once again trying to destroy friendly relations between Ukrainians and Poles and discredit Poland's assistance to Ukraine during the war. 

Manipulation NATO has confirmed that Russia is not fighting at full strength

Russian media write about this regarding the report of the NATO Defense College. They said that NATO analysts "confirmed" that Russia "uses only a small part of its resources and does not use its main trump cards" in the war against Ukraine. This is manipulation.

On July 27, the NATO Defense College published an analytical report on Russian tactics of waging war against Ukraine. However, there is not a single mention in the report that Russia is not fighting at full strength in Ukraine. Instead, it says that Russia has limited use of certain military tactics against Ukraine, but this is explained by the intention to preserve part of the forces for attacking NATO countries. The main point is that Russia did not properly prepare for the invasion of Ukraine and made a significant miscalculation regarding Ukraine and its Armed Forces. Experts write that during the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army showed a strong material weakening of the troops and significant discipline violations. Now, Russia is deploying older weapons more often to strike the territory of Ukraine, which may indicate both the gradual depletion of the stock of high-precision weapons and the planning of a future war against NATO. The report also states that as of July-August 2022, Russia has probably reached the limit of conducting major offensive operations.

Analysts conclude that despite Russia's current apparent inability to defeat Ukrainian forces, the Kremlin still has an opportunity to correct its mistakes, strengthen its army and attack NATO countries in the future. Therefore, the Alliance needs to actively strengthen its defense, because "Russian strategic ambitions are not limited only to Ukraine."

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.