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Disclosure The Kremlin has developed a manual on how propagandists should write about the "special operation" in Ukraine

 “The Meduza” reports that it has received from its sources two manuals developed in the Kremlin for Russian propagandists and public figures. According to them, the basis of "Russian civilization" was the Orthodox faith, which teaches compassion, love of neighbor and, patience with others. "Special operation" should be compared with the Christening of Russ, and Putin with Alexander Nevsky. The manual’ authors write that the Christening of Russ, as well as the war in Ukraine, lay the "national foundations" as well as "the foundations of the Russia development for the next century." Allegedly, this is due to the "unification of society around the army and the strategic course of the president", and Russia's mission is "to protect the oppressed". One of the goals of the special operation is the "war against the godless," who "use women and children as human shields." They are characterized as "rapists, robbers and, murderers." The Kremlin proposes to use such theses to describe the Ukrainian military. He said, "there is no morality" for them, because most of them are "open Satanists and followers of philanthropic cults." The war was started by "the collective West, which is confident in its rationalism". Propagandists are recommended to use the alleged words of Alexander Nevsky that there is strength in the truth. However, Russian soldiers are convinced of their rightness, because they are continuing the work of their grandfathers - destroying Nazism. As a matter of fact, the theses about love for neighbor and tolerance proposed by the manuals are nullified by the atrocities of Russian soldiers in the occupied territories. Russia accuses Ukrainians and the whole world of Nazism, ignoring the fact that the Russians are the closest to Nazism today. More details. 

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