Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Ukrainian refugees allegedly desecrated a mosque in Berlin

Propagandists are spreading information in the media and social networks that Ukrainian refugees allegedly desecrated a mosque in Berlin. Russian propaganda claims that the Ukrainians planted a pig's head wrapped in a Palestinian flag with the inscription “Ukraine supports Israel”. Such “news” refers to the German-language “news resource” Berliner-wochenzeitung, which published fake photographs of the “incident”.

After the dissemination of such information, StopFake checked whether a similar incident involving Ukrainian refugees had occurred in Germany. However, it turned out that the propagandists simply made up this news.

The “newest resource” of the Berliner-wochenzeitung, which acted as the primary source of fake news, has nothing to do with the media. There are only about 50 materials on it (as of July 5), the first of which appeared just a few weeks before the publication about the incident in the mosque - on June 18. On the page of this media it is also impossible to find any information about its editorial office, location and contact information, as real media usually indicate.

StopFake contacted the Berlin mosque (Die Berliner Moschee), which was allegedly desecrated, to find out the details of the incident. The imam of the mosque, Amir Aziz, said that there was no such incident.

The Center for Countering Disinformation, which also checked the propaganda news, verified the information at the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. They reported that the Berlin police had not received any complaints regarding such an “incident”.

Propagandists spread such fake news to discredit Ukrainian refugees and reduce the level of trust among Europeans. Like, they don’t need to be supported if they behave badly.

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