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Маніпуляція “Ukraine will not be able to return all the “lost territories”, political scientist Francis Fukuyama said

Enemy resources are disseminating information that supposedly American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, in an interview with Radio Svoboda (Liberty), spoke about the impossibility of Ukraine returning all occupied territories. This is manipulation.

The case was studied by the fact-checkers from the StopFake project. The American philosopher noted that the only possible option in which Russia would leave the occupied territories is the victory of Ukraine on the battlefield. Also in the interview, Fukuyama said that it is possible that Ukraine will face a situation where not all 100% of the territories can be unoccupied and that the war could continue for a long time. That is, the political scientist spoke only about the “probability” that not all territories of Ukraine will be liberated, but did not claim that this is the only possible scenario.

During the interview, Francis Fukuyama was careful with his statements regarding territorial concessions, and inserted remarks such as: “As a foreigner, I cannot give advice on this issue. This is a question that Ukrainians themselves must answer and make a decision”. Regarding the end of the war unleashed by the Kremlin, the political scientist said that “none of us can predict how long this war will last”. Ultimately, he suggested that the situation could become similar to Israel's as long as Russia continues to exist as a state.

Russian propaganda nourishes the narrative that Ukraine is unable to de-occupy all of its territories and win the war against Russia. With the help of fakes of this kind, propagandists are trying to dissuade the Ukrainian people from victory over Russia and sow fear, uncertainty and doubts in the future.

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