Фейк There is a crematorium in Zaporizhzhia where the bodies of Ukrainian dead soldiers are burned
Pro-Russian propagandists disseminated such information on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels where they broadcast pro-Russian narratives. The reports say, among other things, that instead of the end of the war promised by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, locals are suffocating from the continuous burning of the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers. However, this is fake.
This case was analyzed by VoxCheck specialists. They found out that in Zaporizhzia there are organizations that carry out cremations, but this does not happen in the city itself, but outside its borders, in particular, in Odesa, Kharkiv or Kyiv. But analysts were unable to find the user who complained about the supposedly continuous operation of the crematorium in the city.
Thus, the Russians want to intimidate the civilian population. They say that in Ukraine everything is so bad at the front that the bodies of the dead are burned around the clock, even in residential areas. The enemy is trying to demoralize Ukrainians by manipulating the number of losses. Detector Media has already refuted the Russian fake about the creation of mobile crematoria in the Ukrainian Territorial Defense brigade.