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Маніпуляція The West keeps silent about the events in Olenivka because Ukraine is guilty of the crime

Russian media write about this. Like, in any tragedy that takes place in Ukraine, the West always unjustifiably blames Russia. But, in this case, American weapons were allegedly used, so the Western press keeps silent. It is not true. Fact-checkers of the StopFake project checked the reaction of the Western press to the events in Olenivka. In particular, publications such as CNN, The New York Times, Guardian, AFP, Le Monde, Il Fatto Quotidiano, and others quoted the representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy, Josep Borrell. He said the EU condemns the atrocities committed by the Russian military, which are "inhumane, barbaric acts and seriously violate the Geneva Convention". The European versions of Politico published the words of French President Emmanuel Macron that France would support the investigation of the events in Olenivka and would seek to hold Russia accountable for the mass murder of prisoners of war. Information about the involvement of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the investigation in Olenivka was covered by Reuters, The New York Times, and Deutsche Welle. Materials on the killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war were published by The Guardian and CNN. Therefore, the report of the Russian media about the "silence of the West", which allegedly confirms the Ukrainians’ guilt, is false. Earlier, propagandists were convinced that the US justified the Ukrainian strike on Olenivka, using a distorted quote from a Pentagon representative. In this way, Russia tries to hide its crime. 

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