Spilnota Detector Media
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Фейк Kyiv allegedly recruits terrorists in Africa and the Middle East

Propagandists are spreading baseless accusations in the media that Ukrainian intelligence is allegedly recruiting radicals in Syria, Afghanistan and Mali to organize terrorist attacks on Russian territory. However, this information is yet another attempt to discredit Ukraine.

This was reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. Such accusations are a typical tool of the Russian information war, aimed at forming a negative image of Ukraine in the international arena.

The purpose of spreading such fakes is for Russia to portray Kyiv as a country collaborating with terrorist groups, creating an image of a “dangerous” and “aggressive” state. Accusing Ukraine of collaborating with terrorists allows Moscow to distract attention from the real facts of its support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the Taliban, as well as the international activities of the Wagner PPK. Russia also tries to use such statements to legitimize its own aggression against Ukraine, justifying military actions and attacks on Ukrainian civilians. The Kremlin seeks to sow mistrust towards Ukraine among its international partners in order to weaken its support from Western countries and prevent further military assistance.

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