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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Centers of "black transplantology" work in Ukraine

Russian media spread information that "black transplantology" centers allegedly operate in Ukraine, dealing with illegal human organ transplantation.

For the past eight years, Russian propaganda has constantly been promoting the message that Ukraine is a "supplier of spare parts for Americans and Europeans." It has turned into a center of illegal transplantology and organ trafficking. For example, in the spring of 2022, Russian propaganda launched a fake that the Ukrainian military allegedly "trades the organs of dead and wounded Ukrainian soldiers." Later, they tried attributing involvement in "black transplantology" to Juliia "Taira" Paievska. Media Detector has already refuted these fakes before. It is a lie that has no facts behind it. According to the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center, the existence of "black transplantology" centers in Ukraine is impossible. "In 2020, the director of the National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology, named after O.O. Shalimov, Oleksandr Usenko said that not just one or two people should be involved in a transplant operation, but more than 150 professional and experienced doctors. In addition, appropriate high-tech support and conditions for storage and preservation of organs should be equipped, says the KAC. To do a transplant, you need to know the donor and the patient in advance, do many tests, perform complex operations, fulfill the conditions for transporting organs, etc. It is impossible to do this in the field."    

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